Chapter 1

"Anything else, Mr. Bexell?"

"Please send the documents I gave you, duplicate it first and bring it back when it is ready. That's all, you can leave..."

She quickly left the place, making the sound of her shoes echo loudly within the four walls.

James's day began at five o'clock in the morning. Portia woke up feeling nauseous and he rushed her to the hospital. That night she went to bed at three in the morning, so two hours of sleep had been all she could get, and it was very inconvenient.

His eyes were closing and seemed to slowly drift down his retinas, although he tried not to make a big deal of it. He had to finish his work so he could get the hell out of here.

He picked up his phone.

"Hello, Rose...just calling to check on Portia, put her through," he said. "Hello, sweetheart, how are you?," with a smile on his face, his voice changed completely. "Really? That's great. I'm gonna see you soon. What? It's not easy to get one...I know, baby, I promised you, I know. Listen, well...go get some rest and I'll go see you as soon as i can. I promise. Bye, I love you".

He hung up the call and stood up from his seat. Portia was (sometimes) giving him a hard time.

"You promised me another friend and you still don't have one," she had repeated through the phone.

She was like James; she wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted and wouldn't take "no" for an answer. She was small, her hair was the same color as his; a golden blonde, and her eyes were a beautiful soft brown, just like her mother's. Her face had fine features, and she had, above all, a charming smile that made her father do everything she wanted.

Simply put, it was him in miniature.

He covered her face, tired.

"God, why aren't you here," he whispered.

The memory of Lila's smile dominated his mind at least twice a day. There wasn't a single day when he didn't think of her. It had only been 4 years since her death. They were too young, he was 23, and she was 21.

He never used to talk about her death, he felt immense pain when it came to the subject. It was understandable, grief is painful no matter how many years go by and even more so if there are children involved.

But he had Portia His only hope, and she was slowly slipping away.

He pressed the button on the communicator and quickly spoke.

  • Rose, would you call Peter and tell him to come to the building right away?," he said without further dialogue.

Later, in some café located in the middle of the avenue, very close to Bexell Enterprises, the steaming coffee and the white steam distracted James while he spat with worry everything he was carrying inside.

"I don't know what to do, I usually deal well with her questions. But now it's...different. Portia hasn't stopped asking me to explain about her mother".

"She does it every day, don't worry, she'll get over it. It's completely normal, she's lost her mother, it would be strange if she didn't ask about her"

James looked at him threateningly.

"How do you expect Portia to get over the emptiness of not having a mother?" He exclaimed angrily, "do ou think it's cute when she goes to her friends' birthdays and sees how their mothers are doing, when she doesn't have one? It's not, Peter. It's getting out of hand".

"James," he said seriously, "what Portia needs to know is what happened. You have to explain it to her, as difficult as it may be. If she insists she wants another nanny, or something like that, she may want a mother figure, someone who's always there, who can give her some things that maybe you can't give her, a friend".

He sighed.

"I've tried, I've done it. I've lost count. Nannies come in, nannies go out. They don't keep up, she doesn't like them. I feel like she needs something and I can't give it to her".

Peter picked up his phone and typed something quickly.

"Do you remember Bob?" he asked. James nodded, "he has three children and his wife died when they were little, about three years ago. I remember he went through several agencies until he found Eva. She's still with them".

"Which agency? I've contacted almost every one in this part of town".

"I texted him, I'm sure he'll reply in no time," James nodded and was silent for a moment. Peter continued talking: "You know... no matter how many nannies Portia has, it's only a temporary backup. You'll have to talk to her at some point".

"I know, I... I don't want her to grow up and realize that I couldn't give her enough," he said and looked at him pleadingly, "She's all I have".

Peter looked at his friend, so vulnerable at that moment. He was not a weak person, not even close to that description. He was cold, funny from time to time, only when he was with the right people, with others he was just a strict figure.

His phone vibrated. He picked it up and after reading the message, he spoke.

"Gold Nest. I'll send you the contact".

James nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, thanks,"" he said seriously. "It's a bit risky, but I can try to do something different. Where can I find out more? Where is it?"

"Pretty sure they have different locations, the main one in Seattle".

"Do they have a website?"

"Yes, i guess. I mean they must have one."James looked at him cautiously.

"Thank you" James said seriously.

"It's nothing, don't eat your head off, James. She'll understand," He said and got up from his seat, "I have to go, let me know if you contact the agency, and if so, tell me how you're doing"".

"Where are you going?"

"Brunch with a blonde" He replied and with a mischievous grin left.

Peter and James had known each other since high school. He knew him too well to know that he wouldn't articulate more than 50 words in a conversation. Still, though, he loved him.

James had work, too much work. He had several things to read, several papers to sign, just...too many things.

He had promised Portia to go home earlier. His usual departure time was three in the afternoon, so he would try to be home by two, or maybe one.

It was barely 10:15am when he returned to his office. There were a few hours left. The work was a lot. Although he was in no hurry, he was his own boss and could do as he pleased.

He took the piece of paper Peter gave him, and google the name of the agency.


What kind of name was that?, he thought.

He needed someone reliable, someone who would share with Portia tastes and days, without worry. A kind person, who shared the same values he had for his family and who was honest.

During the long process of babysitting throughout Portias's life, they had run into all sorts of surprises, from theft to carelessness. He didn't want or need that kind of trouble this time.

He put some features into the search engine and thousands of pictures of people popped up on the screen. Men, women, non-binary, each with detailed descriptions and references.

Several looked, shall we say, cold. James didn't want that, he wanted someone who would be an example for Portia, not a strict figurehead.

Beth Roberts, 28, resides in Seattle...

Lucie Jacobs, 23, from New Jersey...

Michelle Evans...etc., etc.

He kept looking until his eyes landed on a fixed point. Luna Scaloni, 24 years old. Single, no children, no commitment, no travel issues. Stable health. And she looked familiar.

The girl had a charming smile.

"She was born March 22, 1989. No diseases, totally healthy. Good person, friendly, sociable."

He continued reading and seemed to have found what he needed. He had found what he was looking for. Or so he thought, at least.

He dialed the number in the description and quickly a voice answered.

"Hello, Gold Nest?" James asked. He put his hand to his temple, "Yes, I'm interested. Yes, I already have. I was interested in... um, Luna Scaloni, I was looking at her profile and references, I...great".

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