


ravis breathed in the salty air. Chloe had been right—this was perfect. He couldn’t believe that Davis had given all this up in exchange for sleeping in a tent year-round. Sure, Thailand had been fun for a while. And the people they had helped made it all worth it.

But still, after six years, it took a toll.

Especially when the woman you loved was always just out of reach.

There was no Chloe here, though. No memories. Nothing but a fresh start.

Travis walked down to the beach, immediately regretting not taking off his shoes first. Three steps in and they were already full of sand.

A group of bikini-clad women played volleyball nearby, though it seemed more competitive than your average game. They were shouting out tips to each other and discussing strategy like they were practicing for something important.

Not Travis’s kind of thing. He turned in the opposite direction, making his way to a lifeguard shack where a shirtless guy sat reading. It didn’t seem like he saw much action around here.

“Hey,” Travis called up to him. “Is it always this quiet?”

The lifeguard started, then lowered his book. “Not when tourist season hits in about three weeks. Enjoy it while you can.” He paused, seeming to size Travis up. “You just passing through?”

“No, I’m going to be managing the hardware store that’s up on the boardwalk. The owner is supposed to be flying out here tomorrow to help get me oriented—teach me the ropes.”

The lifeguard sat up, suddenly much more curious. “The owner,” he said slowly. “As in…Davis?”

Travis nodded. “Yeah. You know him?”

“Everyone knows everyone around here.” The lifeguard jumped down from his post and stuck a hand out to Travis. “I’m Isaac.”

Travis was so used to the wai gesture that a handshake felt awkward and foreign, and he hesitated before taking the outstretched hand. “Travis.”

“Is this a…temporary situation?” Isaac asked. When Travis didn’t answer right away—unsure what the lifeguard meant by the question—Isaac tried again. “You expecting to stay long?”

Travis’s gaze took in the ocean and the picturesque boardwalk with its colorful shops. “I hope to.”

Isaac nodded slowly, like he still wasn’t sure what to make of Travis’s presence. “Strange that Davis hadn’t mentioned anything about leaving town. You know where he’s moving to?”


Isaac tilted his head, pantomiming pouring sand out of his ear. Like he couldn’t have heard right. “Uh…we’re talking about the same Davis, right? Davis Jones?”

Travis’s lips tilted up into a smile. “You wouldn’t recognize him over there. Thailand brought out a different version of him. The real one, I think. I’m sure meeting Chloe didn’t hurt either.”

“So. He met someone.” Isaac’s face lit up with a boyish grin. “Good for him.”

That was when something smacked Travis in the head so hard, it felt like his teeth were rattling. He grabbed the railing of the lifeguard shack and waited for the stars to clear.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a woman running after a ball as it rolled toward the ocean. Her long hair was pulled up in a ponytail, her skin red from what looked like landing in the rough sand several times too many.

“Sorry,” she called over her shoulder. “It doesn’t normally get away from us like that. If that’s how we play in the tournament, we won’t make it past the first round.” She scooped up the volleyball and turned toward where her team waited, but Isaac called her back.

“Eliza,” he said. “This is Travis. He’s going to be managing Davis’s place for a while.”

Eliza turned back toward them, an eyebrow cocked. “Is that so?” She threw a glance at Isaac. “Does Jessie know?”

“Just sent her a text.”

“Who is Jessie?” Travis asked, his words slow.

Eliza was quiet for a moment, like she was trying to figure out the best way to say it. “Everything that goes on around here is because of Jessie. But more importantly for you, she’s head of the welcoming committee. So expect to not have to shop for the next week, because with all the food baskets you’ll be receiving, you won’t go hungry.” Eliza glanced back toward her teammates, who were calling for her to hurry up. “Gotta go, but nice meeting you.” And then she disappeared, but not without another confused glance over her shoulder.

It didn’t seem like they had new people come into town very often. And maybe even less often did people move out.

“You dating anyone? Got someone special back home?” Isaac asked, his gaze flitting between Eliza and Travis.

“No. Life in Thailand wasn’t very conducive to that kind of thing.”

Travis hoped that Isaac wasn’t getting any ideas. No offense, but he wasn’t interested in someone like Eliza. He was done with the young, beach volleyball type. Travis had had plenty of those opportunities in Thailand, and this was his chance to start over. To show the world that he wasn’t just brawn and no brains.

“A guy like you, single? That won’t last long.” Isaac had almost seemed to say it to himself, but it was enough to cause Travis a world of anxiety.

Sure, he’d told Chloe he wanted a family. But on his own terms.

Travis had a feeling that Starlight Ridge had other plans for him.


Building on Love

? Read Travis and Eliza’s story in

Winning his Love


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