Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 21


It was just like any other day.

Different people came into the shop, some to buy slaves while others came to buy training equipments.

The day seemed to run by quickly and I was happy about this because I'm always on edge each time someone walks into the shop through that door. There's always this fear that someone would buy Primrose and there would be nothing I would be able to do about it.

By my calculations, it was late in the afternoon when two people suddenly walked into the shop.

One of them was a handsomely dressed man and the other person seemed to be a mysterious woman.

I never particularly take interest in the people that walk into the shop unless they're attempting to buy Primrose but today, I found myself suddenly captivated, not by the man but by the woman.

She gave a powerful but intimidating aura. I took a closer look and our eyes suddenly met and when they did, I couldn't help shrinking back into my cage.

Everything about this person spoke dominance, from her gaze to the way she carried herself. She was scary but alluring at the same time.

I couldn't help but wonder why she was so overly dressed. She was wearing all white. A long white cloak draped over her body while her hand held a white shawl, holding it securely across her face. The only thing I could see was her long white hair and her crystal blue eyes which twinkled with mischief.

I found myself examining her curiously but I quickly returned to my senses when Primrose gave me a light tap.

What the hell is wrong with me today? However the hell she chooses to dress should not be my concern, I should rather be angry. She's another one of those blood sucking demons and her arrival could spell doom for I and Primrose so why couldn't I bring myself to be angry?

My owner quickly rushed to the visitors and welcomed them excessively. He even offered them tea and snacks which could only mean that they're important people.

I can only wish and pray that they don't notice Primrose or try to buy her.

As expected, they were both here to buy a slave. My owner very delightedly told them to take a look at all of us and make their pick but the man who was the only one of the two who had spoken thus far, told my owner that he was the only one who would be purchasing a slave today.

My owner gave the 'go ahead' and the man slowly walked through the shop, his scrutinizing eyes making us all feel bare. The lady just stayed back and watched everything that was going on.

I wasn't worried about myself but my heart was beating wildly in fear that Primrose could possibly be picked.

As the man got closer to our cages, my breath became ragged, my heart beating hard against my chest to the point that I feared that they would hear it.

I could also see Primrose cowering in fear, it was obvious that she was struggling to stay calm. I reached out through the bars of my cage and held her hand from behind, squeezing it reassuringly.

Even if she got picked today, I would do everything in my power to make sure that they wouldn't take her away. I couldn't lose her.

The man finally reached our cages and I held my breath. He suddenly stopped in front of my cage.

"You. Raise your head up so I can get a good look at you." He ordered and I bit my bottom lip, trying to stop myself from saying anything.

I raised my head up slowly but refused to meet his eyes.

"I'm talking to you. Raise your head up now." He ordered again and I realized he was talking to Primrose.

My throat suddenly felt dry.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see that he was closely looking at her, inspecting her like she was some piece of goods.

He smiled satisfactorily and nodded before giving a thumbs up to the cloaked lady still standing close to the entrance.

It took all my self control not to explode at that moment. How disgusting could people be?

Primrose is just 14 years old, she's a freaking minor and it's not hard to see that but she seemed to be the only one that this man had taken interest in.

He stared at her predatorily and my stomach twisted in disgust. I'm sure that if he succeeded in buying her, he only had perverse intentions towards her and that's why I would never let that happen.

If he wanted her, he would have to go through me first and I'm certainly a tough nut to crack.

"I want her. I would like to buy her so you can take her out of the cage." The man said and I knew it was time to make my move.

I attempted to speak but my eyes met with my owner's. He gave me a vicious glare, silently warning me to keep my mouth shut.

I smiled softly, disobeying him is the only form of pleasure I had experienced for months so I don't see why I should stop now.

"She's not going anywhere." I spoke in a confident voice and the man suddenly turned to me with a puzzled expression.

"You heard me creep, you're not taking her anywhere. You won't buy her because I won't let you." I began and a frown formed on the man's face.

"Please sir, ignore this slave. She's always been a loud mouth, she's mentally impaired so pay no mind to her, I'll teach her a lesson. She seems to have forgotten what her place is." My owner cut in, trying to get the man's attention away from me and I couldn't help releasing a long, mocking laughter.

If anyone was out of their mind, it was them with their sick mentalities.

