Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I spent the day in the room, not intending to leave. Especially since I still hadn't recovered from the plane ride. And despite last night, my upset still boiled over.

I tried to watch television, ate something, took a shower, lay down on the bed, admired the ceiling, put on dozens of clothes, stood like a clown in front of the mirror hoping that day would end as soon as possible. And nothing, absolutely nothing made time pass. I scribbled on some sheets of paper, trying to do it the way my therapist said, but nothing. It would only be sincere if I wrote “Vicenzo" "Vicenzo" "Vicenzo" "Vicenzo" "Vicenzo" "Vicenzo" Thousands of times across the page, because it was just his name that came to mind.

When I picked up my cell phone there were 5 unread messages, and two calls. All from Vicenzo.

3:20 pm Unknown: Hi Lauren, how's your day going?

3:25 pm Unknown: Okay, I get it, you don't want to talk to me! Still with that joke

3:30 pm Unknown: I don't know why I wanted my phone back!

3:35 pm Unknown: I give up! Fuck you!

15:50 Unknown: If you ran away I'll find you again!

I answered him, just in time for the third call to pop across my screen.

  • Relax Vicenzo, I just didn't look at messages.

  • Don't do that again, you understand? I was going to leave where I am and go back to the hotel! Since answering the fucking cell phone would solve that!

  • You charge me so much Vicenzo, and I don't even know why, I'm stuck in the same room. He is going to screw it up! - I hung up the phone, and only later did it occur to me that he wasn't normal, he wasn't a man I could just curse and that's it.

I took a deep breath sitting on the bed, I really needed to start getting ready now. I searched the closet looking for what to wear among the thousand options given by Vicenzo. But I wanted something provocative, I wanted attention. I wanted him to feel desire, anger, jealousy when he saw me, to run his hand over his face like he did when something really pissed him off.

I chose a black dress, the neckline was too revealing, and the length made things more interesting. I did my hair in no rush, so that it was perfect. Good thing I knew how to do that, the lack of money to attend salons reveals some strange talents that we don't even know we have.

I perfumed myself all over, and seeing the curves of my body marked by that dress I felt confident, my hair was smoothed and fell perfectly framing my face. The makeup was nice and well done, and the heels made my butt even more perky than it already was.

I looked in the mirror and I liked what I saw, the confidence that wasn't just a facade of defense, but a real feeling.

The room phone rang, and the driver was already waiting for me.

The gauge of everything is how people look at you, I walked through the lobby and some women were whispering to each other, the men in turn didn't stop staring at me. And I knew I was right.

I got into the exaggerated limousine that Vicenzo sent, and just said "Good night" to the driver who avoided looking at me.

I didn't care, I followed the path and the landscape and the wonderful and warm feeling of that place.

We entered what appeared to be a condominium, full of frills, it didn't take long for me to spot what looked like a castle from afar. Whoever it was was rich, very, very rich!

We parked at the door, and I noticed the amount of beautiful people arriving in their cars. The beautiful dresses, the expensive heels and the posture of someone gliding into the salon.

But where was Vicenzo? After all, what was I doing here without him?

When I entered the hall, the gold decoration jumped out at me, it felt like I was walking in pure gold! I scanned the room to look for him, and that's when I felt him lean against me.

  • Hi Lauren, I don't know if I'm happy that you arrived or if I'm pissed because of this outfit! - The voice warm and low in my ear. I closed my eyes to recover before turning to him.

  • Does this dress bother you? - I spoke close to his face, as I said before it was a game of two. And I was learning the rules. He closed his eyes and bit his lip before looking at me again pulling me out of orbit.

  • I'm not like you Lauren, I speak the truth, always. So yes, your dress bothers the hell out of me. But unfortunately there is no more time to change.

  • Okay, I'll go get a drink! - I said moving away from him, he was so angry with my reaction that he didn't even follow me. He would have followed me if two men hadn't held him in place to talk. Who were they? I didn't know. Criminals, white collar rolled loose around.

I sat at the bar and ordered a glass of white wine, Vicenzo couldn't take his eyes off me. He talked to people measuring my actions. When he walked to the bar he looked at me and said

  • Are you going to stay here all night?

