Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 43

"I'm glad you're here, my love... Come hang out with us!" Matthew said this as he stood up to meet Annabelle with a big smile.

Annabelle smiled and gave Matthew a hug as she greeted him, but her eyes were on Lyca.

"Since last night, I've been looking everywhere for you. Where did you go? You're not even in your room..." Annabelle said this with a serious look on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I caused you to worry. Last night, I went to my mom's room. I didn't pay attention to the time, so I fell asleep." Lyca's thinking, which she did with a smile. Albert told the queen that he wouldn't tell her that she had left the castle. So she was brave enough to lie.

Matthew, who was listening, was embarrassed, so he said something. "My love, Princess Lyca said she would help us. If her talk with my dad goes well, we can start making plans for our wedding."

Queen Annabelle smiled and frowned at the same time. "Ha ha ha! Really? Interesting..."

Lyca kept eating with a smile on her face. "...Why do you look so shocked? Do you think I'll never grow up?"

"You live with seven guys, so you must have changed, right? Did they teach you anything?" Queen Annabelle said this with a big smile on her face.

"Who or what? You went to the temple, didn't you, to think?" Matthew asked, looking a bit shocked.

Annabelle gave Matthew a sweet smile. "The truth is that Princess Lyca left the kingdom to have fun with men..."

Lyca's grip on the fork and knife got tighter, but she kept her smile. "You're right; I like being around them... You might have done it because you wanted to know what it feels like to be loved by them."

The way the conversation is going makes Matthew look at Annabelle as if to ask a question. He doesn't know who Wesley is; that's clear. And Annabelle didn't want to take the time to explain, so she waved her hand and Matthew passed out.

"Now, we can talk!" Annabelle's lovely smile went away.

"Why? Are you scared that Matthew will find out who you really are?" Lyca smirks and like Annabelle, her smile disappears.

"Who am I? Matthew loves all of me, so he won't believe anything you say. Or, if he does believe you, nothing will happen because he will choose me in the end. "Annabelle was sure of what she said.

"You're right, Matthew will choose you, but that doesn't mean he loves you. In reality, Matthew stays because you can make him do anything you want. But don't get his heart at all!" Lyca made a strong claim.

Annabelle sneer. "Love? Do you believe in love? You're not a seven-year-old girl who thinks fairy tales are real."

"Because I grew up in a loving family, I will always believe in love. Everyone loved me as I grew up. And for that, I don't need power!" Lyca exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha! Your mother's husband cheated on her! Matthew, he should turn away from you and choose me. So your "love" is just a waste of time. It can do a lot of damage!"

"Lier! That's something my dad will never do! He won't have an affair with my mother." Lyca speaks up. Her anger boiled over, and she broke the glass in her hand before she could calm down.

"Lyca!" Annabelle yelled back in fear. The body of Lyca is her main worry. In order for the ritual to work, the offering must be perfect and clean. So Lyca needs to take care of her body, and a superficial scar will change everything.

Annabelle casts a healing spell right away, and the cut on Lyca's hand goes away right away. "You can't do anything bad to yourself! Do you understand?!"

(She made me well quickly... (She can't do that!) said Lyca to herself. Now, she can't think of a way to beat the queen.

"Can you also make the dead come back to life?" Lyca asked because she was interested.

Annabelle's eyebrows twerk. "I am strong, but I am not God!"

She still couldn't calm down because of what had happened, and because of that, the queen almost found out that she was a wolf.

(Luckily, the queen's ability to heal is stronger than mine... It shouldn't happen again because I have no idea what the queen will do when she finds out.

"You need to be good if you want to be free for the rest of your life. Don't even try to hide because I can find you easily..." Annabelle said this and smiled as she looked at a part of the garden.

Lyca looks in the same direction that the queen is. She couldn't believe it when she said, "Wesley!"

Wesley came up to Elizabeth and stood behind her. His eyes seemed to be looking into nothing. He didn't even look at Lyca like they were strangers.

"Wesley can find you easily, so don't make yourself suffer... Just be happy that you're helping the kingdom..." With a smirk, Annabelle said it.

Lyca clenched her fists and gave Annabelle a mean look. "For the country? How dare you make money off of the kingdom! As you said earlier, you are not a god! So, no matter how many women you eat, you can't change the fact that you're only beautiful for a short time."

Annabelle hit the table hard. "I will be beautiful forever, and I will win!" Annabelle's eyes are full of defiance and certainty. She stood up and grinned. "...Well, I've said what I wanted to say, so go back to eating..."

Annabelle snaps her fingers as if nothing is going on. Then Matthew, who was sleeping, wakes up, and the table is back to where it was.

Matthew wasn't even surprised, and he didn't ask or care when he saw Wesley behind the queen.

Wesley was put in charge of Lyca by the Queen. Lyca thought it would be good for her, but she was wrong. Because Wesley never acted like he didn't know her when he talked to her.

"I want to know what happened to Wesley... However? He changed into a dead person." Lyca says this with surprise because Wesley doesn't talk to or listen to her anymore.


Xavier and the rest of his Knights finished their plan in the village of the Kingdom of Greyfield.

"Should I stay here?" While he was following Xavier, Jaxson was complaining.

"You should! While I'm gone, I need to know what's going on in the Kingdom of Greyfield!" Xavier gave a serious answer.

When Jaxson sees how stable Xavier's answer is, he has no choice but to sign his name. "Just be sure to get back before the moon is full!"

"I will take the throne tomorrow, so watch out for Lyca!"

Because of Lyca, Jaxson has never seen Xavier with a lot of drive.

"Like falling into a trap, falling in love... If you fall, it will be hard to get back up..." Jaxson whispers as he moves his head back and forth.

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