Chapter 1

As a young girl, Chloe Davenport was sheltered by her overbearing parents. She only had a few select friends. The other girls and boys at school was too scared Chloe would snitch on them. It was her downfall of being a preacher’s daughter. A small group of girls befriended her, not caring who she was. The boys that showed an interest, just perverts after one thing.

Her innocence.

Chloe was expected to keep her grades no lower than a B average. Anything below that would conclude in severe consequences. Throughout grade school, she kept her parents content with her. When Chloe entered high school, it all changed. Benjamin Grayson, the badboy of the school watched Chloe enter the class and smiled to himself. He watched the curvy brunette take a seat in front of him nervously. Ben ran a finger through his black hair and let his eyes take in every detail of her body. Sure, she dressed conservatively, but something told him she had a wild girl inside her. There wasn’t a girl in this town who would turn down Benjamin Grayson.

“Chloe, right?” Benjamin asked, leaning forward.

“Yes. I know you’re Benjamin Grayson, the badboy my brother told me to stay away from.” She said, looking back at him.

“He did, did he?” Ben raised his eyebrow in response.

“Yes, he says you’re the town trash.” Benjamin clenched his jaw, making Chloe scoot away from him.

“Babydoll, the next time he says that...tell him to come find me and I’ll prove him wrong. The only trash is him.” Ben reached up, tucking a strand of her dark curls behind her ear and whispered. “You really don’t know your brother, do you?”

“What do you mean?” Chloe shivered under his touch, feeling excitement rush through her body.

“Never mind, just tell him to keep his mouth shut, or I’ll have to shut it myself.” Benjamin didn’t want to tell this girl what an asshole her brother was, or what he’d been doing at the diner two days ago. If anyone was trash, it was Colton Davenport.

Benjamin couldn’t get Chloe out of his mind as he drank his beer. The bartender raised an eyebrow, curious what had Benjamin stuck in his thoughts. “Penny for your thoughts?”

Benjamin sighed, chugging the rest of the beer and said. “Chloe Davenport.”

“Axel Davenport’s daughter?” He asked Benjamin as he grabbed another beer for him.

“That’s the one. What can you tell me about her?” He asked Jeff, the bartender.

“I know she’s been trying to get a job here as a waitress. I know daddy keeps a good eye on her and her mother is nothing but a whore.” Jeff winced, grabbing himself a beer.

“Do you think it runs in the family?” I’d love for Chloe to be my whore.

“No. Chloe is a good girl. If she was bad, her father wouldn’t hesitate to lock her in a closet and make her pray for her sins.” Jeff frowned, taking a drink of his beer.

“Shit. He really does that? I thought that was just rumors.” Now, Benjamin officially hated her father.

“He does. My girlfriend is friends with her. Chloe tells her everything.” Jeff replied.

“Well, maybe I should do something about it. I mean, what kind of father locks his own daughter in a closet for a bad grade?” Benjamin shook his head, suddenly feeling disgusted.

“Well, Amber said it wasn’t that. She snuck out of her bedroom and came here. Her brother caught her and tattled.”

“Shit! I hate that fucker.” Benjamin downed his beer and slammed it down on the counter.

Not only did Benjamin want to beat the shit out of her brother, but Mr. Davenport too.

Colton Davenport cleared his throat and leaned on the counter. “Well, well, well. Jeff, didn’t I tell you to take out the trash?”

“Walk away, Colton. I’m not in the mood for your shit.” Benjamin warned, trying to keep his temper at bay.

“Or what, you gonna beat my ass?” Colton teased, giving Benjamin a light shove.

“You should listen to him. This ain’t the time for your bullshit.” Jeff warned, jumping over the counter in case this escalated.

Benjamin ground his teeth, attempting to cool down. Colton reached behind the counter and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels. That was the last straw for Benjamin. Jeff shook his head at Benjamin, pleading him not to do anything.

“Put the fucking bottle back.” Benjamin turned to him, taking a step closer to Colton.

“Geez, calm down. I’m only playing, no need to get your panties in a bunch.” Colton put the bottle back and raised his arms in surrender.

Benjamin whispered, “God, I hate that dick.”

Jeff nodded in agreement, “Who doesn’t?”

Benjamin normally would be hooking up with a sexy blonde by now, but not tonight. His thoughts were on Chloe, the only girl who didn’t acknowledge him.

Chloe’s green eyes haunted him as he stepped in the abandoned garage. Benjamin was interested in the one girl he should leave alone. Benjamin growled in frustration, angry at his family. They had died in a car crash two years ago, leaving him a large sum of cash. No one knew that he was the richest man in town and that’s how he preferred it. To the people in this town, he was just gutter trash.

Over the past few weeks, Benjamin observed Chloe’s routine. She kept to herself at lunch, hiding in the library. He followed her, making sure Colton wasn’t trying to give her hell. It was the last day of school, making it the perfect opportunity to approach the curvy brunette. Benjamin caught Colton beating on a waitress down at Pinky’s diner about two weeks back. He had to make sure he didn’t do that to his own sister. Benjamin wondered if Colton did the same thing to Chloe.

Chloe sniffled, angry that her father and brother treated her poorly and her mother stayed buried in a bottle of wine. On the outside looking in, the Davenport family seemed like they were perfect. They weren’t at all perfect, though.

“Chloe, are you okay?” Benjamin asked, making Chloe wipe her tears and put a fake smile on her face.

“I’m fine. Shouldn’t you be getting your dick sucked by your next conquest?” Chloe asked, trying not to look at his bulging muscles.

