Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5


When Jan called out to me I immediately turned to look at her, moving away from the dangerous man’s stare. Two men held each of her arms in a tight grip. She looked a mess and looked to be really hurt. There was a bright red mark on her cheek in the shape of a hand; someone must have hit her pretty hard. The area below her eyes had turned purple with bruises and a dribble of dried blood ran down the corner of her lips.

“Why did you come here?” she asked in slight anger.

“Templar, hmm…. Now that’s an unusual name, but a nice one,” a man said. It was the same voice that had called me a weak human.

I looked to the man and saw him standing right before me. I took an involuntary step back to get away from him and looked up to see him better. He looked to be in his early twenties and had strawberry blonde hair that flowed to his ears and light brown eyes. He also had a huge smirk on his face, which I guess was because of my appearance.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked, his eyes turning deep black. It was probably a ploy to try and scare me, but it wouldn’t work. One of the first thing’s June taught me during her training was never to show your opponent that you may be scared.

“A dog?” I made it a question, a huge smirk on my face as my voice didn’t waver. A loud growl erupted from his chest from my words.

The second thing I learnt from June was to be prepared for the consequences of all your actions. So when I saw him raising his fist to hit me, I quickly ducked and let the blow fly over my head.

“Impressive,” he said, grinning widely again, “For a human you are quite strong. But for a wolf….” He was behind me in a flash, my eyes unable to keep up with him, and he gripped tight around my neck from behind and continued through gritted teeth in rage, “…Not. Strong. Enough.” His nails elongated to sharp claws and he dug them into the flesh of my neck, causing me to let out a soft groan of pain.

“Igor. This is between us. Do not bring her into it,” Jan said growling.

He was Igor? I looked back at his black eyes and gulped loudly in fear. He was bad, very bad.

He looked to Jan, and then speedily loosened his hold on me and I fell to my feet clutching my throat. I could feel the warm of blood under my palms, my blood, and tears started to run down my cheeks from the agony and sting the punctures were causing in my flesh.

Igor stepped around me and started walking towards Jan, a wide sneer on his face. “You are right. This is between us, but that doesn’t mean I cannot enjoy her a little.”

Jan growled at him as he stopped in front of her. He punched her hard in the stomach and she fell to the floor with a loud groan, clutching at it in pain. The room was now teeming with growls from a few people that were behind me, but I kept my eyes on Jan and Igor.

Igor slowly went down on one knee in front of Jan and whispered lovingly to her, “Careful January. Do not forget that I am your alpha.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, ignoring her as she tried to flinch away from his touch. Someone let out a soft laugh at her response to his touch then quickly muffled it by their hand.

Igor turned around and looked past me to the people I could hear growling. I turned back to see that there were a lot more people in the room than I’d first thought. Three other people were being pinned to the ground on their knees, the same as Jan. There was a man with dark hair that seemed both brown and black at the same time. Next to him a woman with brown eyes containing gray flakes and long brunette hair knelt. She looked just like Jan, or should I say Jan looked just like her. She must have been Jan’s mother. Another was being held on knees beside the woman and he looked entirely amused. He had dark hair and even with him kneeling it was easy to see he was quite tall.

Igor walked to the amused man and taunted, “Oh my little brother. Care to share what you find so funny?”

My eyes widened at Igor’s words. Little brother? That means he’s the Alpha’s youngest son. I remember Jan telling me about him. His name was Keith. He had been the person to help Jan and June escape the dungeon. He had been kept in the dungeons with their Luna as well.

“You calling yourself Alpha? You’re not worthy of that title,” Keith spat out in disgust. “Alphas always fight fair and you, you attacked from behind with that bastard.” He nodded his head to someone behind me.

I turned back and looked to who he had pointed at. It was that same ‘dangerous man’. He was just standing there with his hands inside his pockets staring at me with a very curious expression. When my eyes met his I quickly looked back over my shoulder at the same moment a loud cracking of bone rang out through the room. I didn’t see what had happened, I could only see that Keith was now lying on the floor on his side. Igor started to kick Keith in the stomach, not caring that he was already down.

What was wrong with this guy? He’s mentally sick.

The other man being held started to growl at Igor and strained against the hands holding him. Blood started spilling from Keith’s mouth and I quickly looked away, unable to see anymore.

“Let him go Igor.” Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to the doorway to see June standing in it. She stepped into the room and said again in rage, “Let him go.”

“June,” her mom said shocked and started shaking her head. “Run sweetheart.”

“It’s not my turn to run mom. It’s their turn now,” she said in fury, pointing to the rouge wolves.

“June, My love,” Igor said placing his hands on his chest over the place of his heart in affection. “You finally came.” I knew you would come back for me.” Igor pointed to the other man being held and still growling and said to him pleased, “See… I told you Mike, your daughter loves me too much to stay away from me.”

All the rogues in the room started to laugh except the dangerous guy. He was just looking ahead, seeming totally uninterested by everything that was happening.

“You don’t know how much I missed you June. You don’t know how much pain you have caused me,” Igor said in fake hurt.

The growls coming from Mike grew thunderous and he yelled in warning, “Don’t you fucking dare try to touch my daughter!”

But Igor just ignored him, all his attention on June as she walked deep into the room. “See June, I couldn’t bear the thought of you being sad, so I brought your family here too,” Igor said excitedly and his eyes were complete black now.

