Chapter 19
“I don’t know why it happens but people find all my sad stories funny” I grumbled as Ruben laughed loudly when I told him, how I fell on the road today. I was actually very careful because Connell had finally let me take the two-wheeler. But this rude car driver brought his car to a halt, in a highway. I mean who does that? I couldn’t apply a break immediately and then I fell on the road. His vehicle was scratched, mine was not. He didn’t get injured, I did. I had a scrape in my leg and the doctor had to clean it and apply some ointment.
Unfortunately for me, someone saw it, informed it to Connell and then I had to bid a final farewell to my two-wheeler.
“My only fault was that, I drove it in highway when he had clearly warned me against it” I said sadly.
“So he took your vehicle now?” Ruben asked me.
“I had parked it next to one of his cars but it wasn’t there… or anywhere in the garage when I checked later. I fell only because of the driver who is a seven-letter-word” I hissed at the end while Ruben continued laughing like a hyena. “If I hadn’t been in a hurry to return home, I would have given an earful to that… that… brute” I breathed out in anger.
“You know, you can swear. I heard swearing is a good way to free the anger and frustration that you have held inside you.” he said grinning and I shrugged.
“It’s offensive too” I pointed out.
“That’s the point of swearing. See, if you can’t’ cause bodily harm to the person who upset you, then swearing helps” he said.
“Not all the time. It can get you in trouble too” I remarked and Ruben sighed.
“I fucking give up.” Ruben said and I narrowed my eyes. “It’s im-fucking-possible to win with you.”
“You are swearing purposefully” I said frowning and Ruben laughed.
“One or the other day, I promise, I am going to make you swear” he challenged and I rolled my eyes.
“That’s never going to happen” I said confidently.
“And you will say that word to your mate” he continued cheekily and I frowned.
“Never” I said and got up from the stool. “I’ve to go now, Connell is waiting for me. I have to convince him to give me back my vehicle. You take care” I said and began walking towards the door.
“Malory” Ruben called and I turned to face him. “Your fight is tomorrow right?” he asked me and I nodded. It has been almost ten days since Ruben was brought here and by now most members of the pack had come to know about Ruben. If they had any grudge against him, they hadn’t shown it yet. “I will be there, to cheer you” he said and I smiled.
“Thank-you” I said and left him to take rest. It was a good thing that most of Ruben’s wounds have already healed, however the doctor prohibited him from shifting for another week. He said it would be too risky at this stage.
When I saw Connell’s Pagani in front of the clinic, I hurried towards the door. Oh No! He is already here. I was supposed to be at home when he comes to pick me… Now he might be angry! In a flash, I was next to the car. My whole eyes brightened when I saw Connell leaning against the bonnet of his car.
Dressed in a navy-blue Polo T-shirt and beige chinos, he was an epitome of hotness. As he saw me, he smiled at me and deep red framed my cheeks. He would forever have that ‘special’ effect on me and I cherished it. My wolf could never get enough of him either and she sighed calmly inside me.
“We are leaving now?” I asked him surprise. Connell had asked me to get dressed and be ready by five-thirty because he wanted to take me somewhere. Assuming it to be a date, I had picked a nice red dress, but now he looked all ready to go.
“What about Mumbles?”
“He is with Mom”
“But I am not dressed yet” I reasoned. I was still wearing the belted black tunic dress that I had worn to college earlier today.
His dark gaze assessed me while I said that and I nervously shifted on my feet. “You will do fine” he said and motioned for me to get in.
“So where are we going?” I asked him while I was wearing my seat belt.
“You will see” he replied gently and started driving. I will see then!
We drove in silence. While Connell was focusing on the road, I was thinking of different ways to convince him to give me back my two-wheeler. After almost fifteen minutes of thinking, I finally got an idea.
Straightening on my seat, I gulped and turned to look at Connell. “Uh… About the-”
“Save it” he said calmly, not even bothering to listen or look at me, and my jaws dropped open.
“But you didn’t even hear what I have to say” I protested vehemently. That’s unfair!
“I am not going to give that metal piece back”
“But I had no idea he is going to stop his car.”
“You were not allowed to drive in a highway” Oh No! That’s a strong defense he has.
“I… Uh… I, I was just… just… Oh No! I can’t even think of anything worth against that” I said with a pout. There was reluctant amusement in his blue-green eyes, but he quickly covered it up. “Fine” I said annoyed. “Take it. But I want a new vehicle if you take my two-wheeler”
He laughed! He actually laughed as if I said some joke. When he saw me bristle with annoyance, he stopped laughing. “I am sorry, were you serious?” he asked me and I looked at him with disbelief. Ouch! I just felt like someone slapped me.
Realizing that there is nothing I could do to change his mind, I lounged back in my seat, puffed my cheeks and looked out.
A few minutes later, I realized that I could force him to give my vehicle back to me. I sat straight and lifted my chin, in challenge and stated, “You have to give me my two-wheeler back.”
Connell turned to look at me with a frown, “And why would I do that?”
“Because I got marked in a parking lot and I forgave you for that” Connell was about to say something or even better growl, but instead, he gritted his even teeth and held the steering wheel in a tight grip.
“Fine. It’ll be in the garage by Monday” he spoke quietly.
“Today evening” I challenged back.
“Too far” he said harshly.
“Today evening” I repeated and smirked when I found another big chink in his armor.
“Or I’ll let Mumbles sleep on your bed” I said and mentally did a self-five when Connell brought the car to a sudden halt.
“You wouldn’t” he said in an incredulously voice.
“And that too, when he just finishes his bath” I added keeping a straight face, when all I wanted was to jump and dance.
The look in Connell’s face was of pure horror at first but after that, he threw me a drop-dead look. I smirked and looked out of the window. He knows Mumbles will be all sticky after his bath and watching him rolling on his bed sheets…. Connell may puke right then and there.
“Today evening” he said each word with great difficulty.
“We have a deal” I said and extended my hand but as he glared at me, I said “Never mind” and retreated. I then bit my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing as Connell commenced driving.
But looking at him sulking in his seat, it was impossible for me to hold back and I clapped my hands and started laughing. “This is what winning against you feels like” I said completely pleased at myself. I should have realized sooner that Connell’s weakness was not his cars, but it was my sweet little pet, Mumbles. He would do just about anything to keep Mumbles an arm length away from him.
“Will you quit it” he fumed. I closed my mouth shut and compressed my lips but my body still shook with silent laughter. “You think this is funny?” Connell asked with fierce incredulity.
“I-isn’t it?” I prompted unsteadily.
A split second later, his hand cupped the back of my head to pull me closer to him. His mouth swooped down to possess mine, killing the hysterical amusement from me.
My head spun at the invasion of his tongue in my mouth. My wolf purred like a cat and soon I was no longer a passive partner.
We made out for God-knows-how –long before Connell wrenched himself back from me and with a smug expression started the engine.
That Philistine!