“So, the good girl does have a dirty mouth.” Benjamin smiled down to her, caging her against the wall.

“I’m very dirty, Ben. Do you want to find out how filthy I can be?” Chloe met his gaze, licking her lips.

Benjamin leaned down, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Tell me darlin’, have you ever been kissed?”

“No.” Chloe sucked in a breath as his breath on her neck.

“Then, how do you know you can be a dirty girl?” Benjamin said, taking her by the hips and jerked her forward.

“Ben,” Chloe gasped, “I-kiss me.”

Chloe had no idea why Benjamin had the effect on her. His eyes darkened, licking his lips as he contemplated his next move. He reached up and twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. “You wouldn’t be able to handle me, little girl. Do you know what they call me?”

“No.” Chloe whispered, sucking in a breath as he brushed his lips against hers.

“They call me Benjamin the Annihilator. Do you know why that is?” He asked.

“Why?” Chloe was frozen as Benjamin closed the space, pressing his rough lips against her mouth. He tasted of whiskey and stale cigarettes as his tongue invaded her mouth. She widened her eyes, his hardness of his cock pressing into her.

Benjamin pulled away, leaning down next to her ear and whispered. “Because once you get fucked by me, you will need a hospital to repair your pussy. I told you before, your unused hole can’t handle my cock. Now run along and be the good little girl you are.”

Benjamin watched her duck under his arm and run like her ass was on fire. The truth be told, he needed her to leave, so he wouldn’t rip her panties off and taste her. Benjamin groaned and ran his hand over his face. He’d been so close to spreading her out on the floor and tasting her pussy. Benjamin was so hard it hurt and had the Preacher’s daughter to thank for that.

“Fuck me.” Benjamin cursed under his breath.

The rest of the day all he could think of was how he wanted Chloe. To take her to his bed, and fuck her.

“Ben, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” The blonde trailed her finger down his chest, pressing her perky breasts against him.

“Not now, I’ve got things to do.” He lied, shoving her away.

“But I thought we could have a quickie in the janitor’s closet.” She pouted and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I said not now!” Benjamin growled, making her wince at his harsh tone.

“Fine. Be that way, maybe I’ll see if someone else wants a quickie.” She narrowed her eyes and stormed away.

Jeff poured another shot for Benjamin and shook his head. “Woah! Back the fuck up. Let me get this straight, first she said she can be dirty and then you kiss her out of the blue?”

“Pretty much. I mean, I didn’t plan to do it, but she pushed me. I only kissed her to shut her up.” Benjamin lied and downed his shot.

“And then, you turn down a quickie from Candy?” Jeff raised an eyebrow, a smile spreading across his face.

“Yes, she, and I were a one time thing. It’s over now.”

“Oh shit.” Jeff looked across the bar and widened his eyes in shock.

“What are you…” Benjamin followed his eyes and clenched his fists. Chloe was standing at the jukebox in a short pair of daisy dukes and a white tank top, plus a pair of sleek black heels. Her back was arched as she leaned down. Everyone in here was watching her with a lustful gaze.

“Fucking hell Ben, look at that ass.” Jeff whistled and Benjamin glared at his friend.

“She’s really pushing it with me today. I’m gonna need more whiskey for this.” Benjamin sighed, running his hand over his face.

Benjamin sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, his cock swelling under his zipper. When he opened his eyes, he stood up and told Jeff. “This shit ends right now.”

Benjamin stormed across the bar and slammed his hands down on the jukebox from behind. “You lost, sugar?”

“No, I’m not lost. I know exactly where I am.” Chloe twisted around to face him, raising her face confidently.

“This ain’t the place for you, unless you’re looking to get bent over the pool table. Do you really want to lose your virginity in here in front of everyone to see?” Benjamin’s nostrils flared as she stepped forward glaring.

“Maybe I will, Ben. I told you earlier, I’m a dirty girl.” She replied.

“Go. Home.” Benjamin hissed, gripping her wrists.

“No, you’re not the boss of me.” Chloe tried to knee him in the balls, but he dodged it.

“Want to try that again, sweetheart?” Benjamin asked, Chloe’s flushed as his cock pressed against her belly.

“Fuck you, Ben.” Chloe squirmed, only making Benjamin’s cock swell even more.

“Keep moving like that and I’ll take you over the pool table and spank that ass. Then, we’ll see who’s in charge. Just be a good girl and go home.” Ben sighed loosening his grip.

“You’re not listening. I want to walk on the wild side with someone and I want to do that with you. That’s why I’m here. I want you to teach me how to be a bad girl.” Benjamin’s eyes glazed over with a lustful need.

“Shit, you can’t say things like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I just might do it.” Benjamin stepped back, shaking his head.

Benjamin knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help it when it came to Chloe. If she wanted to do this, then she would be taught a lesson. One she would never forget.

“Then go bend over that pool table. Show me you can take a spanking.”

“Right here?” Chloe gulped, “In front of everyone?”

“Yes, go on over there and brace yourself.” Ben smirked, knowing she was bluffing.

Chloe licked her lips and surprised Benjamin by leaning over the table and looking behind her. “Then, come on. Teach me a lesson, Master.”

Jeff shook his head at Ben as he watched him walk over to the table and leaned over her. Benjamin leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Are you sure you can handle me spanking your ass until it glows?”

“Yes.” Chloe squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the blow, but it never came.

“Then, you better come with me to the back. I don’t want your brother to watch you scream out as I blister your bare ass.”

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