Chapter 8
Roland got out of his car and slammed the door shut.
“Oly, come on we’re here” Roland said with a smile. Oliver then came out of the car.
“What is this place?” Oliver asked concerned.
“The Vatican HQ. Like I told you, they put me in charge of you for some months so that when you’re ready, you’ll face the task ahead of you” Roland said.
“I’m 22 Roland. No fucking law enforcement agency can tell me what I’m supposed to face” Oliver said sternly.
“I wonder if your mindset will change in a room with a human, a vampire, two witches, an angel and a demon as your superiors” Roland said and then he began his entrance into the Vatican.
“Hey, wait up” Oliver said as he picked up his pace.
Soon, he got to the room where he was to meet the leaders of the Vatican. Ginger used a spell to jam the doors shut.
“Okay…” Oliver said to himself.
“Roland…you may speak” Jean declared.
“Morning everyone. I present to you Oliver Stones our dual legacy” Roland said with a smile
Father Micheal was chopping some firewood when Charlie walked up to him.
“I never thought I’d be saying this much less to a priest but…you look hot” Charlie said as she stared at the priest’s sweaty shirtless body.
“Did they like have a gym at your seminary because why the fuck are you this built?” Charlie asked with a chuckle.
“When you involve yourself with the devil you gotta prep for it” Micheal said.
“I guess so” Charlie said.
“So what happened yesterday? Are you and the kid leaving?” Micheal asked.
“I don’t know yet. Oliver wants me to stay. But Malcolm first. I promised him I was gonna take him out of this place” Charlie said sadly.
“Did he hear you make that promise?” Micheal asked.
“I don’t think so. He was still unconscious” Charlie said.
“Look, all I can tell you is the truth. Which is to stay. Now, I’m not saying this because I’m friends with Oly, no. I’m saying this because there’s obviously gonna be a war. Whenever Omar is ready we’re gonna have that war. I’m also not saying we’re gonna be the winning side but we are gonna be the winning side. Charlie, you and the kid should stay. It’s the beat way to win this war…together” Micheal said.
“I’m not sending a ten year old to the battlefield” Charlie said sternly.
“Neither is Oliver sending you away with a ten year old. Anyone who traces you to us can use the both of you as leverage and no one wants that” Micheal said sternly.
“No one knows we are affiliated” Charlie said.
“Oh you have no idea the ample resources the Vatican possess” Micheal said.
“What about the Vatican?” Roland asked as he walked in on Charlie’s conversation with the priest.
“Morning Ro” Micheal greeted.
“Morning… Char… how are you?” Roland said.
“Fine…you?” Charlie asked.
“Safer… how’s little Malcolm?” Roland asked.
“He’s better. I just let him lie down for a bit” Charlie replied.
“Tell him I said thank you” Roland said with gratitude.
“Tell him yourself Roland” Charlie said then she walked out on him.
“Is she mad at you?” Micheal asked.
“Maybe” Roland replied.
Ginger and Maelstrom were at the Vatican trying to locate Oliver and Roland.
“Why can’t we find them? We are the two strongest witches in the world yet we can’t find those fools!” Maelstrom yelled in anger.
“Calm down Maelstrom. We will find them. We just need a loophole” Ginger said.
“What loophole? We don’t even know the people Oliver and Roland associated with” Maelstrom said and then Jean came in to check out their progress.
“How’s it going?” Jean asked.
“Nothing. We can’t find them” Maelstrom confessed.
“Jean, is there anything you know about Oliver or Roland? Anything at all that maybe…personal” Ginger asked.
Immediately, Jean began reminiscing trying to figure out any information she knew about Oliver and Roland. She then went back to the time she encountered officer Mikey at Oliver’s house.
“Oliver Stones, come out or I’ll shoot. I just wanna talk” Officer Mikey said calmly but Jean didn’t budge.
“The pastor told me most of it… most of everything. The priest lied to me to protect you. I went to the church and he wasn’t there. Oliver Stones, come out now and I promise you no harm would be done to you and the priest” officer Mikey assured calmly.
“That cop said something about a pastor and a priest” Jean said to herself.
“And there’s our fucking loophole” Ginger said to Maelstrom.
“I’m gonna get Bastista. We’re heading to the church” Jean said.
“To do what?” Maelstrom asked.
“Get his belongings. I think the priest followed him. Oliver thinks he’s smart. Well two can play at that game” Jean said and then she left to find Batista.
Pastor Zach was preaching about the words of the Lord on the pupit when he sighted Ludacris.
“One moment please” Zach said to the congregation as he excused himself. He met Ludacris at the back of the church to talk.
“What kind of a fucking revenge did you pull on Oliver Stones?” Ludacris asked angrily.
“He’s on the run now. I did you a favour” Zach said.
“That wasn’t part of the deal. You said this was gonna end Oliver!” Ludacris yelled.
“Lower your tone. He got away before it could end him. He’s smart, face it Ludacris” Zach said sternly. There was silence for a while before Ludacris broke it.
“Well… guess I gotta amp up the search” he said with a smirk.
“What are you gonna do?” Pastor Zach asked but Ludacris ignored him and left the church premises.
Jean and Batista got to St Xavier’s. They began raiding the whole church in search for him but they didn’t see anyone.
“He’s not here?” Batista said.
“Great. That officially means he’s with Oliver” Jean said as she picked up his stole from a confession box she stood beside.
“Let’s go catch those bastards” Batista said with a smirk. Then they got into their car and drove straight to the HQ.
Charlie was with Malcolm feeding him while he sat on the bed.
“How are you feeling now?” Charlie asked.
“Better” Malcolm answered.
“I’m so sorry I let that happen to you” Charlie said remorseful.
“I said I was gonna help so I lived up to my decision. I just hope you live up to yours” Malcolm said and immediately, Charlie recognised where Malcolm was driving at.
“You made a promise Charlie. When are we going to leave this place?” Malcolm asked then they heard a knock on the door.
“Come in” Charlie said then Oliver and Ronald came in.
“Hey” Oliver said.
“Hey” Charlie responded.
“Malcolm… how are you?” Oliver asked.
“Fine” Malcolm replied.
“Thank you… we are grateful” Oliver said calmly.
“You’re welcome” Malcolm said.
“Alright… see ya” Oliver said as he patted Malcolm on the back. He was about leaving with Roland when Malcolm called him back.
“Why don’t you wanna look at me? I helped you, the least you could do is look at me” Malcolm said sternly. Roland then got pissed and stared directly into his eyes.
“Thank you for saving us” Roland said and them he walked out.
“Roland!” Oliver called out then he chased after him.
Jean and Batista went to the HQ and net Ginger and Maelstrom.
“Did you find the priest?” Ginger asked.
“No, but we just might have the solution to all our problems” Jean said as she held the priests stole.