Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Twenty One

Nina’s POV

I just keep running. I don’t know why I just keep running. Even though Clarence and his friends never attempt a cat-and-mouse chase. Even though Clarence intentionally let me escape, even though I knew deep down that what he did was a scare tactic.

But despite that, I run.

I don’t know where I am going. I just run straight without stopping. Curious passersby stare at me with wonder and sometimes I almost got hit by approaching cyclists.

A few quick apologies here and there if I bump someone but I don’t stop.

Once I am finally out of breath, I put myself into a sudden halt. Wobbly legs restrict me from going further and I am panting a lot, as I walk slowly to the wall next to a Japanese-looking restaurant and lean my back on it.

While trying to catch my breath, my mind was once numb from running, like a fleeting adrenaline rush, yet it reverts me back to my own thoughts.

I was assaulted.

By a classmate, I barely even knew.

Even when I didn’t show my pathetic side yet.

I smile grimly to myself. Today reminded me that despite starting a new leaf in a new place and school, good luck won’t come in my way.

First with Luca, who has been showing nothing but mixed signals for these past few days and I can be safe to assume that it was just his obligation as a guardian.

Second, I just… don’t belong here. The school, this city… Who am I kidding? Just because Yu has been the only nicest person in Dawn City, I automatically assume everyone is?

I must be an idiot, thinking that I can blend in at my new school.

No matter where I go, I will always be No-Good Nina.

“Know your place, parvenu.”

Clarence’s words remind me of Luca’s three years ago. Funny how the rich people think alike.

I must be insane thinking Luca and Clarence are the same.

Luca is going to be your stepbrother and Clarence is just a classmate you barely know. I thought to myself. Luca has reasons to be mad while Clarence… Clarence is just crazy.

But at the same time, they might be right… I just need to know my place in their world.

“Are you all right, miss?” I look beside me to see a Japanese man’s head peeking from the corner. He looks around his mid-40s and he seems genuinely concerned when he sees me.

“Y-yeah,” I answer and I’ve realized that I’m actually sitting on the floor at this man’s restaurant. “S-sorry, I sh-should go.”

“Nonsense, you look troubled, missy,” he then examines me a bit. His lips curve into a frown. “Do you want me to call the police?”

“Huh?” I look at him quizzically.

“Someone tore your uniform, right?” He says, pointing his index finger at my chest and I look down and I immediately squeak, realizing that since the buttons are torn on my dress shirt and vest, it opens wider to reveal my worn-out sports bra. I quickly cover my chest with my vest.

No wonder people were staring at me when I was running, I mentally wanted to beat myself up.

“Come inside, I will lend you my wife’s shirt first. And let’s call your parents.”

I immediately pale. “N-no, that’s okay! This is because of my carelessness!”

He just looks doubtful. “Can I just at least hand you over my wife’s shirt then? I feel bad leaving you like that, especially in this cold weather.” He then gestures to me to follow him before heading back inside.

Hesitantly, I follow inside.

When I enter, the restaurant is just like from the Asian soap operas: wooden interior with pictures showcasing the restaurant’s best dishes, Japanese slogan is facing in front of you the moment you enter and Japanese lanterns are hanging at the counter.

There’s no diversity in Dawn City so it’s my first time actually seeing a real Japanese restaurant.

“We haven’t opened yet so feel free to sit anywhere. My wife is coming home with my daughter so I have to go upstairs and get you a shirt.”

“Will it be better if we ask your wife first?”

“My wife has more clothes than the lines of these wooden floors!” He laughs out loud. “Don’t worry, missy, here.” He passes me a bowl of noodle soup. “It’s on the house.”

“This is too much…”

“Seriously, miss. I think you need some pampering with the way you act. Just let me spoil ya.”

I look perplexed as I utter the words that come to my mind. “W-why are you so nice to me?”

“Because I can. Plus you were around my son’s age. Now, dig in, it’s the best noodles in my restaurant,” he says, cheerfully then he leaves me when he goes upstairs.

I look at the noodles and take the spoon since I have not yet learned how to hold the chopsticks. I taste the soup and feel the rich texture of the soup in my mouth.

This soup… is far better than the lunch meal I had earlier.

And I continue to eat it, suddenly feeling hungry and wolfing it down. The temperature isn’t hot enough to burn my tongue so I gulp every last bit of the soup.

“I’m glad that you like the food.”

“Yes, it’s the best noodles I’ve ever tasted.”

The man chuckles as he hands over a loose shirt. “Sorry, my wife’s a bit plump but it’s better than nothing, eh?”

“I appreciate it, sir. Thank you,” I say with gratitude as I accept the pink t-shirt. It’s too big for me but it’s just the same as when I was wearing my hoodies.

“No problem.” He smiles, then he returns back to the kitchen behind the counter. “We have a telephone here if you want to call your folks,” he says, pointing to the phone which is placed next to the cat figurine.

“I’m good, I have my phone here, thanks.”

And with that, I rummage inside my bag to check the time to see it’s still 6 pm, I sigh. Today… I don’t know how I’m feeling right now after everything that happened but I just… I just want to call Gene.

I don’t need to tell him about today’s events… I just need to hear his voice.

The phone rings and I’m waiting patiently for him to answer.

No answer.

I call him again but he still doesn’t pick it up.

That’s odd. He usually answers at this time.

And when I dial the phone the fourth time is when he picks up.

“Oh, Gene, thank God—”

“Who is this?” A child-like voice of a young boy and I instantly know it’s one of the foster kids.

“Rupert, right?” Last time I saw Rupert was weeks ago. “This is Nina. Can you please get your big brother Gene?”

The other line seems quiet for a while until he answers, “Gene is in the basement with daddy.”

My heart sinks into the pit hole when I hear that as all the blood on my face drains down.

He’s… what now?

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