Christmas Eve, five years later
Finn opened the door for Regi and Alex. Annie rushed to join them. “Merry Christmas!”
When the greetings and hugs were all finished, they’d barely made it the few steps to the great room when Regi said, “I can’t wait any longer. Look at this!”
She held out her left hand, which boasted a new brilliant blue tanzanite ring. “We’re engaged!”
Annie hugged Regi. “I’m so happy for you!” And she was. Years before, Regi’s boyfriend had dumped her in miserable fashion on New Year’s Eve. Alex saw her through the breakup, first as friends then eventually more. By then, Finn had come around to appreciate Alex for the upstanding guy that he was—especially when he wasn’t a rival for Annie’s affections.
Finn opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate the engagement and was just handing Regi her glass when they heard a car pull up and park in the driveway.
Annie pulled on her coat and went out to greet their new guests. Connor and Ella were just barely out of the car when a four-year-old brunette hopped out and ran down the walkway to Annie and Finn.
“Charlotte! Slow down.” Ella shrugged helplessly. Her daughter was already in her grandmother’s arms. When Charlotte was done hugging Annie, Finn picked up his granddaughter and carried her into the cottage.
Charlotte said, “Wait!” Finn stopped in the doorway so Charlotte could reach up and touch the horseshoe.
Annie said, “You know, my grandmother—your great-great-grandmother—once told me that the first one to pass under this horseshoe gets to make a wish.”
“Put me down, Grandpa.” Charlotte ran halfway up the walkway and then ran back under the horseshoe and into the cottage. “I made a wish. When will it come true?”
Annie and Finn exchanged glances. She said, “It might take a long time.”
Charlotte’s eyebrows furrowed, but Annie continued, “But this one’s a Christmas wish, and I believe Christmas wishes are worth waiting for.”