He gritted his and said through them, “Because I want them to hear you cry. I want them to feel your pain.”

Okay, this guy was indeed mentally sick.

June just stared at him for a moment, and then she turned to look at me.

“Oh! I like your gift too. She’s feisty,” Igor pointed to me with a sweep of his head. “It’s her turn after I’m done with you and January.” He was smirking widely at her.

“You’re not going to touch them.” June growled.

There were loud growls from all the wolves held captive to accent her point, and Mike’s body began to vibrate with his rage. I knew the signs of a wolf drawing close to shifting. When he was about to shift the rouges holding him did something and suddenly the change stopped, but his fury was still visible in his black eyes.

“Igor,” A woman yelled suddenly. A moment later the Luna entered with several men trailing behind her.

“Mommy? You too want to watch the show?” Igor mocked.

The Luna walked to June and stood in front of her in a protective manner. “To get to June you have to get through me,” the Luna said through gritted teeth in hostility.

“You put me in a great dilemma mommy,” Igor mocked again.

The Luna growled loudly at his mocking of the word mommy.

Igor tapped his index finger on his forehead pretending to think, and then he called out, “Luke.” The man, who had been in the dungeon with Felix, quickly stepped into view and looked to Igor. Igor smiled at the man, Luke, and said in authority, “Take my mommy dearest, and make sure to give her a wonderful seat. She seems to be really interested in watching the show.”

Luke nodded and roughly grabbed for the Luna, she tried to fight but it was no use. He was faster and stronger than her.

The Luna looked to Igor in rage and you could see her jaw was firmly clenched as she said in hatred, “How low can you sink?”

“Luke. Let go of my mom,” Keith ordered. Another rogue quickly delivered a hard punch to his chest, effectively silencing him.

This had been happening since the moment I entered. If any of the wolves protested they were hit to silence them.

I looked to Jan. She was standing on her feet as the men held her now, but still looked very weak. The ‘dangerous man’ seemed to find all of what was happening very boring as he leaned against the wall behind him. June kept her eyes firmly closed for a second.

June’s eyes flashed open and showed that they had become deep black. She’d had enough. She yelled at Igor in fury, “Stop it! Stop it now!”

“So you are ready June?” Igor asked and smiled pleased.

She nodded at him.

“No!” I yelled and protests were yelled out from all the other people being held in the room.

“The time has come,” June said, smiling ethereally.

“Oh yes indeed! The time has come,” Igor said smiling joyfully like a five year old who had finally gotten the toffee he’d been nagging his mother for. “Come June. Come here.” He bent forward and raised his hands out for her to take.

There were growls coming from all the people being held, while all of Igor’s men were whistling and howling. It felt like Igor’s men were starting to have a huge celebration. Couldn’t these monsters see the hurt in June’s parents’ eyes?

I couldn’t take anymore. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow. What was happening? Why wasn’t June fighting? I always considered her to be the strongest one out of us. She was a fighter, so I didn’t understand how she could just surrender?

I took a deep breath, the tears still flowing and opened my eyes. I looked into June’s green and grey eyes and gasped.

June looked into my eyes helplessly and said softly to me, “Please protect my pack from them.” She knelt down to her knees before Igor and dropped her head, closing her eyes firmly.

I didn’t understand what she meant. I was about to ask her what she meant, when she pulled a sharp knife from her back pocket. It all happened so fast. I had to close my eyes and reopen them to let my mind catch up to my eyes.

One moment June was kneeling with the knife in her hand, her eyes closed and muttering something that sounded like a prayer, the next she punctured the knife deep into the front of her throat.

I stared down at her body lying on the floor and tried to take it all in. Mike, June’s mother and the Luna rushed to June crying out loudly in pain. They fell to their knees beside her and tried to gain her attention, but her eyes were unfocused and she wouldn’t look at them. Jan looked to June and let out a pained gasp as she fell to her knees. Every wolf present in the room seemed too shocked to move.

I looked to June and silent tears slid down my cheeks. Her breathing was slow; very slow and blood poured from where the knife had punctured her throat. I thought of the six months that I had known June. They had all been filled with love and happiness, more than I’d ever had the privilege to feel. June meant so much to me. She was my sister, my guardian. She’d taken care of me like I was her own, and had never called me a burden. She had kept reminding me that I’d be a shifter someday and to never give up. We laughed, cried, sang, danced, and jumped together. We were attached at the hip.

I looked down at her again and couldn’t take in what I saw. She lay on the floor, struggling to take in a breath and bleeding out, but it wasn’t possible for her to be like that. She was too strong.

I let the sobs rock my body and the tears flowed freely from my eyes. I could hear her parents crying as they knelt beside her, telling her to breathe and stay with them. I couldn’t take my eyes away from the scene. I slowly took an uncertain step back and my knees gave out from under me from the shock.

Her breathing began to decrease and I watched it happen slowly. A loud wheeze came from her followed by a soft gurgle then finally her chest stopped rising and she lay motionless on the floor. Her eyes became fogged and the color seemed to have drained from her skin, leaving her a lifeless pale.

A loud inhumane growl erupted from my chest and that was when I finally felt her. I felt my wolf inside me for the first time; her rage pulsing wildly through my veins.

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