Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 27


I woke up feeling better than ever. It's been ages since I've had a good sleep.

My eyes ventured to the clock on the wall and my heart nearly stopped, it's 6:30 PM and dinner is at 7!

If I'm late on the first day, Elva will think badly of me and that'll make it harder to gain her trust.

I got up from bed and rushed to the Armoire at the corner of the room. I opened it and saw it was filled with a good number of clothes, most of which were short dresses but I couldn't worry about that now.

I picked up a green dress and changed into it quickly.

While Elva wasn't looking, I had slipped my pendant into my corset and I'm very grateful that the prince had not asked me to undress. I picked up my pendant and put it around my neck, carefully hiding the pendant inside my dress.

I then wove my hair into a long braid and rushed towards the door. Just as I was about to open it, a knock came.

I opened it and saw a girl in front of me, she beamed a smile at me and somehow, I felt a little relieved when I saw her.

"Hi. It's time for dinner so Elva sent me to come get you. My name is Araxie by the way, you can just call me Ara." She chirped and I smiled, she's friendly and obviously the bubbly type, which isn't all bad.

I'm probably going to need an ally if I hope to survive here.

"It's nice to meet you Ara, my name is Lavinia." I spoke back politely.

"Come on now, dinner will be served soon and Elva doesn't like it when anyone is late." She said and I nodded and followed her out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"You seem to be new around here, I've never seen you before. How'd you end up here?" She asked as we walked through the hallway.

"It's a long story and a painful one, I'd rather not talk about it." I replied monotonously.

I won't just go around telling people about how sad my life has been.

"It's OK, I get that you don't trust me since we've just met but we're slaves and I feel like we should stick together. I get bullied a lot by the others and it's hard to survive in this castle but it wasn't always like this.

My village wasn't very far from here but it got attacked by Vampires. They killed all the people who could pose a threat to them, including my parents and my older brother, they were killed right in front of me.

They captured all the young girls and boys and burned our village to the ground. They brought us all here as slaves, we were tortured and sold as wares, ignoring our pain and trauma.

My pregnant older sister was taken as well, she got married a year ago and it was her first child, her husband was killed too.

She was sold as a breeder, since her pregnancy is proof that she's fertile. All the other Vampires except the royal family usually buy a male and female slave and force them to have kids, which they either sell or keep to groom as blood slaves, sex slaves or even both. Once a female breeder could no longer have children, she would either be killed or sold. Such would be the fate of my sister and that would have been my fate as well but my captors decided that my body wasn't appealing enough so I wasn't classified as a breeder.

I was bought by a noble but was gifted to the royal family, thankfully, no one in the royal family took any interest in me so I was only kept as a servant.

I dress up in bigger clothes and only hope that I don't catch the eyes of any of the Vampire males, I'm at a larger risk since no one has claimed me, even the royal guards could decide to force themselves on me and I wouldn't be able to say a word.

I pray everyday for protection but I know that it's only a matter of time before someone notices me and my suffering begins." She narrated and sniffed, quickly wiping away her tears. I could see that she was genuinely hurt and my heart went out to her.

These monsters clearly have no shame or even a tiny bit of compassion, all they do is hurt people and ruin lives. If only I could, I would put an end to their entire race.

I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." That was all I could say. With each passing second and each atrocity I find out, my hope keeps diminishing. I don't want to give her false hope.

"It's not your fault. It's none of our faults, it's just our bad fate." She said and wiped her tears, straightening up.

I could tell we were getting closer to the Atrium since we'd been walking for some time so I decided to ask the question in my mind.

"Ara, do you mind telling me what's in the East wing of the castle?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper and I saw her eyes go wide.

Could it really be that scary?

"I think it's best you don't know, for now at least." She replied curtly.

"Funny enough, this only makes me more curious. There seems to be something really dangerous or important in there and that's why there are strict rules, I would just like to know what it is I'm supposed to be avoiding." I pushed on.

"Listen to me Lavinia, you just got here. It's better to lay low and obey all the rules or your curiosity might be the death of you. If going there doesn't get you killed, the punishment for breaking an important castle rule will.

So please don't ask me this again because you won't hear it from me." She said and looked at the ground, refusing to meet my gaze.

There's definitely something very fishy going on here and I'll find out what it is. Araxie seems to be the talkative type, I'll draw closer to her and get her to tell me more about the castle, especially the East Wing.

Knowing this place better will facilitate my escape.

Just then, we arrived at the Atrium.

There was a huge, long dining table at the center and chairs surrounded it, a huge candelabra hung at the center, illuminating the room. Most of the chairs were already occupied by different girls, there were about thirty people present.

Just as Ara and I were about to take a seat, Elva walked in with two girls, one of whom I recognize to be Nyx.

"Good evening Elva." They all greeted with their heads bowed and I quickly bowed my head as well.

"Good evening girls. Is everyone here?" Elva asked as her eyes roamed the room.

"No Elva, Marion is currently sick so she's resting in her room. I'll take her dinner to her room later." One of the girls who were seated spoke and Elva gave a nod.

"Linette, Maertisa, serve the food quickly." Nyx ordered and two girls stood and left, probably to go bring the food.

"Is everyone seated in the right places? We have a new girl in the castle and for that reason, I'll repeat the dining rules.

All blood slaves are to be seated at the left and all other slaves at the right side of the table, this is because blood slaves have a special diet to keep fit and ensure that their blood is nutritious enough to subsist the royal family.

While eating, there should be no noise, no side talks, no arguments and certainly no fighting. You're not to waste any bit of food you're given and after you're done, don't linger behind unless you have kitchen duty. Head straight to your rooms. Am I clear?" She asked and I could feel her strong gaze on me.

"Yes Elva." We concurred.

"Now, take your seats." She instructed and I moved away from Ara, heading to the left side of the table. I pushed out a chair and attempted to take a seat but as soon as I moved, I tripped on something and fell hard, the side of my head coming in contact with the dinning table.

My vision blurred for a bit before I was able to steady myself, I could hear the other girls laughing at me but all I could care about was the rousing pain that enveloped the side of my head.

I turned back to take a look at what could have possibly tripped me and realized that it was Nyx!

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