Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 28


She smiled at me mockingly.

She had placed her foot on the way just so I would trip on it and make a fool of myself!

Anger instantly enveloped me as I removed my hand from my aching head and saw blood. I gritted my teeth and balled my hands into fists.

This girl was seriously seeking my dander, she seemed to have it out for me for reasons best known to her.

Just because I'm new here, I won't let her bully me. I also won't fall into her trap, no matter what she does, I mustn't fight her or it'll attract punishment from Elva.

I'll just have to be really careful from now on. When the time is right, I'll make sure to deal with her.

"What is wrong with you? Do you have two left feet or something?" Elva yelled at me, obviously unamused.

"I'm sorry, I felt dazed for a second and lost my balance. It won't happen again." I lied, covering up with an apology.

"It'd better not. You're the blood slave of a prince, it's utterly indispensable that you take care of yourself. You can always be replaced but I'm pretty sure you don't wish to live a short life." She said and I shook my head.

"That's what I thought. So be careful, after having dinner, take care of that little injury. It doesn't look good." She concluded.

"Yes Elva." I replied and quickly took my seat. My head was aching so badly and it was making it difficult to raise my head up or keep my eyes open but I knew that I had to fight the pain.

Nyx took the seat just adjacent to mine on the other side of the table. Oh great, now I'll have to stare at this bitch's face each time I look up.

The two girls returned with lots of food and the one by the name of Maertisa served us, the blood slaves while Linette served the other girls.

I stared at my plate curiously, I had never seen this kind of food before but it smelled really good and I couldn't avoid eating even if I wanted to, that would attract punishment.

I took a bite and instantly loved it. Whatever it is, it's really delicious. I finished my food in a jiffy, completely emptying my plate.

It felt good to eat delicious and wholesome food, rather than the stale bread and water I was forced to eat for months.

By the time I was done, the pain in my head had reduced, I'll just have to sleep the rest off. When subjected to such harsh conditions, the body has no other choice but to adapt.

"Are you all done?" Elva asked, catching all our attention. I had forgotten she was still here.

"Yes." We concurred.

"Good. Now the rest of you please head straight to your rooms. It's advisable to stay awake till it's officially bedtime since your presence might be needed at any time." She said and we all affirmed.

All of us except Maertisa and Linette, got up and headed back to our rooms.

Ara quickly walked up to meet me.

"Hey, are you OK?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine." I answered quickly.

"Are you sure? That bump on your head looks painful. How did you even fall all of a sudden?" She asked and I frowned. She seems to be too interested in me and I don't like it.

"I'm sure you heard my answer when Elva asked the same question. My vision blurred and I fell." I surmised.

"I know you were lying. You were fine before so there's no way that could have suddenly happened. If you don't want to tell me what really happened then you don't have to, I just feel sad that you seem to dislike me so much. You don't have to trust me in order to tell me how you got hurt." She spoke sadly and I stilled for a second.

Of course I don't trust her. I don't trust anyone. She seems so eager to get close to me and I find it suspicious. For all I know, she could be one of Nyx's minions, pretending to be my friend just to gain my trust before stabbing me in the back when I least expected it.

I've been through so much already, trusting people seems impossible now. Everyone only cares about their own selfish motives.

"Why are you so interested in me? Do you want to find out everything about me so you can gossip about me with the others and mock me behind my back?" I asked sternly and I saw the hurt flash across her eyes.

Tears were welling up as well but I wasn't buying it. I'm sure she has some kind of intention.

"I'm sorry if you felt like I was bothering you. I only tried to get close because I have no friends here and you remind me a lot of my older sister. I thought we could be friends but it was selfish of me to try to force my intentions on you. I apologise, I won't bother you again." She said and turned to leave and my heart stung.

Had I been too harsh?

I bit my bottom lip and followed my instincts.

"Wait." I called and she paused but she didn't turn back to look at me.

I sure hope I don't regret this.

