Chapter 5 Getting Married

Seher without thinking about what was going to happen went smilingly inside his room. When she saw his uncle buddy facing the window of his room she sniffs. She thought again he has something for her to make happy but soon the negative vibes started irrigating her.

"What happend angel? Are you fine? Is there something you want to say but out of words feeling?", in her innocence she started asking standing behind him.

"Your dad wants ... so that marriage makes it feel like a and not a", he said directly the main point without wasting time.

"What?? But the register marriage is also an real one. Isn't it?? That asshole will be mine husband and I will be called her wife. Even though if I don't love him nor want him in my life", she said almost yelling.

"It would have been just near him it was upto you that time if you want to show it publicly or not. But now you will marry him near good amount of guests so that your father's ego get satisfied otherwise he will make you marry someone else", with disappointment in his voice he blurted.

"Fine!! Then if for getting freedom from those so called parent's means to marry a known asshole. I am fine with it but remember only publicly he will be my husband. He can't rule on me, touch me nor can intefere in my life without my permission. He may be my husband but can't show any right's of husband."

"Done dear. I won't make you do something forcefully unless it's needed. And I am sure my son doesn't even wants any husband rights on you too."

"That's only better for him."

She walked out of the room when she was done without turning back. She was angry right now for getting in this situation but didn't had choice. Seher went to backyard kneeled down and shouted as much as loud she could. Her frustration with her life was god gifted for her. The more she thinks she is okay, fine now in a good condition the more it gets complicated for her.

She went inside to divert her mind after bringing out her furstration and anger. She again made herself happy as she don't like to be sad because of other's. She went directly to the kitchen to grab something which makes her mood good.



Aarav's mom called him home and asked to come directly to his room. He was busy with torturing some people who tried to go against his father and planned to kill him. He may not have a good bond with his father but he never thought of hurting him.

He came home when he got call and went his room as he was asked to do. Myra and Ayan were sitting in hall wandering what is going on. Ayan tried to talk with Myra but she was giving him cold shoulder. Ayan was feeling suffocating due to his avoiding nature, he wanted his flirting, irritating, loving Myra back which was looking impossible.

When Ayan went his room he knew more worst was going to come for him. The thing that he was getting married was making him irritated and now what he was going to listen will make him more. He sat beside his tensed mother keeping his hand on hers looking in her eyes but she was looking down thinking something.

"Mom what happened?? You called me with so much urgency? Is everything fine? My so called marriage is at evening right, then why am I called now? Tell me mom what more worst is coming for me?"

"Yes your marriage is this evening but not a register marriage in home. It's going to be publicly in church as your father changed his decision. Be ready on time with a proper tuxedo ask Myra she will help you."

"Why father wants me to marry her mom? Last night you both said we will do register marriage now you are saying I will marry her in church? Why you guys are doing this to me? Do my choice doesn't matter for you?"

"Sorry!! Son! But do as your dad says. You know right this marriage is just for a name but as you are legally her husband. You can give a try if you want she is a nice girl and I am sure she will be a great partner to you. Have patience."

Her mom leaves before he argues or says something like always. He was mad now and wanted to know what is the matter that is making him marry a girl. Why is he being married to a girl whom he don't likes? Why

When he was passing the living room his eyes did a small search for her. His eyes fall on a girl who was busy eating in dinning table with stuffs. He got irritated thinking how can someone eat in this situation when he feels losing his appetite.

He left for office this time as to maintain their billionaire image they run many companies too. He looks after some company with Ayan and other is handled by his dad too. His mind was fixed with Seher's thought which made him feel not to work. But he still tried to do so work sitting there till evening for getting a peace of mind.



In evening they reached St. Sebastian Church with Myra making Seher ready for wedding. She don't like makeup as her natural beauty skin don't needs that at all nor she wants. It was just about wearing the attire and dressing hair.

Seher was wearing a sleevless white gown with rose petals made on her chest side of peach pink colour. Her gown had a golden belt on her waist with a layered flare down to ground after that. She was wearing a beautiful veil covering her face till her waist from front and backside it was 2m long floating in ground. She wore her gloves with a diamond bracelet her grandma gifted her before she dies.

After very much insisting Seher wore eyeliner and cherry red lipstick as blood red lipstick makes her feel yak... She was fully ready now and when the clock tucked on 7 she started walking to his groom.

The whole church was crowded with many people. Generally, bride is taken by her father but as he never did his father's duty Seher rejected to go with him. She went alone with pink and white rose bouquet in her hands looking adorable, hot, sexy and beautiful.

Aarav was breathing heavy seeing his wife though he didn't want this marriage it made him nervous still. He was chanting "Fake marriage" word in his mind to calm down but it didn't worked at all. Here, Seher felt nervous too as it was a real wedding even if she won't play wife role. The crowd was gawking at her and this was making her more nervous making her realize this is a real marriage which is not a joke.

Seher reached the stage and for helping her Aarav extended his hand but she extended towards Ayan. Ayan helped her coming up which made Aarav to build a scowl.

He muttered "How dare she to ignore me like this in our wedding day? For what is she showing me cold shoulder's? When she is the one who came in my life to be my wife. Why is she making me feel the extruder who is forcing her to marry?"

He is right but she is not showing cold shoulder because of that. She was showing so he understands "I don't give a shit to you" idea. She wanted to make it clear that this marriage don't holds any feeling from her side for him not now nor in future. But poor souls don't know the future holds something else for them. May be? What say?

He was checking his would be wife and she looked more gorgoeus, beautiful, hot and sexy from his every fling. He was just so mesmerized by her beauty first time he was having a proper and good angle view of her. "She is looking so much beautiful like a doll", he said in a low voice but Ayan heard it and giggled making Aarav frown.

