Chapter 5
"I'm sorry Betty, don't be mad at me, see I woke up in a really bad mood this morning, I didn't even stop by to get lunch money from my parents," I said to Betty while we walked to the cafeteria to have lunch.
"Really, you still get lunch money from your parents? you really are a good girl,"
"I don't get it, is there anything bad in asking my parents for lunch money?"
"Of course not, it's why I said you're a good girl,"
"Whatever, just don't be mad at me, and by the way why were you late?"
Betty stopped in the hallway, she turned and looked at me,
"I'll tell you why I'm late, my dad changed the furniture in my house, he got new furniture and all that, he changed my room curtains to a black thick curtain and it was hard to tell if it was day or night. So I woke up by 3 AM and decided to play video games, I played it for 3 hours and I didn't know, I didn't even bother checking the time because my black stupid curtain made everywhere look dark. After playing games I slept off, then...."
"Hold on," I interrupted, "How is it my fault your black thick curtain confused you?"
"You would have known how it's your fault if you let me finish my story,"
"Good, so where was I? oh yeah, I slept off and when I woke up, I became confused that it wasn't daybreak yet until I checked my phone and realized it was 8:30 AM. I had to quickly dress and come to school," she said and looked around to see if anyone was listening, she came closer to me and whispered,
"I didn't even shower this morning," she said
"Gross, but I still don't get how it's my fault,"
"Well if you had come by in the morning I would know it's morning already," she said with her teeth joined together.
"Never mind," Betty interrupted, let's go have lunch, she said and walked to the cafeteria. I stood where I was glancing at her as a smile appeared on my face.
Betty Rollins
Betty is my best friend, she's the only reason why I don't get emotional about not having a sister. She's always by my side and when I mean always, I mean always.
The way we met keeps amazing me because it was like we were meant to meet. When I joined this school in 8th grade, I was so shy that I never had the confidence to talk to anyone or even do anything. I literally just go to school, stay in class, and go home when it's closing time. One day in music class our teacher Mr. Karim, gave us some scripts and asked us to compose a song with the lyrics he wrote on the script, he said that we would sing the song in the next class. I was as nervous as hell because I didn't have the courage. I composed a song with the script, well I won't say I composed a song because all I did was use my favorite Nickelodeon T.V show SAM and CAT theme song, and changed the lyrics to his lyrics.
On the day we were finally going to sing the song everyone had done theirs except for me and Betty, when it got to my turn I stood in front of the class and started singing. The moment I looked at Janet's face, I became so nervous that I forgot the lyrics and everything I practiced. Janet was the popular girl in 8th grade as of then but she left the school. The whole class was quiet and they were all looking at me. Just as I was about to give up Betty began to sing the song, I guess she was a big fan of Sam and Cat too, while she started singing she walked to the front of the class and stood with me and then I remembered everything I practiced, after singing the song, the whole class yelled "Hmmmmm," just like the song ended in the T.V show. Everyone stood up and clapped for us except Janet and Mr. Karim who became curious as to how we both sang using the same tone. Betty lied that we practiced together and we got an A.
Since then, we've been besties.
At the cafeteria, I and Betty sat with some of our other friends, Lola, Benita, Anita, and Kelvin. I think Kelvin is gay because I never see him hang out with the boys. I love them but I keep avoiding them because they keep asking if I have a boyfriend and it's so annoying.
While we were having lunch, Victoria and her two silly friends walked to our table and stood next to me because I was sitting at the end of the bench. We all glanced at them without saying a word,
"Hi ladies, I'm sure you're enjoying your stupid lunch," she said as the two girls behind her began to laugh.
"Well I don't care if you're enjoying it or not," she said and looked at me, "Angle, for the last time stay away from Jones, he's my guy and I'm his girl but you're just an angle who should be drawn on a math textbook," she said as the girls behind her laughed really hard.
Betty slammed her hand on the table and stood up,
"Okay first her name is Angie and not Angle... Dicktoria," she said as everyone who heard her gasped.
Victoria was so ashamed that Betty blasted her with her mouth, she had nothing to say so she stormed out of our presence without saying anything.
Shortly after this event, a teacher walked to us with Victoria standing behind her,
"Betty, to the principal's office now," said the teacher. Betty sighed and stood up, "Okay girls maybe later, Victoria has reported me to her dumb mummy," she said and followed the teacher to the principal's office. After they left Victoria was still standing close to us.
"You would be next Angie if you don't stay away from my man," she said and walked out on us. I was so happy Betty insulted Victoria but I wasn't happy that she ended up in the principal's office.