"I'm sorry for being such a jerk, it's just that I've been through a lot so it's difficult to trust people or let anyone in." I apologized, playing with my fingers.

She turned to me and wiped her tears before managing a small smile.

"It's OK, I understand. I feel the same way as well, I don't know why but I feel drawn to you. My father always used to tell me that just because we encounter terrible situations or bad people, it doesn't mean we should lose hope in the world. It hurts to trust but loneliness isn't any better." She said and I nodded, she was absolutely right.

First it was Siri, Isis and then Primrose. They were the reason why I fought to stay alive and now I'll need a new motivation and this talkative ray of sunshine could just be it.

"You're right. We all need a friend at some point in our lives. I didn't fall on my own, I got tripped by Nyx." I said the last part in a whisper.

"I had a guess, Valhalla and Nyx pretty much terrorize all of us not only because Elva put them in charge, they're also the favourite slaves of two of the princes.

Nyx is worse, she's so proud and mean. I totally despise her, she made my first few weeks here hell." Ara revealed and I couldn't hold back the question that instantly came to my mind.

"Wait, there's more than one prince?" I asked, bewildered.

"Yes, didn't Elva tell you? She was supposed to tell you about the palace and the royal family." Ara replied.

"She obviously skipped that part. I can't believe there's more than one of him." I uttered and rubbed my temple tiredly while Ara giggled.

"You're so funny and different, not only in looks but behavior. You're just the breath of fresh air that this place needs but you should really be careful, Nyx seems to have it out for you." She pointed out.

"I've already figured that out but unfortunately, I can't seem to understand why she dislikes me so much." I spoke exasperatedly.

"The problem is, even if we find that out, there's just no way to stop her. After Elva, she's the boss around here. If you butt heads with her, you might get into a lot of trouble. She's vicious and she'll do anything just to get you punished." Ara warned and I sighed.

"Well, she picked on the wrong girl. I've been quiet my whole life, even when other people were making life decisions for me and look where it's gotten me. But not anymore, as it stands, I have nothing to lose. I won't let her bully me into silence, if I can't fight her physically, I can always stoop to her level and beat her at her own game.

I'm not trying to prove anything or get anyone's favour, I just want to survive and find a way out of here and for that, I'm willing to do anything." I spoke with determination.

"Sssh. Keep your voice down or someone might hear you. No one has ever been able to escape from this castle. If the Vampires know that you're even nurturing the idea of escaping, you could get killed or worse." She whispered.

"What could be worse than getting killed?" I asked with a scoff.

"Eternal torment. They have dark, dangerous magic and they use it occasionally on people like us. They have underground dungeons where they keep such victims, the walls of the dungeons are fortified so you can't hear the screams of the victims but if you go close enough, you can feel the chills." She narrated.

"Are you just trying to scare me?" I asked and she threw me an annoyed look.

"Do I look like I'm kidding? Just be careful, you really don't want to get into trouble." She cautioned and I sighed.

"Fine, I'll be careful. Thank you for looking out for me." I beamed.

"You're welcome. We should probably split up now before Elva comes and sees us here." She reminded me.

"But I have lots of questions." I objected.

"We'll talk tomorrow. If your master doesn't call on you then I'll find a way so we can be given the same chore. While doing the work, we can talk." She assured me and I beamed a smile. She somehow reminded me of Primrose.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." I bade.

"See you tomorrow, sleep well." She chirped and we went in opposite directions.

I finally got to my room and locked the door behind me.

I took a piece of cloth and dipped it into a glass of water on the table before gently cleaning the small wound on the side of my head. It stung as soon as the cloth came in contact with it.

I cleaned it properly before lying back in bed, my mind wandering to Primrose.

I couldn't help but wonder how she could be doing, it's been hours since we were separated.

I just hope that she hasn't been bought yet. She's still so young and weak, she won't be able to handle this horrible treatment.

I have to come up with a plan soon, anyhow.

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