Life at Risk
I got ready for work, look, and ed out the window a million times to see if I could see him.
And every moment I became more convinced that it had been a dream, pathetic, desperate, and shameful! But still a dream. I scolded myself, that should never happen, it was completely inappropriate, even more so for someone like me, who swore to tell the truth of the facts, was I now letting myself be carried away by a man who threatened me directly? A criminal madman!
My cell phone rang on my desk, I was surprised, but I felt relieved when I saw that it was Amelia. I'll give background on her, she's my best friend. A wonderful person, and makes a point of even unintentionally rubbing these details in my face from time to time. Possessing a wonderful body, she dated or regularly dated half the town without ever feeling guilty about it, and rightfully so. How many times has she had her heart broken? Lots of. So that attitude of hers was acceptable, the emotional involvement, as she said, caused her a certain allergy.
I answered with happiness in my voice, I hadn't said I was unemployed, how would I tell? Did I migrate from work? It seemed to be acceptable to that ruthless lawyer. Fuck, all the more reason to crush me under her Prada shoe, she had a respectable profession, and I assure you, I wouldn't want to face Amelia in any courtroom in the world, she was a beast.
Angry and always ready to attack. And every unfaithful husband in town knew this, if his wife came to Amelia Liamz, you would probably fuck yourself, and fuck you. That's why he loved her, brutally sincere, she was the ray of light amid so much mental crap and filth.
“Hi, you didn’t call me anymore, I thought I had died!”
I spoke in a comical tone.
"What's the news? I called to find out about the news, and it doesn’t come with a whimper because of an article that I turn off and I won’t call back until next week!”
“Oh fuck you, Amelia, I'll tell you something new. I changed jobs!”
“Did you change, like, you got a spike on your ass and you had to or did you change it of your own free will?”
“And does it make a difference?”
Yes, it did, Amélia had been giving me hell for years so that I would feel ashamed and finally launch myself into new challenges, so YES, there was all the difference.
“Okay, I won't ask any more difficult questions, you tell me everything today, we'll have a drink or ten somewhere and then order pizza at your house, how about that?”
"What there was? Didn't you get someone to set your heart on tonight?"
“Be good and accept! Could it be?"
"I was intending to bury myself on my couch after work with a bowl of popcorn to watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians if you don't mind."
“I do care, I went to thousands of dinners and events for that shitty newspaper FOR YOU”
The bitch had emphasized, what hate - So you're going to get ready today and go out with me. And do me a favor, no pantsuits! Beauty?
“Okay Amélia, where and what time?”
“I’ll send you the location and time later, kisses, I love you!”
"I love you more."
I hung up and hurried on, there was no time to waste, and I couldn't be late for my first day.
I looked at myself in the mirror in the lobby of the condominium before leaving confidently, the car was already waiting for me, and my credit card bill too, after so much getting a car from apps.
When I finally entered the building I noticed the number of skinny women with expensive suits and high heels, it was going to take me a while to adjust to that new and unexpected reality for me. I even looked good but in the middle of a bunch of ugly people. Here I would be trampled without mercy. At the reception a familiar face, THANK GOD.
“Hi, sorry to disturb you, but it’s my first day and”
"Don't worry honey, let's go inside"
I followed her like a dog, she was an HR lady, I'm glad I found her lying around. - There's your room, get settled in and I'll send someone to come talk to you, and show you where we keep the coffee, your direct boss is Raquel, isn't it? Well, in that case, someone comes to show you where we keep drinks, or weapons, it's up to you. Decorate however you like, you'll be spending a lot of time here. Oh... I almost forgot, welcome!
She left after bombarding me with information, I didn't even have a chance to think of what to reply. The room was unlike anything I had ever seen, or not as it looked like a movie I once saw, it was so, so beautiful! The glass walls, the decent desk, the fact that I didn't have to stay in a cubicle all day anymore... It was the breath of fresh air I needed. Should I thank the drug dealer clown? Perhaps!
When I sat down at my desk, I just took a picture frame out of my bag, a photo of me and Amelia from some party, how many times she encouraged me, and I didn't even give her the chance to tell her that she was right. I smiled to myself as I thought of everything I went through to be right there, that was where I belonged.
A thin and tall girl walked into my room, too blonde for my taste, she sat down unannounced, but that's ok, the newbie was me.
“Hi, I'm Raquel, you must be the new lady… I'm sorry?”
“Lauren, my name is Lauren.”
“So, I'm the one who will approve or reject your stories, and I'll designate for you what you're going to write about. Reporting team available day and night, just bring me real quality material, three balls out, and STREET, and you will continue with the field research, right?”
I was stunned, she wouldn't let me speak even for a moment.
“So Lauren, I already have the first one. It's all here, any questions... Interpret alone, why don't I babysit a beautiful journalist? Luiz will help you with whatever you need, I want this article by Friday.”
Her haughty gaze looked me up and down like I was nothing and nobody.
"It's okay, Raquel, I'll manage"
I offered a smile, which she didn't return. She just walked out and left me talking to myself.
I bent over the work, my heart was racing, when I read the fucking idea for the article, do I die again? Cartel? I could not.
I felt my stomach turn, I couldn't handle it, I had already been personally threatened, how could I go up there again? The article had been published by the newspaper, I could not plagiarize my work, what could I do next? What the hell was my life like?
A terrible fear invaded me, I had to give up. But on the first day? What if I simply said I was threatened? Maybe they understand, but I would never know if I wasn't sincere.