  • What else do I have to do Vicenzo? You didn't introduce me to anyone!

  • You could mingle around the hall! I'm doing business.

"Me too, and should I remind you that bringing me was your idea?" He closed his eyes in disapproval.

  • You're right, "KAREN" - he said emphasizing the name - would be a little more fun.

The moment I heard it he knew it had hit me, he knew it was going to hurt and he said it anyway. Even if I didn't admit my jealousy, it was low and cruel. I think he thought it would encourage me to get up and socialize with people.

But I just remembered my hate and what he did on the plane! I remembered the scene he made when he closed the curtains.

  • Do you want me to have fun Vicenzo? I'm going to have fun! - I said drinking the rest of the glass of wine in one gulp, I got into the dance floor, and started what could cause my death. I started dancing lewdly as the music played, but that wasn't a problem, they were all dancing like that, the men were looking at me and I felt their gazes devouring me, sizing me up. I just wanted one of them to approach me.

Vicenzo remained looking at me with hatred from the other side, drinking his usual whiskey.

A tall, athletic man walked up to me, the jambo brown skin was beautiful with the light brown eyes he had.

He came close to my ear and said in a delicious accent

  • Hi, my name is Ivan, and yours?

  • Lauren, it's nice to meet you! - I also spoke in his ear looking at Vicenzo, I bet that in his mind the look when he closed the curtains that day was echoing several times!

  • Lauren you are beautiful! - Ivan Said - Do you want something to drink?

I accepted, stopped dancing and went to the bar, and followed Vicenzo's gaze all the way, the torture that must have been going on for him to finally get the change made me complete!

I had a shot or two of tequila, Ivan liked to talk in my ear, and I let him, I laughed at the bad jokes told in that delicious accent he had on his lips. When he put his hand on my leg, and stayed still. He just continued the conversation, as if the gesture were part of our intimacy. I looked again and Vicenzo was gone from my sight, I thought about looking, but Ivan wanted my attention. So I paid attention to him. He raised his hand a little higher, and the teasing was now on the sidelines, I didn't want to go any further than that. I took his hand off my leg, and signaled the discomfort I felt. He insisted, and after three minutes the same hand returned to the same place.

Vicenzo appeared next to me, and I finally thanked him!

  • Lauren Let's go! - Said commanding, the look was full of anger

I got up ready to leave, And Ivan made the crucial mistake of pissing Vicenzo off.

  • Where are you going with her? That bitch I saw the fuck first!

The moment he said that, Vicenzo turned around, Ivan didn't need to repeat it for Vicenzo to close his hand and punch the man in the face, Ivan was lying unconscious on the bar.

Vicenzo turned to me and said - Are you happy? Let's go now Lauren!

He dragged me off the premises, the limousine arrived at the meeting point a few minutes after the commotion.

I was afraid when I entered and Vicenzo didn't look at me, he stayed away. Had I gone too far? Fuck, he fucked the woman in my face!

  • Sorry I messed up your business! - I told him

  • I'm not worried about that Lauren, I understand your little show, you did it! Congratulations!

  • Got what? - I teased again

He turned towards me, and I saw it in slow motion! I'm not sure if that was the case.

He got closer as I leaned against the glass more and more. And when he got his mouth close to mine, I was panting, I could hear the sound of my heart beating.

  • You managed to drive me crazy!

  • Should I have punched the guy?

  • Oh you thought I was going to stand still and let him run his hand over you? You've gone crazy!

  • He didn't do anything I didn't want! - I teased again

he laughed at me

  • Lie! And you know how I know it's a lie? - He put a warm hand on my thigh and I don't know the face I made for him to say - See? Look at the shiver, the mouth opening slightly to take a deeper breath, you didn't have that feeling with him, his face bordered on disgust! - He raised his hand a little more - he felt this shiver with him... No, you didn't feel anything! She just felt disgusted with him touching her body.

  • Vicenzo kissed my neck with his hand on my thigh squeezing too hard, pulled the strap of my dress revealing my bare breast, I couldn't resist, he leaned over and put his tongue on my nipple, and raised his hand a little more ... - You deny Lauren something that simply does not give! -He ran a light hand through my panties-You're mine!

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