Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 18

How is Emma...Asher? Does she still get the nightmares? How I miss her screams while torturing her.


The one in her nightmares


My hands trembled seeing the note and I lost my balance but luckily Asher held me in time.

"Emma!" I heard him calling me but the words I read kept repeating in my mind.

I regained my senses when I realised he made me sit on the couch and I am still trembling.

I looked at him who is sitting in front of me holding my hands and giving it a gentle squeeze in a way with reassurance that he is there for me.

"Emma I think we should call your parents and ask them about this" Asher said looking at me for my opinion.

I nodded and he got up to call them.

I never knew that someone else was responsible for me being mute. I asked my parents many times and they always said it was due to an accident and never said anything about anyone.

"Emma they said they will be here in few minutes" Asher said coming to me.

I searched for my notepad but couldn't find it.

I guess Asher understood what I was searching for and he immediately bent down and picked up my notepad from the floor beside him and gave it to me with a pen.

"What did they say about the note?" I wrote and showed him.

"I called your dad and asked him to explain what the note meant to which he said he will come here and talk about it" Asher replied.

I nodded and wrote "Who sent this?" showing him.

"I don't know Emma" he said letting out a frustrated sigh and added "I just got a message to my phone that Did you have fun reading the mail? along with a picture of you from two days back" showing me the message.

"It is from a private number and is being difficult to track by the security department" he said running his hands through his hair in frustration.

Though I am freaking out I cannot see him like that so I went to him and wrapped my arms around him.

Immediately he hugged me back and we stood there in silence in each other's embrace.

After sometime there was a knock on the study door.

Asher let out a come in and we stepped away from each other.

Mary escorted my parents and left from there giving me a small smile.

"Emma" my mom said coming to me but I took a step back from her before she can hug me.

I can see tears pooling in her eyes but I need answers from them.

My dad came and held my mom looking at me sadly.

"Emma" he started slowly and I looked at him when he added "We can explain. Please don't be like that."

"You lied to me" I gestured them.

"I know Emma we shouldn't have lied to you. Whatever we did was for your good babygirl" dad said looking at me.

"What you mean for my good?" I gestured towards them.

"Let's sit first and you can explain us what happened dad" Asher added gesturing towards couch.

We sat on the couch where Asher held me close to him while mom and dad sat opposite to us. When mom saw how Asher dragged me towards him she gave a happy smile.

"So... can we see what the mail was exactly" dad asked looking at Asher.

Asher brought him the paper and sat beside me putting his hand around my waist again in a protective way as if he leaves me I would disappear somewhere.

"So what exactly does the sender mean? Why did you say she lost her voice in an accident all these years?" Asher asked dad in a firm tone.

"Princess we didn't want to lie to you but the doctor said it was the best thing to do so we said half the truth" dad said looking at me ashamed that they had to lie to me.

"But what exactly happened?" I gestured to him.

"We don't know babygirl. You were kidnapped when you were 4 years old. We searched for you for almost a week but couldn't find you but one day we got a call that they found you in a hospital. They brought you there from an accident. When you opened your eyes you didn't remember anything so the doctor said it was better this way. We are extremely sorry Emma" he said putting his head down in shame.

I went to dad and sat down near him and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze showing that it was okay and I understand what they did.

When he looked down at me he had tears in his eyes which showed how sorry he was.

I turned to mom who was sitting there with silent tears and went to give her a hug.

"So.." Asher started and broke my hug from mom going back to Asher.

I was going to sit beside him when he grabbed my waist and made me sit on his lap.

My face turned red due to this and worst was my parents were gazing between me and Asher with a smile which made me blush more.

"So dad... who kidnapped her?" Asher asked looking at dad.

"We don't know Asher we tried so much to track him down but we couldn't" dad said dejectedly.

"So by today's mail we can assume he didn't give up on her still and is still trying to harm her" mom added to which Asher tightened his hold on me a bit painfully.

I rubbed his arm reassuring him that I am here beside him and he calmed down a bit.

"Yes and seeing the pictures he is lurking around her all this time and we didn't even notice" dad added showing his anger.

"So Emma do you remember the face from the nightmares?" dad asked me.

I gave a negative nod and he gave out a sigh of defeat.

"Emma I think you should stop going around alone" dad said looking at me and Asher.

"Like hell I will let her go alone after all this shit happening" Asher said in a firm voice.

"Should I send someone from my security?" dad asked Asher but Asher gave a negative nod.

"I will put my most trusted bodyguard with her all the time" he said looking at dad.

"Okay. Then we will take a leave" dad said getting up.

I went to them and hugged both mom and dad good bye.

I went back inside and washed my face getting ready to leave for the office when I heard Asher entering the room.

I went to him and showed my notepad where it was written that I will be ready in 2 min.

"Emma" he called me when I turned around to go back to the dressing table.

I made my way to the dressing table and gave him a nod letting him know I am listening while putting the mascara.

"I think it's better if you do your work from home for a while till we know the details of the sender" he said still looking at me.

This time I turned around to face him and gave a negative nod.

"Emma please listen to me this once. We don't even know how he looks or even his name to track him" he said to me making his way towards me.

"I don't want to run away or give him the satisfaction that we are afraid of him" I wrote and showed to him.

He let out a frustrated sigh and said "Fine. But, you will always have Trevor by your side wherever you go if required even to the restrooms" in a firm final tone.

I gave him a confused look when he mentioned Trevor seeing that he added "Trevor is the best in the security and I have known him from a young age. From now he will be your personal bodyguard".

I nodded letting him know I was okay with it because I don't want to be a hard headed person who is like I can take care of myself and all that shit.

We made our way to the living room where I saw a huge bulky person standing in all black.

We stopped in front of him when Asher and that guy who looked our age made that bro hug thing and Asher turned to me.

"Emma this is Trevor and Trevor this is Emma King my wife" he said introducing us.

I gave him a nod to which he nodded back.

After that we made our way to the garage and today it felt like BMW so I made my way over to it when I heard Asher chuckling while grabbing the keys and making his way towards me.

When we settled in and Asher started the car I looked outside for Trevor but did not see him anywhere. Isn't he coming with us? I thought and turned to Asher to ask him.

But I guess he understood what I was going to ask so he said "Trevor and Tim my bodyguard will just follow us when we are together. But, when we are separate they will travel with us in the same vehicle."

I nodded and turned back to the window while we are going through the city.

At distance there is a black car following us in which Trevor and Tim were riding.

We stopped in front of my office and I got down turning towards Asher to wave him bye but saw him getting out too.

I gave him a confused look to which he just smiled and held my hand taking me to the elevator giving the keys to Tim to park.

I just went after him while he never left my hand.

We stopped at my floor and he still didn't let go of my hand till we reached the door to my office.

When I opened it and saw what was inside I couldn't even form proper thoughts inside my brain.

How? Why?

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