Chapter 1
It was a drizzly, chilly day. People going down the streets were startled by the rumbling thunder. The lightning streaks may be seen in the sky. The ground is soaked, and the plants are lush. This has been Annalise's saddest day. The incessant downpour coincided with the endless dripping of her tears which seemed to convey that even heaven sympathized with her agony. She was on her knees, sobbing and pleading with the heavens that it was all a dream and that there would be no two tombs in front of her. She wishes his parents were still alive to hug her and tell her it was not true. It is not true that they have left, and it is not true that she is already an orphan. Her incessant cries crushed everyone who heard and witnessed the funeral.
"Annalise, honey, that's enough. You're completely drenched. You might get sick. Come on in, and we'll take you to your new home." A lady with a soft voice gently caress my back. I raised my head and saw a woman with a nice expression on her face. The woman softly smiled at me as she wiped the tears from my eyes. I wept even more as I remembered my departed mother to the woman. The lady looked perplexed and gave me a pitying hug. We remained in that state for a short while until I calmed down.
"Who are you?" I innocently asked a moment after I was able to finally stop crying. I had been crying for a long time and my eyes were swollen and my face was somewhat red. The couple kindly smiled and patted my head.
"We are your mother's friend. I am Aunt Lila and he is Uncle Sandro. From now on, you will be staying with us. We will be your new family." She said. I was taken aback. What about my parents if they are going to be my new family?
"But what about my Mom and Dad?" I reasoned out. My heart bleed when I mention my family.
"Of course they will always be your family. But for the meantime, you will be staying with us. We will take care of you so your parents can rest in peace." She explained patiently. Her voice is as soft as my Mom's.
I locked my gaze on the lady. It appears like the lady is telling the truth. Another plus is that the couple appears to be friendly. Didn't they say that they will take care of me? I shifted my sight to my parents' gravesite. Someone would not have to looked after me if they hadn't died. Papa God took them early away from me. He must be pleased by my parents that He decided to keep them with His side.
I think I don't have a choice but to stay with this couple. I don't really know what to do after I lost both of my parents. I am left too young and too naive. I am just ten years old. What does a child like me can do? I am totally clueless and I am scared. From now on, I will be facing the world alone. The idea of me facing the future challenges of life all by myself, it terrifies me. Maybe, going with this couple is the only choice left for me. I will not be alone anymore.
Before saying goodbye to my parents, I kissed their tombs. "Mom, Dad, I'm leaving for the time being. I vow to see you every day. I can't promise I won't cry any longer, but don't worry, Aunt Lila and Uncle Sandro will look after me. I love you so much." I stare at their tomb once again. I will forever treasure our memories, that even in a short period of time, that even I lost them at the early age, I have felt their love. My mom's warm hug, her caress, her soft and calming voice, my father's laughter, our piggyback ride, his charming smile, them.
I smiled bitterly, it was not supposed to end like this. It was suppose to be one of those family bonding that we always look forward every week. We originally planned to stay at home but I insisted to went to my favorite theme park. I literally cried to my father begging him to bring me there. Dad, later on, agreed. It was raining that day, the traffic is heavy. We were laughing and teasing each other inside the car. When suddenly, the car in front us lose its brake. Everything happened so fast. In just a blink of an eye, both of my parents were gone. Just like that. I sighed.
With that, we left. I was taken to my new home by the couple. On the route to my new family"s home, the two mentioned that they have a son who is presently enrolled in school. Uncle Sandro claims that his kid is attractive, but that he can be nasty at times. I was overjoyed to learn that Uncle Sandro had a son. I have always wished for an elder brother. I even remembered crying to my father expressing my desire for a brother. My father would always laugh at my remark. I was saddened once more when I remembered my parents. They are the coolest parents anyone can have. My Mom is the kindest. She will always read me my favorite bedtime story before tucking me to bed. My Dad, he is my hero. He would always protect me and mom from the bad guys. They love each other so much that even death cannot separate them. In the end, they died holding each others arms.
It was still pouring, but not as heavily, and there was no thunder or lightning. The loud thunder calm down and the rain seems to be stopping anytime soon.
We soon came into a lovely home. The house is three stories tall and has a large yard. I took a good look out the car window at the house.
Aunt Lila smiled as she said, "That will be your new home, Anna." Yes, this will be my new home, but I will always prefer the home where I can be with my parents.
I gave a modest smile and returned my gaze to the house. It was nearly as big as my old home. I inquired after recalling my parents' residence.
