Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 16

When we came out of the conference room Emma held my hand and took me in different direction from others.

Adam and Ben followed us till her cabin when she turned towards Ben and gestured something which I couldn't understand.

It is making me more irritated that I couldn't understand what she is saying.

But I saw that Ben and Adam did not follow us and we were the only one inside.

She went and sat on the couch in her office and I followed her.

She took out her notepad outside and wrote something and showed me.

"Did you know this is going to happen?"

"Yes" I said seeing her.

"Did you do something for this to happen?" she again wrote in her notepad and showed me.

"Why do you think I have something to do with this?" I asked her back so I can't answer her question.

"I saw that glint of achievement in your eyes" she wrote seeing accusingly at me.

"Maybe" I said not seeing her.

She made me turn towards her and showed the notebook where it was written "What do you mean by maybe?"

I gave out a sigh and said "I wanted to be with you that's it" looking at her.

I saw tears forming in her eyes so I hugged her immediately.

"If you feel burdened it is fine we can cancel everything. I just thought we can be together after this merge as the CEO's stay in the same building so I went and asked dad if he is ready and he was sure about you" I said hugging her and added "I missed you" slowly.

She pushed me back slightly and took her notepad writing something.

"It is fine. I am just afraid" she showed it.

"Don't be afraid Emma, everything will be fine. I trust you, you will do best. I will be there with you helping you if you need anything" I said her with my utmost sincerity.

She flung towards me hugging me which made me lost my balance and I fell on the couch while she fell upon on me.

We were so close that if anyone of us moved our face just a centimetre our lips would be touching.

This time to my surprise she started bending towards me when we heard a knock.

She suddenly got up and stood while I regained what happened cursing the person who knocked the door.

She went to her table and pressed a button which opened the door to let the person inside.

Adam came inside and said "Mr. King it is time for the meeting. We should get going"

Damn Adam he always knows how to disturb us. He was the one who called today morning as well.

"Okay, wait outside. I will come" I said and he left from there after giving a nod.

I went towards her and hugged her from back keeping my chin on her shoulder.

"I will be back at 7 to pick you up" I said to her and kissed her ear.

I reluctantly left her and was going towards the door when I felt her grip my hand.

I turned towards her and she is showing her notepad.

"I missed you too" is written on it as a reply from the earlier.

I bent down and gave her a peck on her cheek and left from there.

Emma's POV:

After Asher left I went back to my work but from 6 o'clock the time isn't moving at all. How many times I see it just moves a minute.

When the clock hit 7 I could not wait any longer so I was taking my phone out when I heard the ring.

"Emma I am outside" I heard his voice and hung his phone.

I quickly took my things and left from there.

When I came out I saw the Maserati and went towards it.

I took my seat in the passenger's door and turned towards him.

"Hello Mrs. King" he said with his ususal smirk.

I waved a Hi and he started the car.

The car ride was filled with comfortable silence when I heard him humming a tune.

It is the most beautiful sound I ever heard in my life apart from his laughter.

We reached our home and when we entered the house I directly made my way to my room to change.

After coming out of the bathroom I saw Asher standing at my door looking at me in his sweatpants and t-shirt.

Luckily I wasn't in a towel like usual but in my clothes which I decide to take inside with me today.

He came and stood in front of me touching my cheek with the back of his palm.

"When are you going to shift your things?" he asked slowly looking in my eyes.

I took my notepad from the table nearby and wrote "In your room?" showing him.

"Emma it is not only mine, it is yours as well. So it's ours" he said looking in my eyes with sincerity and added "Everything which is mine is yours as well"

I nodded and wrote "Tomorrow" in the notepad showing him.

"Okay" he said and added "Come on I am hungry" dragging me to the door.

We went to kitchen and I took out all vegetables and meat to prepare our dinner while he sat at the kitchen counter.

"Do you want any help?" he asked from where he was sitting.

"Do you know how to cook?" I wrote and showed him with a teasing smile.

"There is nothing that Asher King doesn't know" he said coming near me.

I raised my eyebrow challenging him.

"For today I will just help. But one day you will eat what I prepared. So be ready Mrs. King" he said with his smirk.

I just nodded to make him feel better knowing that he was just bluffing as once Mary said he never comes into kitchen.

I gave him vegetables to cut which were easy and showed him how I wanted them.

After some time the dinner was ready and we took everything to the dining table.

We sat in our places and started eating our food with him talking in between.

I felt happy with how things are going on from compared to the start of our wedding.

We went to our room (as said by Asher) and he went inside the closet and came outside in his boxers like yesterday but it still felt new to me seeing him like that.

At first it was uncomfortable but when he pulled me in his arms I felt relaxed and sleep consumed me immediately.


The younger version of me was sitting in a very lightly lit room making most of it seem dark and dull when I saw a man coming towards me slowly but when he bent I saw a boy in his hands. He placed the boy beside me who was still unconscious but I was able to see blood flowing down his right leg.

"See I brought a friend" the man said in a sinister laugh bending towards me with a knife in his hands.......and I felt my chest getting tight seeing the blood on it.

"Please no! Don't kill me! Please" I said in my soft voice.

"You little bitch!" he shouted and slapped me hardly making me shout.

The boy beside me started getting up and I saw him open his eyes which are blue as ocean.

I got up abruptly panting when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jerked in reflex.

"Emma calm down! It's me" I heard Asher's voice which made me feel better.

I turned towards him and saw him looking at me in concern and I couldn't control my tears.

"Emma it is okay I am here" he said hugging me and I hugged him back tightly.

"Do you want to share?" he asked and I nodded.

I moved back and took my notepad from the bedside table.

He switched on the lights and sat there waiting for me to write.

At first my hands wouldn't support and they started trembling.

Asher took me in his arms and made me sit in his lap which made me feel better.

"I was sitting in a lightly lit place and there was a boy along with me who is unconscious but also a man with knife with blood on it. The boy has a wound on his leg with blood too. The man is coming towards me with knife" I wrote everything at one go so he would understand.

"Did you see the man?" he asked with clenched teeth.

I nodded a NO.

"Do you believe me?" I wrote and showed him.

"Of course I believe you. Why do you even ask that?" he asked as if I lost my mind.

"My parents say it is just my imagination even the doctors too. But I think I was never in an accident as they say" I wrote again.

"Why do you think you were never in an accident? Your voice?" he asked me.

"I don't know I feel these are not imaginations but some memory. I never got nightmares of an accident but only these" I wrote again.

"It's okay Emma. I believe you" he said and kissed my forehead.

After sometime he asked "Do you want to know what happened that day?"

I nodded a YES.

"For now you sleep. I will try to get some information" he said.

"I saw something new in today's dream" I wrote and showed him.

"What did you see?" he asked.

"The boy's eyes, they looked familiar" I wrote.

"Okay we will try something to know about how you lost your voice" he said and smiled at me.

"Now you sleep" he said placing me on bed and hugging me.

I slowly went back to sleep.

The next morning I got up with severe stomach pain and when I went to bathroom and checked my suspicions are correct. It's the time of my month.

When I came out I saw Asher was still sleeping so I went to my room slowly without making any noise.

I checked every place in my room and did not find what I needed.

I decided to go down and ask Mary to help me bring them and half way through I remembered she is in leave.

I debated for few minutes whether to do it or not and made my mind and went towards our room.

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