Chapter 3
I think the walk to the alphas office is the longest walk I have ever taken, and I have been walking for four days! I looked down at Alessandro and saw that he was fast asleep. A vicious growl so badly wanted to come out as I though about how he grabbed him. But I knew I did not stand a chance against these guys, especially the alpha. I know what they can do, I have been under the mercy of an alpha for a very long time.
I looked at my surrounding, we were still in the forrest but we have already passed a few houses. They were small but looked very cosy. My foot accidentally tripped over a tree branch, a pair of very strong, very soft hands quickly grabbed my arms before I can make a face plant on the floor. I was brought in an upright position.
"Watch your step princess" A voice whispered to me. I turned around and saw a very good looking guy. He was very tall with blond hair and hazel eyes. He was well fit showing off and six pack and everything else was just really toned. I immediately felt intimidated and he knew that judging by the smirk that appeared on his face.
I kept my gaze on my feet making sure I don't trip on another branch. Curse my stupid clumsiness.
We soon arrived at a very big house, which I am guessing is the pack house. It was tall about 4 stories and no doubt there is a basement in there. The house stretched about 300 feet and old fashioned. It was dark brown, the same color as the tree trunks that surrounded the perimeter. It was very beautiful.
The alpha lead me up to the house and opened the door for me to enter. I kept my distance not trusting a single hair on his head. The inside was even more beautiful on the outside. Everything gave off a homey feeling. Alpha Martini's pack house was always filled with mean men who drank and laughed at my misery as I would serve them. It was different here, I can't really explain it.
"Follow me, rogue" Alpha Jermeiah said. He had a gentle tone in his voice and I don't understand why.
I followed him up the stairs and let me tell you, stairs are my worst enemy. I think I tripped over most of them and that dude that called me princess had to steady me a few times which annoyed me beyond belief. We finally made it to the fourth floor.
'Why do alphas always have to have their offices on the top floors?' I asked my wolf slightly annoyed. I felt her shrug and put her defences up as we had a pup to protect.
We enter Alpha Jeremiah's office. Like the first time I entered the house there was a homey feeling to is office. It had cream colored walls and the furniture was oak wood with leather chairs for visitors and a huge leather chair behind the desk. I looked more and found a bookshelf filled to the max with book and another shelf that had long looking scrolls on it. There were a few pictures hanging on the walls and settled on his desk. a lot of them were of him and a female and a few were of small children I could not see the ones on his desk because they were facing him.
"Please take a seat" Alpha Jeremiah said. I took a seat on the leather chair and almost let out a sigh on how comfortable it was. I have been sleeping on the hard floor for most of my life so this chair was like heaven on earth.
I turned my focus back on the alpha. he seated himself in his own chair while two guys stood behind me with their arms crossed. I looked at the alpha waiting for him to give me an order.
"What is your name?" He asked
"Sasha" I said simply. I didn't give him a last name because he might be allied with Alpha Lorenzo Martini.
"Well Sasha, what are you doing on my territory? And with a child at that?" He asked again curiousity showing in his eyes.
"I didn't know I was entering your territory sir. I was walking on the road when I heard the sound of water and I followed it."
"You were walking on the road?" I nodded my head.
"Then you must of passed the sign that stated the name of the pack"
I blush crept on my face I thought about the sign that I could not read,
"I-I can't r-read Alpha" I stuttered feeling really embarrassed. Alpha Jeremiah pursed his lips.
"Where are you from?" He asked. I kept my mouth shut, do I tell him that I was the daughter of a once powerful alpha and was a prisoner in the New Moon Pack? If he is Alpha Martini's ally he will turn me in a kill me and Alessandro. That thought made me pull him closer to me. He was asleep now which I was thankful for.
"I can't remember" I said in a low voice. But I do remember. I remember waking up bright and early when I was younger. I would sneak out of my room and run to my parents room and jump on them to wake them up. Mommy would grumble but smile while daddy laughed and tickled me until I surrenders. I remember daddy showing me the forest while I was on his shoulders and then we would play tag in our wolf forms getting ourselves covered in mud and mommy would make us shower, after we hugged her as well and got her muddy.
"Are you sure" asked alpha Jeremiah bringing me out of my memories. I blanked my face and nodded.
"Very well. Now tell me why a young girl such as yourself is a rogue"
I bit my lip and looked down. I had to say something.
"I was taken when I was little. I-I can't remember how but I was. I was a slave and and I ran away. I had to" I whispered the last part as I looked down at my baby. Alpha Jeremiah looked down at Alessandro and his face softened. What I said was the truth. I can't really remember how they took me from my mothers arms but they did and I was made a slave, beatened everyday and well you know what he did.
Alpha Jeremiah looked at me then at Alessandro. "Where are you headed?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "Wherever my feet take me sir. I have no home, no money and a baby."
He looked at me with sympathy then looked behind me.
"Are you sure you have no relatives or anyone you know that we can contact that is from your old pack from which you were taken?" He asked.
My eyes began to burn as I tried to keep the tears away as I thought about my family. My parents. My favorite cousin Benjamin who was a year older than me. He was visiting us with my aunt and uncle the day we were attacked. I wish I could see him again but he is dead, like everyone else.
I shook my head as a stray tear leaked down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away as I looked back up at the alpha. He nodded his head.
"Very well. Ms. Sasha I see no threat from you or your pup."
My heart skipped a beat as he said this. "Does this mean I get to go?"
"Yes" he said, I sighed in happily. "Or" he continued a small smile appearing on his face I almost stopped breathing. "You can join this pack"
I think my jaw landed on the floor after he said this. I was literally to shocked for words. I looked behind me and saw the two guards smirking at my reaction.
"Do, do you really mean it?" I asked still in the state of shock.
"Of course, though I would have to put you in the lower status because you are new and use to be a rogue but I will make sure you are treated right"
I bit my lip as I though this over. He said he would make sure I was treated right.
"Why would you do this?" I asked. He paused for a minute just looking at me then smiled warmly.
"Because you are young and with a child. I can see in your eyes that you hold so much on your shoulders and the life of a rogue will only weigh you down even more. You will fo anything to protect your pup and by joining this pack you are offered protection and a home."