"Who will look after our house if I live here?" I wondered. The house where me and my parents shared so many happy memories cannot be abandoned. If I leave our house alone, I know my father will be upset. That house is very special to my father. It was there that we began to form our own family. My parents' sleepless nights when I was a baby, my first walk, our laughters, and many other events took place in that house. That house witnessed the loving family that I once have. That house will always be my safe haven, my comfort.
"Don't worry, we already assigned a caretaker for your house. You can also pay a visit whenever you want. We cannot just allow you live alone. You are too young, honey. We are worried about your safety." Aunt Lila said. Concern is evident in her eyes. I nodded and gently smile. This woman is kind, I can see how sincere she is.
"Thank you, Aunt Lila. I do not really know what to do after they died. We don't have that much relatives and I am not that close with them." I truthfully said. My mother was the only child while my father's relatives lived abroad. I was basically on my own now. Thankfully, Auntie and Uncle are here. At least I will not be alone and I can still have a family.
"We are here!" Uncle exclaimed.
If it's beautiful outside, it's even more beautiful inside Aunt Lila's house.
"Welcome to your new home! I hope you feel comfortable with us, honey." Aunt Lila said. She give me a heart-warming hug, simply hiding the tears that rolled down her face. I hug her back. I am thankful that they found me.
"Honey, that's enough. Anna needs to rest. I'm sure she's exhausted form all of the things that happened." Uncle gently pat Aunt's back. Aunt Lila nodded and her tears were swept away by laughter.
"I'm sorry, dear. I just feel too sad for her." Auntie sadly replied.
"Annalise, honey, come. I will show you your room." She anchored his hands on my arm and we both went up the stairs. Their house screams luxury. From the stunning chandelier, to the beautiful paintings hanged on the wall.
"I am glad that we found you, Annalise. I have been looking for your mother but to no avail. You know, we both went to the same university. We were best of friends." Auntie smilingly told me.
"Ah, those days are the best. We have every time of the world, studying, working, and sleeping. You know, me and your Mom, we worked as a part-timer to went to college. We wanted to be independent so we literally begged our parents to let us work for our tuition fee. We shared the same dormitory to save money. At first, it was so damn hard to live without the assistance of our maids. We don't know how to cook, so we ate burned pancake every morning! We almost set the whole building on fire! Imagine that?" She happily recalled.
"But for some reason, I am always missing those moments. I missed how Melinda, your Mom cried because of her burnt bacon. Ah, those precious moments." Aunt Lila dreamily smile. Somehow, I feel happy to have someone related to my Mom. It comforts me, knowing some things about my Mother.
"I am sure you will love your room. I designed it myself to make you comfortable. I always wanted to have a daughter whom I can go shopping with. But, you see, I can't bear another child. My doctor said it will be too risky for me and my baby. That is why I am thrilled to have you in this house! I can finally have a daughter." She happily exclaimed. No wonder she and my Mom were best friends. They are both loud and funny. Aunt Lila seemed to be excited to have a daughter.
"Here it is!" My room is on the second floor, at the far end. We travelled through a number of rooms before arriving at my room. We passed the master bedroom and even Tito's office here at home.
"This will be your room. By the way, this room across yours is my son's. He may be sleeping now but I will introduce you to him at dinner. For now, rest. I know it's been a though week for you." She said and hugged me.
"You're a brave girl. Your parents must be proud of you. Auntie is always here for you." Aunt Lila added. She tucked some strands of my hair then smile.
"Thank you, Auntie. You are my savior." I replied. She tapped my head before she left. I roamed my eyes in my new room. This will be my room now.
Mom, Dad, if you are watching me, I am fine. Your death still pains me but I will be fine. You don't have to worry about me anymore. It will be hard, I know, but you taught me to be strong. Please guide me.
With a wet tears on my face, I dozed off to sleep.
I'm jolted awake by a loud knock at my door. I got up and opened the door in a daze. Yawning, I reflected on the person who knocked on my door. My vision is kind of blurry so I take time looking at the person standing in front of me.
"Auntie?" I asked. She did not respond. I blinked my eyes several times so I could clearly see the person in front of me.
When I have clearer view of him, I was awed. After seeing his beautiful blue eyes, my mouth was hanging wide. Whoa, who is this guy?
"Your eyes, they have the same color as the ocean!" I pointed him. I was so impressed with his eyes.
"They are beautiful." I said. "Where did you got that? Can I have one too?" I asked smiling.
"Idiot." He murmured. I crunched my nose. He is rude. I was just admiring his beautiful eyes.
