Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Twenty Four


It’s strange, really. I don’t normally faint in front of anyone, let alone in front of Gene and my mom.

But looking back, I had signs of losing consciousness on my first day of school: with Clarence and his warning, about Gene’s situation and well, Luca.

Speaking of Luca, I remember the events before fainting, I made a stupid move, right? Like some kind of soap opera stunt that only happens if it’s intentional...yet, once again, I made a fool of myself landing on him right AFTER he helped me out.

I won’t blame him if he finally snaps from any rationality and decides to kick me out. I mean he was forced to be my guardian, right?

I finally lift my eyes open, the once blurry vision slowly returns back to normal. And I see an unfamiliar ceiling that doesn’t seem the same as my bedroom.

The first thing that registers in my mind is the sound of boiling water then the faint aroma that I find it hard to decipher.

“W-where am I?” I ask myself.

“Oh, kid, you’re finally awake.”

My head turns directly to that voice and I see the kitchen where Yu is. His back is in my view as he is stirring with a wooden spoon to what seems like to be a stockpot. I can’t tell since his back is blocking the view.

I’ve also realized that I’m lying on the sofa. A soft quilt pillow neatly tucks on my head and a blanket warms me from the cool autumn.

“What time is it?” I ask, my voice sounds raspy and I’ve realized my throat hurts a bit.

“11PM. You were asleep for almost two hours.”

“I s-see.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Uh, feeling better, actually,” I pause for a moment. “Uh, Yu, what are you cooking then?”

“Rice porridge. I think it’s best for you since you’re out of it, kid,” he replies as he turns off the stove. “Luca is out at the pharmacy in case this happens again.”

“Oh, he doesn’t need to,” I say, waving my hands in refusal. An odd habit of mine even if Yu isn’t looking. “I feel fine, really!”

“Well, he has to since he is your guardian, after all,” he says, sternly, as he prepares the bowl. And once he’s done, he turns in my direction with a tray with a bowl of rice porridge and a spoon.

Yu isn’t smiling. He places the tray on the coffee table and moves to the love seat opposite to me.

I can tell that Yu wants to have the talk I am sure that I need to come up with a reasonable excuse fast.

“Nina, I know you’re not under my charge but rather, under my boss’s jurisdiction,” he pauses for a while.

Actually, I’m considered legal and he’s forced to take care of me.

“But as your friend and the older figure of this room, I would like to know what happened at school.”

“I’m so, so, sorry, Yu.” I look down as I start fidgeting. “As I’ve said, I lost track of the time and that’s why I was late.”

“Technically, you arrived five minutes late but that’s not the problem, kid,” he says, calmly. “When you arrived, the first thing Luca and I saw were your eyes. You were crying, weren’t you?”

My cheeks redden from the embarrassment. I completely forgot to fix myself before meeting them but I was so transfixed with my curfew that I was being careless.

“And also, your blazer’s buttons are missing. Did something happen at school, kid?” His eyes change to worry. Yu does have a habit of worrying others, huh? “W-were you having a hard time at school, Nina?”

If I tell him what happened, most likely they are going to the school, if Luca is famous, there is a higher chance that Kim Yu-jun is reputable as his partner and it might cause a scandal.

Again, to cause more problems to my mom, Rodrigo, and the de Milano Estate.

So, I just laugh, albeit nervously. “There’s nothing to worry about. We were—running, yeah! We were running for the tryouts to see if I’m suitable for the track team.”

“In your uniform?” He raises a brow, suspiciously.

Good going, Nina. I am mentally berating myself. “Well, the coach wants to test out if we could run really fast even with restraints—like, like our uniforms! And well, as I was r-running I accidentally crashed on a tree branch. My vest got caught by its branches and ripped through my vest along with my uniform.”

“T-then I cried so hard because I failed the test.” I continue, nervously, as I pray that Yu will buy my lame excuse. I have been making excuses whenever my mom asks all my life!

But still, Yu continues to look at me with a skeptical look and slowly he shakes his head. “I see, sorry that you couldn’t make it, kid.”

“Y-yeah, I guess I’m not cut out for running,” I laugh, nervously. While at the back of my mind I was screaming that I have lied to Yu! Yu who has been nothing but an amazing brother figure to me.

“Anyway, you have to try my Korean rice porridge. It is supposed to help overcome nausea.”

I nod, dubiously, holding the spoon which is placed neatly on the clothed napkin next to the bowl and I stare at the bowl.

The aroma smells nice and even though I don’t feel hungry after eating Japanese noodles earlier, I scoop down the right amount of porridge, blow out the steam and eat it.

“It’s g-good!” I exclaim after swallowing the porridge.

Yu who has been serious at the moment, reverts back to his usual cheerful self as he laughs. “I’m glad that you like it.”

Relieved, I smile at Yu and continue to dig in. He stands up and goes back to the kitchen. “Say, don’t tell Luca I’m taking two or three beers.” As he says that, he opens the fridge and takes three cans of beer which were hidden on the bottom shelf.

“Of course I won’t.”

“You still not on speaking terms with him?”

I blush as I just continue to eat my porridge. “A-after what happened earlier, I think we’re back on square one.”

“What do you mean?” He asks as he comes back to the loveseat.

“W-well, I accidentally fell on him after my legs gave up—after all that running,” I add, hastily. “And… I think he’s really mad.”

“I don’t think so, kid,” Yu muses as he rubs his chin. His lips curve in a smirk. “More like he’s mad at me.”

“Huh?” I look baffled.

“Well, you can say it’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”

I look completely confused with his musings but since he doesn't really like to continue about the topic, I decide not to ask further and just let it slide.

“Anyway, it’s getting late, Luca will come back anytime soon and you have school tomorrow.”

Ah, right, school. Today was tiring and going to school again, seeing Clarence after what he had done...the thought makes me feel nauseous again.

I clench tightly on my vest where the buttons used to be there.

“Uh, Nina, are you okay?” Yu looks at me once again with concern.

Oh, drats. I let my feelings show again.

“I’m f-fine, Yu,” I force a smile.

He doesn’t say anything and he opens a can of beer and drinks it. Afterward, he ruffles my hair.


“You look like shit today, kid. If something is troubling you, you have to face it. Even if Luca is too much of a prick to make even one goddamn effort, you will be the one to do it.”

Why are we talking about Luca here? I have a feeling that Yu thought I was still worried about Luca.

"And as I've said, even if he is too prideful, and if he dares to kicks you out on a whim which is HIGHLY unlikely, I'm always there to back you up." He grins as he swings his beer.

“T-thanks?” I say, unsure of what to say. Was it a drunk talk? No, Yu only drank a bit of beer. It will take him two or three beers to get drunk.

But I get it. He has been my supporter since day one and I have never been thankful enough. H-have I thanked him before? So I decide to say it now, “Thank you, Yu.” I smile.

“Even if we’re not blood-related, you’re an amazing brother to me.”

“Well, someone has to,” he says as he pats on my head. “You're a great kid. Remember that.”

“Actually, I'm eighteen now. So I'm far from a kid.”

“Yes, I know,” he grins. “But a kid is still a kid to me. As long as you're younger than me, I’ll call you a kid.”

Then we both laugh at that.

And this conversation puts me at ease.

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