Read with BonusRead with Bonus



Rachel’s eyes opened in a foggy haze as she gazed up at the morning sky. She lay there, on the cold, damp ground, and the cool crisp air breezing past her face made her lips chatter. She couldn’t understand why she was laying on the ground. Why was she even outside?

She felt a cold hand touch hers, felt fingers caressing her face. She blinked again as the morning rays of the sun hit her face and then saw a guy, staring down at her, gazing into her eyes. She blinked again, wondering if she were seeing things. But he still remained, staring and smiling at her.

She took her hand and pinched her leg, hoping to wake from this dream, but it didn’t help. She was awake, laying on the ground, in the cold, crisp air with a complete stranger.

She tried to remember what had happened the night before. She thought she must be hungover; thought maybe she made a terrible mistake at a dance club and ended up with this random guy. Then again, she didn’t recall going to a dance club. She was completely lost, not a clue as to why she lay there and who this guy was.

She started to lift her head off the ground feeling the weight on her neck as she arose. She had a terrible headache that radiated through her spine and neck. She wasn’t feeling right, either. Her whole body felt weak and exhausted, she didn’t know what happened to her. It was almost as if someone gave her a roofie or something. It was the strangest feeling, one she’d never had before. She didn’t recognize her body, something was off, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

She sat up slowly and waited a few minutes for the world to stop spinning around her. She was dizzy and felt nauseous, but above all her physical ailments, she felt scared. Why was she alone in some random field with a guy? What had she done? This was unforgivable, and she was sure something she’d regret once she remembered what had happened.

“Rachel, thank God you’re ok. I was so worried about you!” Benji said.

“Huh?” Rachel said, in a fog.

“I’ve been sitting here all night watching you, I’m so glad you’re OK and that nothing happened to you. I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me,” Benji said.

She looked at him, confused, and said, “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

Benji looked back at her with a stunned expression on his face, “What do you mean who am I?”

“I mean, who are you?” Rachel said, getting defensive. “What’s going on?”

“You’re joking, Rach! Stop kidding around!” Benji said.

“I’m not joking,” Rachel said in a serious tone.

“Seriously?” Benji said. “What happened to you?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping you’d be able to tell me what’s going on here,” Rachel asked.

“You saved my life. Remember?” Benji said. “Remember, the Red Amulet?”

“The Red what?” Rachel asked. “I don’t even know you.”

“Stop saying that, my love. I love you and you love me,” Benji said.

“Um, excuse me? I don’t love you. I don’t KNOW you!” Rachel said, suddenly feeling like this guy was crazy.

“C’mon Rach. Stop acting like this. It’s me Benji. Don’t you remember?”

Rachel stopped and looked him up and down, trying to place him. She had no idea where she’d met this guy or who he was. She couldn’t believe that he’d said she loved him. That was insanity. Was he a crazy person?

“Listen, I’ve gotta get outta here. I need to get home. My parents are probably worried about me,” Rachel said.

“No, they’re not. Trust me,” Benji said. “They disowned you.”

“Oh, stop it!” Rachel said. “They love me, stop saying that.”

She felt his cold hand touch her leg and she jumped back.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Rachel said. “Don’t touch me.”

“I love you,” Benji said. “Please snap out of it. Please!”

“Stop saying that. You don’t love me, either. Whatever happened between us was not love. What did happen anyway?” Rachel asked as she looked down to find all her clothes still intact and her hair still in place. She worried for a second that something happened between them that she’d really regret.

“Please Rachel. Please. I love you. Just come with me. We can go back to the castle. That will help you remember,” Benji said.

“Castle?” Rachel questioned. She didn’t know what to make of this guy. Was he some fairytale character living in some fictitious fantasyland? Was he serious? She was curious, but not curious enough to find out.

“No, I’m leaving,” Rachel, said as she stood up to walk away.

“Where are you going to go?” Benji said.

“Why does it matter?” Rachel snapped.

“Please, come with me. Don’t go!” Benji begged.

“I’m not coming with you to your


, you creep. Leave me alone now!” Rachel yelled.

“Rachel, don’t do this. Don’t go. Not after all we’ve been through!”

“I can’t hear this anymore. I have to go!” Rachel said as she walked quickly away from Benji.

She didn’t know where she was walking to but figured she’d eventually get her bearings and figure out where she was. She knew she’d find her way back home somehow.

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