Aarav was lookig handsome too as finally she took a quick glance of his attire. Myra choosed a violet velvet tuxedo for him as she wanted something new and different colour for his brother. In the pocktet of his coat there was a pink and white Rose kept same like she was holding.

Seher asked Myra to stand beside her right hand side and Myra gave a questioning look to her. But she said to stand there again and will tell her the reason afterwards she did. The church father started saying the vows and one by one they repeated it.

I , Aarav Singahnia , take you, Seher D'souza to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

I, Seher D'souza, take you, Aarav Singhania to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

Then Aarav places the ring on her finger vowing

With this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Seher places ring on his fingers and the father of the church ask them to kiss. Both feels throat getting dry hearing this and their nervousness gets a bit more increased. Aarav bends a bit to smash his soft pink lips which was today cherry red. Before he could smash she placed her thumb making Aarav get shocked with her act. Aarav gets back and the audience started clapping but his gaze fixed on this girl who was now his wife.

Seher finally looked to his groom and smirked for a second she felt like her heart stopped beating seeing him. His husband was deadly handsome with brown colour eyes, raven hair, perfect jawline, and his anger in his face makes him more perfect.

She shifted her gaze from him when she saw his clenched jaw getting released. He didn't expect her to look at him finally after the marriage and when she did he felt the world stopped for him. Her pretty beautiful face with blue eyes long lashes were staring him making him flattered for her.

Aarav's mom dad were smiling looking them married but sadness was clear too. No matter how much Mr. And Mrs. Singhania wanted this marriage to be real one. They knew it was a fake one in reality as it was just for the sake of this girl Seher.

Aarav's dad promised her grandma that he will be taking care of her granddaughter after her. But was confused when he didn't understood how to get her in his home when her parent's are alive and won't allow to adopt her.

He saw his son getting everyday with a new fling and getting a lusty monster. He wanted his son to be a sober and gentle man like him or more than better one that's why he decided this angel soul girl will be his love.

They hugged their parent's ignoring her parents fully and left the church. In the car Aarav, Ayan, Myra and Seher were sitting with Ayan and Myra in front and the just married couple behind. Both tried to have a glance of each other together and got caught with their action. Seher wanted to be rude to him but after seeing his husband it was getting difficult for her to say.

After convincing herself for more than 10 mins she started saying looking down.

"We did the marriage in public but will not be like an husband and wife in home. We will stay in safe distance from each other minding our own business without putting nose on other's. Even if you are mine husband you can fuck your bitch whenever you want. I don't mind with it. In public we will behave like a husband and wife but don't try to be too cozy with me."

Aarav was thinking about making it clear for her to not keep any hopes with this marriage. But everything seemed equal here both didn't wanted this marriage. Still Aarav was feeling bad from inside didn't know why.

He clenched his jaws hearing these but felt more angry on himself when she said he can fuck his bitch. He felt bad knowing that his wife already knows his womanizer side which he didn't wanted her to know. He doesn't knows why but he knew she shouldn't have known it. He fisted his hand on sides just to control his anger with clenched jaws.

They reached home and Seher went straight to her room for changing her clothes. Aarav went after her going to her room and he his room. Seher came out after changing her clothes to comfortable one's for dinner as they didn't wanted to tolerate his cheap father anymore. When she reached she saw everyone was there with his husband sitting on the table too.

She looked for the chair but she couldn't figure out where to sit as the place near Aarav was empty and belonged to her. "Sit over there sweetheart. Why are you standing like that?, her mom said making her give small forceful smile towards her mom.

Ayan and Myra knew why she was standing and giggled whereas Aarav was silently eating his food ignoring everyone. He took his wife's quick glance with a worried expression of sitting near him. Her cold look towards him was the most irritating thing for her in this world. He shifted his gaze to his food and saw her sitting beside him from corner of her eyes.

She hesitatingly sat beside him smile with a death glare to her new friends. They stopped giggling and everyone continued with their food. Aarav with his parents left the dinning room after finishing dinner and now Seher was back in her own way.

"Why the hell were you two giggling? Don't you know I just hate this asshole still you kept place for me near him? Such a bad friend you are Ayan atleast you should have sit there."

"Yeah Ayan you should have sit in your usual place. Why did you do that to Seher?", Myra smirked finishing because she said truth and Ayan was speechless.

"What he sits here? I mean he sits here in my place everyday...I meant the place where I am sitting right now."

"Yes Seher he sits there but today he sat here. Idk why??", Myra knew because she is avoiding him he came but pretended as if she don't knows.

Seher was giving death glares to Ayan waiting for the answer. Ayan looking at her got nervous but said as she got married today he thought that place belongs to her. Seher listening this yelled at him You and ran behind him while he was running here and there to save himself for her. Myra was the one who was enjoying the whole scene and was getting fully entertained.

"If I sat here Myra could have sit there. Why she didn't sat there ask her? Why are you chasing me and beating me only? She also didn't helped you", Ayan choosed a smart move to drag her too in this predator chasing game.

When she turned behind to look Myra she already started running hearing this. She knew now she is gone Seher is going to irritate her. "Fine let it be. I know why you guys did that but that doesn't means you will make me sit with him. You know it's so awkward to sit with your legal husband whom you don't want to think like a husband."

"Sorry Seher we want to do that again. Sorry!!!", they said unison.

"Fine then let's go for a long drive and have a icecream. What say?", she said like a excited kid.

"Yup sounds good. Let's go."

Now both were staring at Ayan who was about to say no but said yes at end. As the two beautiful girls were giving their puppy looks to him and who can deny that.

They went for a long drive and Aarav saw them going out together laughingly from his balcony. He was not able to sleep and was moving hence and forth. When his eyes fall on them he wandered how she made his people her so easily. Is that she this good to make people their own. "Even you feel attracted Aarav don't forget", his mind mocked.

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