Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 16

"Both. It's not like you have any objections, you get to carry me. Which is a very prestigious honour that very few get to do." He chuckled and began walking up the steps.

"Well as long as I am the one to do it, I'll do it whenever you want me to." I smiled and yawned.

We reached the room and Carter put me on my feet. I wobbled a bit, but Carter held me in place. I put on the same pyjamas as last night and snuggled under the covers. Carter turned off the light and hopped in the bed. He had only his boxers on so his chest was on view for my display. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

He was so warm and comfortable, I knew that I would fall asleep almost instantly. I was more comfortable with Carter in bed with me than I was alone. My eyelids drooped and I could feel myself slowly falling into darkness. Just as I was about to go under, I heard three words before I was unconscious.

"I love you." Then I was out like a light.

The sunlight in the room blinded me from opening my eyes. I peeked open one eye then the next one. The curtains were open, making the room seem a lot brighter. I groaned and felt around for Carter. He wasn't in bed with me, so I figured he had pack business to take care of.

I debated on whether or not I should stay in bed, but I didn't want to waste the day. I got up and took a shower then changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

I made my way downstairs and saw Travis and Liam playing video games. I stayed back watching them play, enjoying their silent curses and constant shoves. It looked like Liam was crushing Travis at the game. I was surprised they didn't smell my scent, but I figured they were too engrossed in the game. Travis threw his controller down and tackled Liam. I knew they were play fighting and it was quite funny to watch.

"You cheated! There's no way you can be that good. I demand a rematch." Liam chuckled making Travis growl.

"You have much to learn, pup." Liam said, messing up Travis's hair. He slapped his hand away and smoothed it back down. It was cute seeing Liam so carefree and actually laughing. I didn't want to ruin their fun so I quietly walked to the kitchen. I knew they would be hungry and I figured it was my new job feed them.

"I'm not a pup, I'm eighteen years old, almost nineteen." I rolled my eyes and decided to make hot cakes. They were quick and easy to make plus delicious.

"You saying your age means that you're a pup. It's not cool." I heard Travis scoff and the game restarting.

"You're just jealous that I'm going to beat you this time, I didn't want to hurt your feelings last time so I let you win. This time I'm winning." Travis stated confidently. It made me want to believe him but the score last time said otherwise, he was going to get crushed.

I mixed the batter and poured it onto the burner. I wasn't going to lie, it smelled delicious and it made my stomach rumble.

"Do you smell something? It smells like it's coming from the kitchen and I bet it's delicious. I bet Natalie's awake and being the sweet person she is, she's making us food." That brought a smile to my face hearing Travis say that. "Natalie, is that you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm making hot cakes for you guys." I told them, I knew they were a couple of rooms away, but it was easy to hear them.

"Told ya." I could practically feel the smirk on his face when he told Liam that he was right. I finished the hot cakes and placed them on a plate. I also made some scrambled eggs and bacon. I was hungry, could you blame me? Everybody has those days when you want to eat everything you see. Well today's the day for me.

"Hey guys, the food is ready." I heard the game being paused and a set of feet running towards the kitchen. I knew only one person who is so excited to eat: Travis. He ran into the room and jumped on the stool. He didn't even bother saying a 'hello' or 'good morning.' He dived into the pancakes and poured the bowl of scrambled eggs onto his plate. I chuckled and got out a couple bottles of water to drink. Liam came in the room and sat down on the stool on the opposite side of Travis.

"Good morning, Luna." Liam bowed his head respectfully at me and I smiled. He was a little more serious this time instead of the laughing Liam.

"Hey, Liam. And please call me Natalie." He nodded his head and filled his plate with food.

I piled my plate high with hot cakes and loads of bacon. I know I looked like a pig, but I couldn't find myself to actually care. When I was with James, we stayed in a rundown house in the middle of the woods. There wasn't a stove or microwave to fix a meal. We had to catch our own food and cook it over a fire. It was a hassle especially when there wasn't much game around.

"This is sooo good." Travis said with his mouth full of food. I chuckled at him and took a bite out of my bacon. "Where did you learn to cook so good at?" I had no way to say how I learned how to cook without revealing my past. Everybody knew that rogues hunted for food and didn't make a home cooked meal. The safest way to go was shrug. Liam looked at me weirdly but he didn't comment on it. I knew they were curious on my past, but I wouldn't tell them. All they knew was that I was a rogue my whole life.

