The Drive.

Isabel drove away from the city with the wind in her hair and the sun on her face, feeling free for the first time in a long time. The road stretched out ahead of her, winding through the mountains and the trees. She turned up the radio and let the music wash over her, feeling the rhythm pulse through her body.

The song that played was "Roar" by Katy Perry, and the lyrics resonated with her newfound sense of empowerment:

"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire

'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar

Louder, louder than a lion

'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar"

Isabel sang along, feeling the strength in her voice as she belted out the chorus. She felt like she could conquer anything, that nothing could hold her back. She was a champion, and she was ready to roar.

As she drove further into the mountains, she marveled at the beauty around her. The trees towered over her, their leaves rustling in the breeze. The sun began casting a warm glow over everything. She found herself smiling uncontrollably, feeling more alive than she had in years.

She knew that she didn't have a plan, that she didn't know where she was headed. But for the first time in a long time, that didn't scare her. She was free to go wherever she wanted, to do whatever she wanted. She was her own person, and she would make her own way.

Isabel turned up the music and let herself get lost in the beauty of the moment. She was young and beautiful and magical, and nothing could stop her now. She was ready to take on the world.

Isabel drove for hours, lost in her thoughts and emotions. Despite the liberating feeling of driving away from her old life, doubt crept in at times. Was this the right decision? Would she regret leaving everything behind? But she knew deep down that she couldn't go back to the life she had been living before.

As the miles flew by, she found herself crying a couple of times. She cried for the loss of her old life, for the uncertainty of the future, and for the pain that she had caused Brad. But she also cried tears of relief and joy at the thought of finally being free and starting a new life on her own terms.

As she continued driving, lost in thought, Isabel realized that this day had been longer than any other in her life. She had been on the road for what felt like an eternity, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. She was exhausted, physically and mentally, and she longed for someone to talk to, someone who could make sense of her jumbled thoughts.

It didn’t help that she was driving west and therefore had gained an extra hour on what was already the longest day ever. That immediately reminded her of the concept of daylight savings time and it irritated her so much. She had always felt like her mind worked differently than everyone else's, but this was different.

The thought of losing or gaining an hour of time had always seemed strange to her. Why couldn't the clock just stay the same? Was it really necessary to change it twice a year? She wished there was someone to discuss this with, someone who understood her peculiar way of thinking.

Isabel had always felt like an outsider, even among her closest friends. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she knew that her thoughts and feelings were different from everyone else's. Sometimes she wished she could be "normal," but deep down she knew that she was special. She had a certain magic about her, a way of seeing the world that was entirely her own.

Isabel longed for someone to share her thoughts with, to help her make sense of this strange and unfamiliar feeling. She wished she had a friend like Hermione Granger, who always had the answers and could explain things in a way that made sense.

But she was alone, with only her own thoughts and feelings to guide her. As she continued to drive lost in thought, she suddenly realized that she had been driving for hours without really knowing where she was going and she would need to find somewhere to stay for the night soon.

Isabel took a deep breath and looked around her. It was then that she saw a sign for a cottage rental nestled in the mountains.

She wondered if she was losing her mind, if this was all just a figment of her imagination.

The sign seemed to be calling out to her, and without hesitation, she took the exit and followed the winding road to the cottage.

As she pulled up to the quaint cottage, she felt a sense of peace and serenity wash over her. The surrounding mountains and forest were breathtaking, and she knew that this was where she was meant to be. The song on the radio changed to "Brave" by Sara Bareilles, and the lyrics seemed to be speaking directly to her:

"Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out

Honestly, I wanna see you be brave"

Isabel took a deep breath and felt a surge of courage and determination fill her. She knew that this was just the beginning of her journey and that there would be more moments of doubt and fear, but she was ready to face them head-on. She stepped out of the car and walked towards the cottage with a newfound sense of confidence and hope for the future.

Isabel stood at the entrance of the path leading up to the cottage, taking in the scenery around her. She couldn't believe how familiar it all felt, yet she had never been here before. It was like a dream, a place she had visited countless times in her mind.

The sound of a nearby stream trickling through rocks and birds chirping in the distance added to the magical feeling.

As she took each step, her mind raced with thoughts of what this all meant. Was it déjà vu? Had she been here before in another life? She didn't understand the concept, but it was the only explanation that made sense. She couldn't shake the feeling that this place was significant, that it held some sort of answers for her.

Isabel continued down the path, passing by trees with leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The scent of pine needles and wildflowers filled her nostrils, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in. It was as if the very air around her was alive and magical.

She soon realized that the sun had dipped below the horizon, and the sky was turning a deep shade of violet.

She could see the cottage up ahead, nestled among the trees, and a sense of excitement rushed over her. She quickened her pace, eager to explore this place that felt like home, despite never having been there before.

As she approached, she paused outside the door, taking in the intricate carvings and the old, rustic feel of the wood. She couldn't wait to step inside and see what secrets this place held, but at the same time, she was hesitant. What if it wasn't real? What if it was all in her mind?

Isabel had her hand poised to knock, when she was suddenly hit by a wave of fatigue. It felt like a weight had been dropped onto her shoulders, and she could barely summon the strength to lift her arm.

She leaned heavily against the doorframe, taking in deep breaths of the fresh mountain air.

The breeze carried the scent of pine and the distant sound of a river rushing over rocks. It was a beautiful and peaceful place.

As she stood there, Isabel couldn't help but wonder why she felt so drawn to this place. It was as if she had been here before, in another life or in a dream. The feeling was so strong that she couldn't shake it off, and it left her feeling confused and slightly disoriented. She wondered if there was some kind of magic at work here, something beyond her understanding.

Despite her doubts, Isabel knew that she had to explore this place further. She had to find out what drew her here and what secrets it held. With a deep breath, she lifted her hand and knocked on the door, her heart pounding with anticipation.

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