Chapter 6: First encounter

Kitara, her mind deeply absorbed in contemplation, found herself at a loss for words, unsure of what response to offer the Alpha. With a furrowed brow, she scanned the depths of her consciousness in search of a reasonable and suitable answer, all the while hoping that she had not inadvertently aroused suspicion or drawn unwanted attention to herself. "My lord," she inwardly whispered, "she is nothing but a mere girl, fervently enamored with the art of combat and the thrill of battle." "Since her arrival in these hallowed halls, she has faithfully and consistently made her way to the arena, eagerly soaking up every moment and honing her skills to the best of her ability." These musings were abruptly interrupted by a voice from behind, a lady interjecting with her own observations, adding an unexpected layer to the already complex situation.

Upon hearing an unexpected interruption, the Alpha swiftly pivoted on his heel, his keen gaze fixated on the source of the disturbance, bristling with an unspoken warning to anyone who dared to disrupt his focus. However, his initial consternation rapidly dissipated as his eyes fell upon the familiar figure of Amaya, one of his most esteemed and trusted servants, with whom he had forged a deep and intimate connection over the years. "Amaya," he breathed in a tone infused with warmth and familiarity, "how do you fare, my beloved and loyal confidant?" "It is always a pleasure to encounter your presence amidst the bustling flurry of daily affairs." His voice resonated with a sense of genuine affection and appreciation, underscoring the depth of their bond and mutual respect.

"Good day, my lord," Amaya replied respectfully. "I was at your quarters earlier, helping you tidy up your room. However, I noticed that you still haven't returned at this time, which seemed unusual to me. That's why I came looking for you.

Alpha listened intently to Amaya's report, then furrowed his brows in thought. "Are you certain that she's just an ordinary person?" he asked, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "Her skills seem too advanced to be learned in just a month." "It's possible that there's more to her than meets the eye."

Amaya cleared her throat before speaking, her eyes darting nervously toward Alpha Mykel. "I must admit, my lord, that I have also been keeping a close eye on her, especially since her level of skill seemed almost too remarkable to be safe." However, after some investigation, I found that she is completely clean and has no connections to any shady activities.

She paused, taking a deep breath, before continuing. "As for her communication skills, my lord, I can assure you that she is not lacking in that department." "In fact, she is quite articulate and communicates with a level of sophistication that belies her humble background."

Alpha Mykel's expression softened slightly, his initial anger subsiding as he listened to Amaya's reassurances. "I see," he said slowly, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose I'll have to take your word for it then." But keep an eye on her, just in case. "We can't afford any surprises in these trying times."

Amaya nodded, relief washing over her as she stepped back, bowing respectfully. "Of course, my lord." Rest assured that I will continue to monitor her closely and report any suspicious behavior.

Kitara's heart was pounding in her chest as she stood before Alpha Mykel, feeling his piercing gaze upon her. She had never been comfortable in the presence of powerful men, and the tense atmosphere only added to her anxiety.

"My lord," she began tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want you to know that it's not that I can't speak out. It's just that my previous owner, a skilled combat fighter, taught me to remain silent and obedient at all times. He was not from this empire, but he decided to sell me off here.

As she spoke, Kitara's mind raced with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she knew that she needed to be honest with Alpha Mykel if she wanted to earn his trust. On the other hand, the memory of her past abuse was still raw and painful, and she felt a sense of shame for allowing herself to be controlled by her former owner.

Alpha Mykel's face remained impassive as he listened to Kitara's explanation; his eyes narrowed in contemplation. "I see," he said slowly, his voice measured. "It's understandable that you would have developed certain habits and behaviors under your previous owner's tutelage."

He paused, leaning back in his chair, as he considered his next words. "However, Kitara, I want you to know that here in this empire, we value individuality and strength of character. I encourage you to find your voice and speak up when you feel the need to do so. "We are all equals here, and your opinions and thoughts are just as important as anyone else's."

Kitara felt a glimmer of hope in her chest as she absorbed Alpha Mykel's words. For the first time in a long while, she felt like she might have a chance at a better life. "Thank you, my lord," she murmured, her eyes shining with gratitude. "I will do my best to become a stronger person and speak up when it's necessary."

Okay, good, but still look after her; you know what the folks in this empire are capable of doing," Alpha Mykel said as he started to walk away. "Okay, my lord, I will try my best to keep her safe," Amaya replied as she bowed, and Kitara also did.

As Alpha Mykel began to walk away, Amaya assured him that she would do everything in her power to keep their charge safe. But before she could turn to speak with Kitara, Alpha Mykel suddenly looked back and posed a troubling question. "Wait a minute," he said, "you were sold to us by a combat trainer, and you're not from our empire." "Are you a potential spy, working to undermine us from within the palace?"

Kitara felt a chill run down her spine as she considered the implications of Alpha Mykel's words. Could they really suspect her of treachery after all she had done to prove her loyalty? She looked over at Amaya, wondering if her friend felt the same sense of unease.

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