"You don't have that much nice attitude." I told him, crossing my arms. He is old and yet he don't have manners.
"You are too noisy, kid. Mom asked me to wake you up. She said dinner is ready." And then he turned his back at me. He is really rude.
"Hey! Who are you?" I asked. I didn't saw him earlier. Although he have the same eyes as Uncle Sandro. Instead of answering me, he just gave me a cold look and continued walking.
"Oh, here you are! Come, let's eat." Aunt Lila suddenly popped out of nowhere. I greeted her good evening and she greeted me back.
"So, did you already exchange names?" She asked, giving me and the guy with a blue eyes a smile.
"Ahm, no. He is rude enough to not answer my questions, Auntie." I told Aunt Lila, pouting. Auntie laughed hard. The guy on the other hand seemed to be annoyed of what I said, based on his dark expression.
"Really? I think he is rude too." Aunt Lila agreed. I smiled triumphantly.
"Mom!" Said by the guy with blue eyes. That stopped Auntie from laughing.
"Okay, sorry son. It's just so funny to see your face like that. By the way, Annalise, this is my son, Alessandre. Alessandre, this is Annalise. She will live here with us from now on. Anna, you can call him older brother." She said, introducing us.
"It's not nice to finally meet you." Older brother Alessandre, said before walking out.
Aunt Lila shrugged her shoulders in disapproval of her son's actions. She didn't seem surprised by brother Alessandre's actions.
"I told you, he's got something going on inside his skull. Maybe it's because I dropped him when he was a newborn and he wounded his head," she said quietly before laughing. I nodded my head to agree. I'm guessing brother Alessandre isn't very friendly. He didn't seem to speak much. When we arrived at the dining area, Uncle Sandro and brother Alessandre were engaged in serious conversation. They have this solemn expression on their faces that reminds me of my father's business talks.
Before returning to my seat, I reluctantly kissed Uncle's cheeks. I sat across from brother Alessandre, next to Aunt Lila. I tried to smile at him, but he didn't respond. My nose was wrinkled up.
All I want to do with him is be friendly. Did my prior nosiness irritate him? His blue eyes piqued my interest and astonished me, that is all. His eye color is different from mine and most of my acquaintances so it is just normal for me to be amazed.
I'd like to have a positive relationship with them, particularly with brother Alessandre. I gave it a thought earlier and I realized that I would be staying with them for a long time. My parents have already left me, so I don"t have a family. I am an orphan, and from now on, the Villareals will be my family.
Never mind, I've got plenty of time to win his affection. I'm sure he is as kind as his parents.
"Honey, what grade are you now in?" Uncle Sandro asked.
"I'm in my first year of high school, Uncle," I replied softly, "and I went to school a year earlier so I'm fairly advanced."
Aunt Lila smiled and nodded. "Our Alessandre here is in his senior year of high school, Anna, and he is pursuing the greatest award," she proudly stated. When she discusses her son, I notice a glint in her eyes. That made me smile. She's a proud mother, I can say.
I exclaimed, "Wow!" Brother Alessandre is wonderful! I wasn't expecting him to perform well in class. He is not only attractive, but also intelligent.
Uncle laughed, "You seemed so amazed, Anna." What he said made me blush. I nodded my head constantly.
"You are fantastic, brother Alessandre! I want to be like you!" I exclaimed. With a mischievous smile, I offer him a thumbs up.
He said, "Too loud, child." What he said made my face flush.
"A thank you will suffice," I murmured. He is being rude again. He never even smile at me for admiring him.
Aunt Lila cautiously inquired, "So... Anna, is it acceptable if we shift you to where Alessandre studies? That way, he can readily supervise and guide you?" She chooses her words carefully not wanting to force me.
It takes a long time for me to respond. I hesitated to say yes. Transferring to a new school means saying goodbye to my friends. I am already comfortable to my old school, besides it is almost half of the school year, yet the Villareals already become my new family, as they have stated. I was going to respond when brother Alessandre interrupted me.
"Just accept it, kid," brother Alessandre said flatly. "That way, you'll be less of a bother to me."
I bit my lower lip and nodded slowly. Aunt Lila clapped her hands and gave me a warm smile.
"We'll speak with your Dean as soon as we can, Anna," Uncle stated.
We finished the meal with a simple talk, and I returned to my room. Brother Alessandre contacted me before I could open my door. I turned to face him, only to be greeted by his stunning blue eyes once more.
He said, "I don't like you," as he slammed his door in my face.
After that, I ask myself, "What was that?"