Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 59

Coleman and Alex examined the river when they got to it. Days ago, Alex had received a letter from Zayn, telling him about the contamination of the river, which has in turn began to affect the river lines in the North and that he needed to be in the Crystal Moon pack to know why. Alex had not bought the idea because he knew that the Crystal Moon pack river was not contaminated, but on getting to the river then, he had discovered that there were oily spillage and he immediately believed it was the handwork of Zayn.

But, luckily, they had succeeded in getting rid of it all and he had sent a letter to Zayn, warning him not to try any more tactics, in trying to imperforate info the pack house.

"Notice anything?" Alex asked Coleman and he shook his head.Coleman was the pack Messenger.

"Nothing, alpha. The river is as clean as before," he replied.

"Alright, we can return to the pack house now," Alex said, and Coleman nodded and straightened up. He turned to leave but decided against it. "You may leave before me. I'll come along later," he added.

"Alright, alpha," Coleman said and walked away.

Alex inhaled and looked at the river that had little ripples of waves. A lot was on his mind. A lot about the deaths of the red wolves. Why would someone in his pack decided to kill his or her fellow pack members? And why would someone also in the Diamond Shadow pack decide to kill the members of the pack too? He wondered. He had a strange belief that it was all connected to something. Something that involves the both packs. All of a sudden, he recalled the orb in the portrait and his sudden closeness to it. He got confused more than ever. He was more concerned about the issues in his pack than to think of external forces that were after his life over sentimental issues.

Just then, his eyes picked up the sounds of movement and he immediately became alert as he turned around swiftly to find a woman standing a few feet away from. With purposed and we'll defined steps, she walked closer to him. She was slender and tall, with jet black hair. She had red inviting lips, begging for a kiss, that could tempt a man into reliving his feral and primal thoughts. She was pure seduction with the way she swayed her hips, but not for someone like Alex.

He was not moved by her outward appearance. All he wanted to know was who she was and what she was doing in his territory. As she got closer to him, he realized that she had no scent but yet he could that she was a wolf.

"Greetings, alpha," she greeted.

He gave her a famous poker look face. He looked at her from head to toe, and without saying a word, he walked away.

She narrowed her eyes, wondering why he was being curt and rude. "Alpha," she called, but Alex did not stop to look at her for one second.

"Alpha Alex, it's quite obtrude not to respond to a stranger," she added, and Alex stopped and turned sharply in her direction.

"The only thing I would want to know is what a stranger, like you is doing in my territory," Alex replied as calmly as he could.

She smiled. "My name is Tia and I'm from the East region of this kingdom," she replied.

He stared at her. "And you do not have a scent, how do I know that you're not telling a lie?" He asked her, his eyes boring into her intensely.

"I do not tell a lie, alpha," she replied.

"Then, what are you doing in my territory?" He demanded.

She sighed. "I'm.. I'm.." she started to say, as she looked nervous and shuffled on her feet.

"You're what?" He asked, rather impatiently.

"It's hard to say it," she responded and lowered her gaze. He stared at her, and then turned away, not willing to indulge in any more conversation with her. "I'm a rogue," she announced, stopping him in his tracks.

He turned around and looked at her. He raised a brow. "Rogue?" He inquired.

She nodded. "I was sent out of my pack and I have been roaming the kingdom," she replied.

"Well, keep roaming the kingdom. Roam as far as you want, but, stay out of my territory," he replied in a calm but dangerous tone. He turned away and she fell on her knees.

"I've been roaming the kingdom, and i have not had a moment of peace. I am ridiculed everywhere I go as a rogue banished from her pack. Please, show your mercy on me," she pleaded.

"What did you do?" He asked her.

"I stood for the truth and I was banished. Please, show kindness upon me," she pleaded as she looked down.

Alex stared at her, pondering on her words.

Mia walked out of the kitchen as she took a bite from the lemon cake in her small plate. Just then, she saw Alex walk into the pack house with a woman. Her jaw dropped as she saw the woman. She had a puzzled look on her face as she walked into the living room. "Is everything okay?" She asked him.

Alex looked in her direction and then nodded. "Where's Mera?" He asked her.

"In the kitchen. She's preparing lunch," Mia replied.

Just then, another omega walked past and greeted Mia and Alex. Alex stopped her from leaving. "Prepare a room for my guest," he said to her.

"Immediately, alpha," the omega replied.

Alex turned to Tia. "Once she's done, she'll send for you," he said to her and she nodded. Without saying anything further, he walked up the stairs without introducing Mia to Tia or vice versa.

As soon as Alex disappeared into the hallway, Tia turned to Mia. "Hi, I'm Tia," she said with a smile as she stretched her hand towards Mia.

Mia wiped her hand clean on her dress and took it. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mia. Mia Heartman. I'm his wife," she replied with a smile.

Tia's eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled. "Oh, that's great," she replied as they pulled their hands away, and Mia nodded with a smile.

"I'm sorry, where did you guys meet?" Mia asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, we just met," Tia replied in an excited tone and Mia stared at her in an equally surprised way.

It was dinner time, and everyone was seated in the dining room including Tia, but, James Heartman was not present. "Father has refused to come down for dinner," Mia announced to Alex.

Alex paused in holding his fork. "He should come down and eat," he replied.

"He's really hurting. I have tried to talk to him, but my words are not getting into him," she said.

"He should not act like he's the only one hurt about the disappearance of his wife," Alex replied.

"At least he's showing his emotions unlike others," she replied and he turned sharp eyes in her direction, and she equally looked at him with a defiant chin as Hendrix and Tia noticed the tension between them.

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