The emotions Anthony wasn't familiar with. Not until tonight anyway. But now they overwhelmed him. All thanks to Faith Williams.
He was furious. Furious at himself and angry at her. He never made an impulsive decision like this, but he went through it.
In the morning, he woke up feeling even worse. Why couldn't she tell him she was a virgin? He would've sent her home right away. Stupid woman. He shouldn't have been so rough with her and treated her like shit.
He should've stopped as soon as he realized it was her first time. But he couldn't stop himself and kept going. He didn't feel like himself. He was greedy with lust.
He felt a rush of electricity running through his veins as her core tightly hugged his member. He wanted to feel her more. He felt his pants tighten as he imagined being inside her again. And her scent...
It was sweet, subtle, and beautiful.
"Fuck!" he cursed out loud. He wanted her again.
Anthony knew he was being silly. She wouldn't want him again. He was damn sure she despised him. He hurt her. Her first time was wasted on him, after all. Now how to face her in the office...
I will apologize, he told himself.
In the morning, he will call her in the office and tell her he was sorry. She may have been a criminal, but she was still a person. He had no business humiliating her like that.
Faith went to work as usual. She tried to avoid Anthony as best as she could. Does he feel bad for being cruel to me? She wondered.
No, that can't be. The way he treated her last night made it seem like Anthony didn't care enough to feel guilty. And why should he anyway? She was nothing but a petty criminal in his eyes.
Her first time. And it had to be with her cruel boss.
The phone rang on her desk, interrupting her thoughts. It was ringing from his office.
"Yes sir," she picked up right away.
"Come to my office when you have a moment," Anthony said.
Faith hung up the phone and hurried to his office. She lightly knocked on his door.
"Come in," he said.
She walked in and closed the door. She couldn't look him in the eyes as the memories of his cruel behavior kept dancing in her mind. She settled on staring at the framed picture of his dog on his desk. So the big boss is a dog person, huh?
"How are you this morning, Ms. Williams?" Anthony said.
His gentle tone made her heart twitch as she knew what he was capable of. How can he ask her how she was doing? She was still sore from last night. Should she tell him that?
"I'm okay," she responded dryly.
"Why are you standing so far away? Come closer," he ordered.
Faith stepped closer to his desk. She was grateful as the large wooden desk put a distance between them. She could smell his cologne, and it was pleasant.
"I asked you to come in so I can tell you I'm the man of my word," he said grimly.
"Wha...what do you mean?" Faith asked, still not making eye contact with the man.
"I have called the credit card company back and let them know I approved those transactions you made. You're in the clear," he said.
"Thank you, sir."
She waited for him to excuse her, but he walked around the desk Instead. Her heart pounded heavily. God...what if he could hear it!
She froze in place as he walked behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She could feel his warmth seeping through her cotton blouse, and it felt good. She wished her body didn't respond so well to his touch. She should feel disgusted after what he did.
"Are you okay? Is your body in pain?" she shivered as he spoke near her ear. His voice was low and husky.
"I'm fine." She tried to sound confident.
"Faith...may I call you Faith?" he asked, still not removing his hand.
"Yes sir, you may," she said quietly.
"I just want to say..."
The shrill ringing of the phone interrupted the moment. He swiftly removed his hand from her shoulder and picked up the phone. "You may get back to work," he declared before answering the call.
Faith nodded and left the room. She couldn't get out of there fast enough. What the hell was that about? What did Anthony want from her?
She gasped as a realization hit her. What if he wanted to sleep with her again? Maybe after humiliating her last night, he realized she was an easy woman. Maybe he wanted her to become his permanent whore.
She couldn't do that. She remembered the stinging pain from last night when he violently thrust into her. She couldn't keep doing it over and over again.
But could she say no to this powerful man?
"Faith, wait up!"
She halted as she heard her colleague Mark's voice behind her.
"Hello Mark," she forced a smile.
Mark Paterson stood in front of her with a friendly smile on his face. He was one of the few in the office who bothered to talk to her and ask how she was doing.
"Are you coming to the company's Christmas party next week?" Mark asked.
A party? That's right. She did work on some flyers for that.
"I'm not sure," Faith said.
"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to be my date for that? I don't feel like going by myself," Mark looked at her expectantly.
Faith was surprised. She didn't expect anyone to ask her to be their date. Let alone, Mark. She looked at him closely. He was about average height with dark brown eyes and slick black hair. She knew women in her office found him good-looking. Why was he interested in her?
She was thinking too ahead of herself, Faith thought. Mark just wants a friend to accompany him to the party. Nothing else.
But still...if only he had asked before the incident from last night happened. Her body felt violated, and she didn't feel like being near another man anytime soon.
"I don't know, Mark. I may not go, so I'll have to decline. I'm sorry." she said politely.
"Hey, don't worry about it. If you change your mind, call me. Or I will just see you there. You could at least save me a dance, right?" Mark winked.
Faith smiled and nodded.