"If anyone's mentally unstable, it's you for being confident enough to pick her despite seeing how young she is. You're not only mentally unstable, you seem to be visually impaired as well. You call yourself a powerful Vampire but you couldn't notice the simple fact that Primrose and I are werewolves, the offspring of your sworn enemy.

You've done so much damage to us throughout the years so now it's finally time for us to repay you in spades. You'll bring nothing but ruination upon yourself by daring to purchase and bring a werewolf into your house." I managed to speak confidently even when I was dying of fear inside.

I hoped that my threats would be enough to scare them away.

"This is treason, Auberon. You dare bring werewolves into our kingdom and try to sell them to our people deceitfully. The king will have your head for this!" The man barked angrily and a small part of me rejoiced. Things seem to be going as planned. A little more heat and my owner will be the one dealing with problems rather than me.

"No, no. Don't believe a word she says, it's all a lie. They used to be Werewolves but they're not anymore because they lost their wolves, it was carefully extracted from them by the use of dark magic. Think about, if they're still Werewolves, why am I able to hold them captive like the other girls? Why are they chained and being treated like the others? They're nothing but weak little humans now, they're no less than toys." My owner quickly explained and the man eyed him suspiciously. I kept my fingers crossed, hoping that Vampires' hatred for werewolves would save Primrose from his clutches.

"If that is the case, why is she speaking so confidently? She not only talked back to a customer, she had the nerve to insult me. You should learn to train your slaves properly, they should never have a loose tongue, it's bad for business. Whether still a werewolf or not, she is clearly ignorant of her place and that in itself is an error." The man spoke spitefully, staring daggers at me but I refused to be intimidated so I stared back at him.

"This little bitch has been pulling this stunt for months now and that's why I've been unable to sell both of them. I've beaten her and given her all sorts of punishment but it doesn't seem to have any effect on her, she just keeps trying to save that other girl. I deeply apologize for her audacity. It seems I've been too easy on her, I'll put her straight right now." My owner said and arrived at my cage in the blink of an eye.

He forced the cage door open, even destroying it in the process and before I could anticipate his next move, he caught me by the hair and dragged me out of the cage.

I landed on the floor with a thud and was not even allowed a moment to breathe before he grabbed my hair again and slapped me hard across the face, sending me to the floor again.

I could taste blood from my busted lip, I could see stars and my cheek was hurting so bad but I refused to cry. I have to stay strong in order to protect Primrose.

I felt a hard kick to my back and I spluttered, hugging my knees tightly as severe pain spread through me.

He grabbed my hair again and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for another blow but I heard something unexpected instead.


After that word, came an uncomfortable silence. I slowly opened one eye when I didn't feel any hit.

"But….." My owner tried to oppose, seemingly unpleased.

"I told you to stop. Let go of her."

It was finally then that I realized that the mysterious lady who had been quiet all along was the one who had spoken.

She was stopping me from being beaten, but why?

As if in total submission, my owner let go of me and I landed on the floor again, pain striking through my entire body.

I tried to stand or sit up at least but it seemed to be impossible. All my muscles had constricted and gone stiff. My hands and feet felt very heavy from all the coagulated blood probably due to the fact that I had been chained and locked in a tiny cage for months. I can't even remember the last time I had walked, the only time I was allowed out of the cage was to be beaten, tortured or molested and I was usually dragged out by the hair.

I tried to sit up but failed miserably, nearly falling on my face. I heard footsteps approaching me and took a look.

I saw that the lady was walking in my direction and as she got closer, my heartbeat only increased.

She finally reached where I was and crouched down, looking me straight in the eyes. I couldn't maintain the gaze so I stared downwards, just to be on the safer side.

"You say you're a werewolf, right?" She suddenly asked, shocking me.

"Yes, I'm a proud wolf and whether I have my wolf or not, nothing is ever going to change that." I blurted out, the bitterness crystal clear in my voice.

She held on tightly to the shawl, keeping her face covered but from the corner of her eyes and the way her irises lit up, I could tell she was smiling and I didn't even know how to take this.

Somehow, she felt like a danger to me. I couldn't predict her next move and I didn't like it.

She stood up easily and turned to my owner.

"Name your price, I want her."

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