Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I stepped into my art gallery, taking a deep breath to savor the familiar scent of paint, canvas, and inspiration that permeated the space. It was another day in the world I had built for myself—a world where art thrived, and creativity was the lifeblood that pulsed through my veins.

Denver’s morning sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow on the pristine white walls. I glanced around at the vibrant paintings hanging in perfect harmony, each brushstroke telling a story of its own. It filled me with a sense of pride, knowing that I had both curated and added to this collection from talented artists all around the world.

As I made my way to my office, I flipped on the stereo, creating a serene atmosphere. I loved how the melodies whispered in the background, adding a touch of elegance to my workspace. I spent a lot of time here; I might as well enjoy it.

Taking a seat behind my desk, I reached for an energy drink from the mini fridge beneath my desk. It had been a long night with Renee and the guys …not that I minded. Our experience had been surreal. Beautiful.

Although Jake and Matt had never expressed any interest in the same sex, I’d been bi-curious for many years. Only last night had I acted on those impulses and was rewarded in return. It surprised me quite a bit that Jake and Matt had been on board with Renee’s original plan, but the real shock came with the fucking that happened between the four of us.

I opened my laptop, diving into the world of emails, event planning, and artist collaborations. The first thing I noted was an email from Celia.

Call me as soon as you get this, the email read. I have some exciting news.

Grinning, I reached for my phone but then stopped. I needed to work first. Needed to dive into my art and remind myself why exactly I loved this career so much. Not that I ever needed much reminding.

A moment later I stood in the middle of my art studio, surrounded by an explosion of colors, brushes, and canvases. The walls were adorned with masterpieces in progress, their unfinished forms capturing moments frozen in time. This was my sanctuary, a place where my imagination ran free and my creativity knew no bounds.

I dipped my brush into a pool of vibrant red paint, feeling the smooth bristles glide against the palette. As I lifted it to the canvas, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins. Every stroke was a dance, a dialogue between my hand and the empty space before me. With each deliberate movement, I breathed life into my vision.

The room was filled with the soft hum of music, its rhythmic melodies blending seamlessly with the sounds of my brush caressing the canvas. The song provided a backdrop, a soundtrack to my journey. It fueled my emotions, stirring something deep within me that only art could bring forth.

Hours slipped away effortlessly as I became lost in the world of creation. The outside world faded into insignificance, and all that mattered were the colors at my disposal and the stories waiting to be told. With each stroke, I built layers of depth, each one revealing a part of me, a fragment of my soul. As I stepped back to admire my progress, a sense of fulfillment washed over me. The canvas bore witness to my emotions, my struggles, and my triumphs. It reflected the highs and lows of life, the interplay of light and darkness.

I often had to tell Renee and the boys that the studio wasn't just a space; it was a sacred realm where ideas took shape and dreams manifested. It was where I found solace, where I could be vulnerable and courageous at the same time. The blank canvases were my playground, my proving ground, and my endless source of inspiration. It was hard for them to understand that sometimes, but they were getting there. Especially now that I’d been noticed by a big shot. I might actually be somebody, after all.

With renewed determination, I picked up another brush and continued to create. There were still countless stories to be told, countless emotions waiting to be unleashed onto the canvas. This was my calling, my purpose, and I would devote myself to the pursuit of art, one brushstroke at a time.

As the day drew to a close, I walked through the studio one last time, ensuring everything was in its rightful place. The hum of the overhead lights seemed to echo a symphony of accomplishment, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. My art studio was more than just a business venture—it was my sanctuary, my haven where dreams were realized and beauty thrived.

As I went to turn off the lights, my phone vibrated with a phone call. I answered without looking at the screen, pausing at the window to look out into the darkness of a cold Denver night.

“Aaron,” Celia said. “I hadn’t gotten an email response, so I figured I’d just call.”

“Hey,” I said, relieved to be hearing from her despite my delay in the email. I’d feared that after the gallery, she would decide I wasn’t worth her time.

“I have news,” she said. I shoved my free hand into the pocket of my jeans, waiting patiently for her to go on. “You’ve been offered an incredible opportunity,” she continued. “But … there’s a dilemma.”

There was always a catch, wasn’t there?

“What’s the dilemma, Celia?”

“You’d have to move.”


She hesitated only briefly. “Chicago.”

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