Chapter 1
Charlotte's POV
I was thankful that the rain had decided to visit today... shielding me from the relentless torture that came hand in hand with living on Glenstone Drive.
My mother rattled her pills from the nearby bathroom as my ears cringed at the familiar sound... she would be asleep soon, at least.
I remained still, hugging my skinny knees to my chest, as I just stared out of my bedroom window as the rain hammered against the glass.
Why did they have to always choose me? Life would be so much easier if they didn't choose me...
I knew that the rain wouldn't protect me forever, especially since tomorrow I had to go back to school again.
On the flip side, there would finally be an end to my summer of torture.
My mother - who often pretended to be the mother of the year to the rest of our neighbors - always wanted me outside.
Even when I begged and begged to stay in, she would often say how 'it makes me look like a bad mother,' but I already knew the truth.
It was really because she struggled with addiction and wanted me out of her sight for as long as possible... because deep down she hates me.
The only days she would actually consider letting me remain indoors would be if the weather was bad - like today.
I pressed my head against the cold glass as the glum weather remained a reflection of how I was feeling.
The three of them were always hanging around here since their parents all lived along the same street as us.
When I was younger, and when it had all first begun, I even tried my hardest to convince my mother to move away, somewhere nice, somewhere warm, but the hassle was far greater than what she cared for.
Ever since my father left us for another woman, she just got worse. It was a waiting game at this point because I was certain the pills would soon enough kill her...
"Lottie!" She shouts, with a mothering voice, which would fool anyone into thinking she was a good parent.
"Yes?" I call back, watching the rain come to a slow halt - causing my heart rate to quicken.
"The rain is stopping... you can go out now." She yells back, as I close my eyes and breathe.
Nothing good lasts forever, does it?
"Mom, I'm not feeling too great..." I attempt, before she cuts me off completely and yells back-
"Shut up! The fresh air will help... now out you go." She argues back, as I sigh - knowing all too well she wouldn't let this go until she got what she wanted.
Since my father left, she's struggled to look at me for more than ten seconds at a time...
I made slow moves, taking my time to pull on warmer clothes. I then gathered my socks and boots - moving at a snail's pace to pull them on and tie the laces.
Maybe I could hide somewhere in the house... that way I won't have to go outside?
I weighed the pros and cons of the idea, deciding that the last time I tried that trick, she caught me, and it worked out worse for me in the long run.
No food for a week, and she wouldn't let me back inside until midnight most days... not to mention the beating I got for it...
I cringe at the memory, knowing it didn't take much for her to lose her temper... I often blamed myself since it seemed most people I had met so far in my life had either left me or expressed their hatred for me.
I am the problem.
I pulled on my last boot, tying up the laces at a snail's pace as my mind raced with more depressing notions.
"Fucking hell Charlotte! What exactly are you doing?!" I hear my mother shout again, her voice holding a slight hiss in its tone towards the end.
"Coming!" I call back, forcing the response to leave my throat as I stand and pull on a dark jacket from behind my door.
Hopefully, I can hide somewhere and blend in with the outside In these dull colors...
I trudge my way downstairs, seeing her standing at the bottom - awaiting my presence. Her arms were tightly folded across her chest, and her face matched her body language well - holding a sharp scowl.
"If you take that long to get ready again, I won't let you back inside at all!" Once I was within arms reach, she grabbed me and, pulled me the rest of the way down the steps, and hauled me towards the front door.
"Out with you! Don't come back for at least the next two hours either!" She grumbles and opens the door for me.
I step out onto the porch, glancing around at the silent street as I release a steady breath, hearing the door slam closed behind me.
I descend down the steps, deciding that it would be best to find a good hiding spot sooner rather than later.
I pull my hood up and scurry down the sidewalk in the opposite direction of Jason and Tommy's house.
The only problem was that I would still have to pass by Holdens home and hope for the best... I figured that avoiding 2/3 of their homes on the street was better than nothing.
I approach the navy blue pickup truck belonging to Tommy's father as I slow my steps warily. I struggled to see due to the large hedges shielding the pathway leading into his home...
If I could make it past and further down the street, then I could make it to the woods to hide!
I approach the blue pickup cautiously, not hearing much noise other than the soft whistles of the wind.
I decided to poke my head around, staring into Tommy's garden, and I released a sigh of relief at seeing that the front lawn was empty.
For a group of sixteen-year-olds, they always seemed to be hanging around in the street at one of their houses. You'd think they would have better things to do, maybe even parties to attend? Yet here they were, always making my life a living hell.
I press on down the street, feeling slightly better that today might well be another safe one. I soon enough come to the end of the road, meeting the tree line with a 'dog walkers' pathway leading into the forest.
Although it was scary at night, it was where I felt safest during the day - away from the three of them.
I enter the tree line, seeing a couple of neighbors in the distance walking their dogs as I breathe steadily.
At least if anything happened now, they would see...
I admire the flowers as the wetness from the rain brings out their vibrant colours, as I continue on my walk.
How I would manage to kill two hours in this cold weather, I don't know...
I pass by some of our familiar neighbors and offer them a 'hello' as they turn to walk back down the pebbled footpath toward their homes again.
It seemed I was alone now...
I wished that, in times like these, I had my own phone, where I could kill time by watching random videos or playing dumb games like the other kids do in school.
"Well, well, you just can't get enough of us, can you slut? Couldn't wait til tomorrow to see us at school eh?" I hear Holden's familiar mocking tone, causing my body to become rigid.
"Following us now, are we?" Jason laughs as I turn to see the three of them approaching me, revealing themselves from behind the trees.
They must know now that this is where I come to try and hide from them...
My mouth opened and closed as my heart hammered in fear of the three boys who stood taller than me.
They walked close enough, allowing for me to smell the stench of cigarettes and aftershave.
"Do you want to try and run away today, or are you going to make this one easy for us?" Tommy questions, pushing my shoulder as I gasp at the action.
Do I try and run?!
Every time I've ever tried to run, they've caught me!
I'm not fast, so what's the point?!
Do I just stay here with them and get it over with?!
But what if they decide to kill me this time? What if they take it too far?!
"Looks like you want to stay... don't worry, we won't mark your face... we will keep you pretty for your first day back at school!" Tommy (who was often the ring leader of the three) pulls out the familiar switchblade knife from his pocket.
Not this today... anything but this...
"P-Please..." I all but whisper as they laugh and shake their heads at my useless begging.
"Hold her still," Tommy instructs, as the other two laugh and make a quick move towards me, dragging me off the footpath and into the trees as my eyes water profusely at the frightening pain I was about to endure.
Please, God, just don't let them kill me yet...