"What did you usually eat when you were a rogue?" Travis asked. It was a good thing Carter wasn't here or he would get mad about me talking about when I was a rogue.

"We usually hunted for game and cooked it over a fire. Sounds barbaric, I know but that's the rogue way of life." Travis had his face scrunched up in disgust while Liam looked oddly curious.

"How did you survive! No microwaved food or anything up to date. I feel so sorry for you, but that's all going to change since you're in a pack now." I smiled and shook my head.

"It isn't as bad as it sounds. We had fresh meat and berries to eat. It was a little harder in winter though. Not as much game or berries, so we went into town some."

"Whatever, I would of gone insane with the lack of food, image me eating puny berries." I thought about it but shook my head. It didn't go along with his major appetite. "Exactly my point."

"How long were you a rogue for?" Liam finally spoke up. I had to come up with lies to answer their questions.

"I've been a rogue my whole life, I haven't ever been in a pack. James found me two years ago and took me in."

"Well, what about your parents? We're they rogues too?" Liam asked. My face instantly paled and I looked as way. Nobody has brought up my parents since I got here, it was still a sensitive topic. I grabbed my plate and put it in the sink. I turned around and they both had sympathetic expressions on their faces.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." Liam said. I put on a fake smile and shook my head.

"No, no, it's okay. It's just a little personal for me to talk about that subject." He nodded in understanding and took a swig of his water. "You guys can go back to your video game and I'll clean up."

"Okay, thanks for the food, Lu-Natalie." Liam said as they both walked back into the living room. I laughed when he almost called me Luna. I quickly cleaned up the dishes and walked back to the living room. The guys were already playing and yelling at each other. I sat on the couch and watched them kill each other.

"Hey Natalie, did you want to play? But, there's really no point, because Liam is a beast in this game." Liam shyly smiled when Travis said he was a beast.

"No thanks, I think it's funnier watching you guys play." Travis shrugged and continued the game. His fingers were moving so fast that I think he was randomly clicking the buttons. His brow was furrowed and he was so concentrated. "And Travis, Liam is going to kick your butt." I laughed at Travis's angry face. He looked more determined to win now more than ever.

"Just you watch and wait, I'll beat him." He said laughing evilly. If only he knew...

52 attempts and four and a half hours later...

"You suck." Travis sneered at Liam. I was laughing my head off when Travis finally turned the game off. He's been trying for hours to finally beat Liam. He was positive the last time he would win, and the other 51 times, too. Liam was bored after the tenth game, but he said he couldn't be beaten by a pup.

I felt a little bad for Travis since he wanted to win so badly. It would have been better if the score would have actually been close. Except the guilt only lasted about ten seconds before I started laughing.

"Hey, I can't help it if you lose by killing yourself." Liam teased. He was a lot more confident around me and not so shy. I knew it was because I was Carter's mate and his Luna.

"It was an accident." Travis snapped at him.

"I can't believe you didn't win once!" I said trying to catch my breath.

"Shut up." I held my hands up in a surrendering position. The sky was getting darker and the sun was setting. I wasn't really hungry since our breakfast was sort of lunch. I only made us a bowl of popcorn for dinner.

Carter wasn't home yet and I still haven't seen him since yesterday. I was getting worried since it was late.

"Do you guys know when Carter will be home?" They both shook their heads.

"I'll mind link him and find out." Liam said. He stared out in space for a few moments but returned.

"He said he should be home in about ten minutes. Him and the Beta were discussing new routes for patrol. The meeting went over a couple of hours." It would be a lot easier if I could mind link him on my own, but for that to happen, we would have to be mated. It sent shivers down my spine and my wolf howling in anticipation. I knew Carter wanted to, but I wasn't ready. I wasn't even positive if I wanted to stay.

"Are you guys worried about the war with the Imperial Pack?" I questioned.

"No, that pack isn't nearly as skilled or high in numbers as we are. Especially with the Evergreen Pack going to help us." Liam sounded pretty confident, but they could always get other packs to help them out too.

"They could ask other packs to help fight with them. If they got two or three more packs to join them we would be outnumbered."

"Nah, I doubt any packs would join them. None of them want to go against the strongest pack in the US." Travis grinned.

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