Chapter 3
{Ari's POV}
Then I heard the door unlock when no one came in. I knew it was simply a cleaning job. I was dressed in a ragged brown dress that was two sizes too small, but it was all I had; I wore no shoes or socks. Slowly I climbed the steps; once I got to the top, I squinted. It was bright outside the basement, and my eyes took time to adjust to the light. Once my eyes adjusted, I noticed my father had let me out.
- Why couldn’t it be anyone else?-
As I walked past him, I could feel his eyes watching me; they bore into my body. I shivered lightly. He was the worst. I didn't know what made him so much more awful than everyone else, but he was. It could be because he took so much pride and enjoyment in hurting me. I went to the kitchen. On the table, I found my small bucket and cleaning supplies.
•-I might as well start here -
I grabbed my things and started cleaning the small kitchen.
-I don't understand how it became so disgusting. It’s only been two days since I cleaned last-
Once I was done with the kitchen, I moved on to the rest of the home; I enjoyed tending. It usually means my family left me for a few hours. They didn't bother me much while I was cleaning other than the creepy beady eyes on me. I always tried to stretch out my cleaning duties as long as possible, which wasn't difficult considering my family was repulsive.
-no matter how often I come clean, this place is always gross.-
I can still feel my father's eyes tearing my clothes off mentally. I knew exactly what he was thinking. Unfortunately, I could tell by the first look I got when I reached the top of the steps. He’s thinking about my body; he’s thinking about me.
-He is sticking close today--
I froze once it was time to clean my mother and father’s room. He followed me, and I knew what would happen. I slowly opened the door, and Father crept into the room after me. He lingered in the doorway admiring me in the most sickening way. I walked over, sat down on my supplies, started cleaning off the nightstand, and picked up clothes from the floor. As I lifted the clothes and put them in the basket, I heard a slight growl from across the room. It made my heart sink.
-Here we go.-
I knew he was watching my bottom as I bent over; the last thing I wanted was an encounter with him; he was rough and left me sore and bruised; he could harm my unborn cub.
I continued picking clothes up and tried to ignore my father's moaning and growling as he watched me. I moved to gather trash.
-I swear they leave things on the ground to watch me bend and pick them up-
I tried to squat and pick things up before to give them less to see, resulting in Mason, my brother kicking me roughly in the back knocking me forward, and banging my head off the fridge; I never tried that again after that. I turned her head when I heard another enter the room; I didn’t know why. I knew by the scent alone that it was my mother. I saw the same sick smile on her face that she gave me the day she gave me the news of my new role.
Laylee looked at her mate “My dear, isn’t our daughter just beautiful” she said, licking her lips as if she was looking at the rarest candy on earth. Konor smirked. “Oh my love, she certainly is,” he said. The conversation was expected, but it still made my skin crawl whenever I heard their voices. I stiffened up a little when they spoke about me but knew better than to stop cleaning before I was touched or told to. I just forced myself to keep moving. Every part of my body was screaming to run, but where? They would just catch me and kill me, epically with the forced mind link. I knew I had to be smart about this. “Not much longer,” I thought to myself. As soon as I did, I regretted the mind link; I looked at my parents, but they didn't seem phased by the thought, only amused. I still thought that. I could hear Gemma in my head” It’s going to be okay, “she said softly. I didn’t need any more explanation to know what it meant. I knew Gemma was looking for a way out, and eventually, she would find it; maybe she was finally getting close.
I turned to look at the vast bed. It was king size bed with Deep red covers and pillows; it looked so comfortable.
• I could fall in it and sleep for weeks-
That is, if it wasn’t for the horrors that happened here and all over this house, there was no way I could ever be that comfortable here or anywhere. I started to make up the bed timidly when I felt the sting of a small soft hand on my shoulder and an icy voice in her ear” Oh dear daughter, there is no need for that, “the voice said. It bounced off my ear like needles digging into my skin; my r mother was the worst of them all. Not because she did more, it was just if anyone was supposed to protect me, wasn’t it supposed to be a moth? r. I slowly nodded my head. “Yes, Mother,” I said in a shaky voice, and I let the cover go. I knew exactly what would happen. I felt a small laugh; my shaky voice amazed my mother.
I turned to face my mother, who now had a hand on my hip. She pushed me back on the bed and s climbed on top of me. Her face was inches from mine, and her tongue brushed over my lips; I was so severely to bite her, to spit in her face, but I knew better then. My mother started to kiss me. From past experiences, I knew not doing something back would result in serve punishment, so my arms around my mother, and I began to kiss her back. The whole time I tried to think of anything else. My father moaned, watching us. He loved to watch the two of them; he enjoyed seeing his mate tease and torture their dear daughter. "Good girls," he said in a husky gruff voice, and he was on the bed in a flash. He grabbed my arms holding them down as my mother ripped off the dress.
At that point, I shrunk into myself and disappeared into Gemma’s realm as my parents played with my body, I knew they could tell I was gone if they looked in my eyes, but I also knew they didn’t care; at least most the time they didn't, because I could still feel every touch and hear every sound just vaguely. Finding Gemma, I ran to her. “Oh, Gemma, I can’t do this anymore. We have to get out of here,” I said, sobbing as I nuzzled her neck. I always felt safe with Gemma.
Gemma purred softly, calming her other half. “I know, sweet child, I will figure out a way to sit us free, but we must be careful no matter how we got this cub; we must love and protect it at all costs,” she said, nuzzling and purring as she wrapped herself protectively around me until the ordeal was over. I sat and cried and cried, nodding. I knew Gemma was right about everything. Once I could feel my parents were done and had their fill of my body, I sighed in relief as it was over. I clung tightly to my only friend; she felt Gemma perk up. “What,” I asked softly, wiping my eyes. Something had Gemma's attention, and I needed to know what.