CHAPTER 3 The Escape
Cecilia's back was burning from Mother's wounds, so she didn't say anything else the rest of the night. Terri's gentle stroking of her hair helped her drift off to sleep.
As her health improved, Cecilia became more familiar with the routine. They were allowed out of their cages for a maximum of 10 minutes in the morning to use the bathroom and bathe.
Those who could not clean and do chores were given food and returned to their cages. After about 30 minutes of cleaning, everyone was returned to their cages, and the cages were raised once more.
One afternoon, Cecilia noticed people entering the shop. She gripped the bars of the cage as she saw a couple speaking with Mother.
“Help! Help me…”
Terri covered Cecilia’s mouth and pushed her back away from the bars and out of sight.
“Are you crazy?” Terri whispered, “You’re going to get yourself beat. They are not going to help you.”
“You don’t know that,” Cecilia retorted as she moved Terri’s hand from her mouth.
“I do know that!”
“I am going to get us out of here.”
Cecilia moved back to the bars and could see the couple looking up at her. She waved at them and yelled again, “Please, please help us!”
The couple spoke to Mother and Mother went over to the panel. The cage began to lower to the ground. Once it hit the ground, Terri moved to the back of the cage. Mother opened the cage and Cecilia stepped out.
“Thank you so much. This crazy…”
Before Cecilia could finish, she felt the whip crack against her back. Mother proceeded to beat Cecilia again.
“Seems like you have a wild one there,” the woman chuckled.
“You should learn your place human,” the man said before kicking her in the stomach.
“How many lashes do you think I should give her?” Mother asked.
“At least twenty. Make sure to not hit her face. She has such a pretty face. You’ll make a lot of money off her,” the woman answered.
“I told you to not do it,” Terri said as she applied healing cream to Cecilia’s back. The wounds that had healed were ripped open again.
"I had to try,” Cecilia mumbled, “I have to get out of here.”
“You can’t. They are Vampires. They won’t let you leave,” Terri said.
"They look like normal people to me," Cecilia remarked.
“No, they are Vampires. Creatures that feed on the blood of humans,” Terri answered.
“Where are you from?” Terri asked.
Cecilia answered, "Atlanta, Georgia."
"That city...that city doesn't exist anymore," Terri said with a scowl.
"What do you mean?" Cecilia questioned.
Terri explained, "It hasn't existed in over 100 years. I think I understand what's going on now. You're not from this realm."
"Wait, what? So, you're saying that I somehow entered another realm where vampires exist, and humans are slaves? Don't be ridiculous," Cecilia said.
"Do you have any other explanation?" Terri responded with a sarcastic retort, "You are from a city that ceased to exist 100 years ago. You have no idea that vampires exist, but like me, you are in a cage. What other explanation is there?"
Cecilia was at a loss for an explanation; not a single one of the people she encountered—not even Mother—exhibited any vampire-like traits. So how could she think any of this was true?
Two weeks had gone by since Cecilia arrived at the pet shop and the schedule hadn’t changed.
Bathe, Eat, Clean, and Repeat. Cecilia stopped trying to get help after her second attempt. She didn’t want to get beat again and focused on learning as much as she could about her surroundings.
Cecilia was startled out of her sleep when the cages were lowered earlier than usual. Terri, already awake, was wide-eyed and clearly distressed.
"What's happening?" Cecilia asked after crawling to her side.
"They're having an inspection. How could I possibly have overlooked this? I lost track of time," Terri responded.
"An inspection? I don't understand. What are you talking about?"
"Before the Hunter's Moon, a doctor comes in to inspect us to determine our health and confirm our blood type," Terri explained, " Cecilia, please behave. If you get into trouble, then so do I. Please don't try to escape."
Donald, one of the shopkeepers, opened the cage before Cecilia had a chance to respond. He ordered them out of the cage.
Terri grabbed Cecilia by her hand and led her out of the cage to the three lines in the middle of the shop. Terri squeezed Cecilia’s hand and nodded to her before taking her position in front of Cecilia. Mother appeared in a silver dress after all the pets had been lined up.
"Pay attention because I won't repeat myself,” Mother began, “The Doctor is here for your annual inspection, and you will respect him and do whatever he tells you. If you try to get away, talk back, or even have a look that I don't agree with, you will be severely punished. Do you understand?"
It was a resounding "Yes, Mother," from everyone.
Cecilia was careful not to move too much as she surveyed her surroundings. She could see the exit as she moved up the line. I could make a run for it, she thought. If she got out of the shop, Cecilia could run and get help. It wasn’t that far of a run from where she was to the entrance.
‘I can do this. I must do this,’ Cecilia thought reassuringly to herself, ‘Donald never pays attention to anything we do. I can do this.’
As soon as Cecilia was about to step out of line, someone sprinted right by her. It was the only male pet in the shop. Cecilia looked hopeful as he darted past Donald and reached the door.
‘He's going to make it,’ Cecilia thought while she watched him reach for the door handle.
Her face turned to horror as she saw the man drop to the ground as he screamed in pain while his collar began shocking him. He began writhing in pain as he clawed at his neck in an attempt to remove the collar.
“What did I say? What did I tell you, Alex?” Mother growled out as she came from the right from the back room. She held a remote and continued pressing a button causing Alex to scream even louder as she continued to shock him.
“Doctor, what is his blood type?” Mother asked.
“Basic. A+,” the Doctor responded as he came from her right looking at a clipboard.
Cecilia paled because she didn’t even see that Mother was that close nor did she see the Doctor. Even if the collars weren’t shock collars, she would have never made it to the door without being caught.
“You were my favorite, Alex,” Mother said as she squatted in front of him to grip his face to force him to look at her, “You disappoint me. I fed you, took care of you, and all you had to do is follow one simple rule.”
“I’m sorry,” Alex cried.
“I told you he’d be the one to run, Mother. You can’t be too kind to these animals,” Donald said as he closed the magazine he was reading.
Mother released Alex’s face and stood up. She wiped his tears off her hands with a handkerchief. “Donald since you were correct on who would run this time. You get to have him.”
Donald grinned as he threw his chair back in one fluid movement as he stood. “Thank you, my lady.”
Donald casually walked over to Alex who was gasping in pain on the ground. Donald pulled him up to his feet.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,” Alex pleaded.
“It’s too late for that now. Mother warned you,” Donald said coolly.
Donald opened his mouth, and his teeth were sharp like little daggers. His canines grew into fangs. Alex began to try to pull away from Donald, but Donald held him in place as he plunged his fangs into his neck severing an artery.
Blood sprayed Donald’s face as he began drinking from Alex.