Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I fell asleep, and as soon as we reached our destination I felt Vicenzo's warm hands on my face, lightly stroking, and when I opened my eyes he wasn't intimidated, and stayed that way, as if he didn't give a shit about my opinion.

I walked away, something occurred to me that those hands that roamed over my face had roamed over Karen's body, and this only got more intense when she came closer announcing the end of the trip.

  • Come on... We're here. - Vicenzo said being too solicitous.

  • All right, where are we going?

  • For a hotel, we need to sleep, tomorrow is free, only at night we will go to that party I mentioned.

  • Right! - I said dryly, walking ahead to the exit, I didn't want to look at him, not at that moment!

We were seated in the car that was already waiting for us in the back seat, and I kept looking at the window, and I felt that he wanted to say something. He wanted to question me for my coldness, but he didn't. He was indifferent too, but I would hit him where it hurt. Mercilessly!

  • I... had reserved a room just Lauren, but I understand that you don't want more. So take suite 404, I'll see if there's any vacancies.

A single room, intended to sleep and wake up with me, that softened me a little, but not enough for me to stop being an idiot.

  • Okay, do as you like. - I said and offered an icy smile.

We arrived at the door of the hotel, luxurious as the previous one, I walked to the lobby without looking at him, and he seemed to avoid looking at me too. Vicenzo walked to reception, presumably to find another room. And I saw his gaze brighten a little as he turned to me.

  • Let's be roommates after all... - He said.

  • No, there has to be another way. - I said crossing my arms, and staring at Vicenzo's jokey expression.

  • There are no other rooms, only rooms without a balcony, and I don't stay in those.

  • No problem, I'll stay! - I said haughtily.

  • No, you're staying where I said, got it? I'm not going to grab you, the problem is you grab me! -She walked out in front of me, but I could see that he was smiling even from the back.

As soon as I got in the elevator I thought - I bet Karen's room has a balcony!

  • Don't provoke me... Let's be civil with each other at least.

  • I agree with it!

We entered the room, and he went straight to take a shower, surely to remove her body odor, I thought in that short period alone to run out of there, but something kept me there. I felt my body bubbling with hate, I threw myself on the bed at the same moment he left, completely naked. Wanting to tease me was obvious, I avoided looking at him at all costs. I just wanted silence, I wanted revenge for what he'd done on the fucking plane. I wanted to be able to extract the jealousy of something that wasn't mine from me.

I took a long shower, and when I got out there was him in his underwear on the bed. He followed me with his eyes as I walked around the room. I lay down on the only bed I had, hoping he would lie down on the auxiliary couch, but I was wrong. He remained, flipping through the channels as if I wasn't there. The silence between the two of us was disturbing, I turned over to sleep a little, that would shorten that distance.

As I listened to the low voice on the TV I woke up, it was dawn when I opened my eyes, I was perfectly warmed up, snuggled up. And when I really realized it, Vicenzo and I were spooning, and I felt his breath on my neck. His arms were keeping me close to him, legs intertwined. I bet he turned up the air conditioning so I was cold. He was so hot, that if I pretended not to have woken up it wouldn't be a problem, and the next day I could blame him for that crime. But I put my butt on his belly again, and it took me a while to fall asleep, especially when I felt his hand from my nightgown holding one of my breasts. That feeling alone was enough for that fire between my legs.

I was cornered, if I turned on the television he would report that I had woken up, if I moved he would wake up, if I closed my eyes I would dream about him, I would say inappropriate things.

So I stared straight ahead, just enjoying the feeling of being with him. And as he pulled me closer and closer, his heavy breathing sent shivers through my body. But somewhere between the pleasure of feeling our bodies fit together and his breath on the back of my neck, I fell asleep.

When I woke up I didn't move, so that feeling wouldn't go away, I felt Vicenzo waking up too, when he finally left to check the messages on his cell phone. He got out of bed, and it was a new day.

I pretended to be waking up at that moment, I faced him standing up answering the messages of the night.

  • You can sleep, it's still early. I need to sort some things out today. - He said, while I pretended the same indifference without answering him. - It won't be as pleasant as sleeping clinging to me, but it will do.

  • Did you hold me at night? - I pretended to be dumb, covering my mouth with the blanket to avoid laughing.

  • You know that yes, you woke up... you put your ass on me. She stayed awake for a long time after that. I don't know what you get for pretending so much.

  • I'm not faking anything! I'm just mad at you...

  • For one more thing you don't admit, understand? - The dark gaze, cast over me urging me on.

  • What I did not admit Vicenzo?

  • That you got jealous, is it hard to admit? - He said that and walked to the bathroom, and I thanked him for not having to answer anything.

He got ready, put on that delicious perfume that set the room on fire and before leaving he said

  • I'll only see you at night, I'll send a driver to pick you up.

I looked at him and flashed a withered smile, was I really going to be without him? All day? He was still standing in the doorway, he seemed to be waiting for me to ask him to stay. But I didn't.

When he left I snuggled back into the duvet, and lay where he had lain before, soaking up his scent from the pillow, I remembered the night before and all I could do was touch myself to push away that primate desire to have him inside of me.

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