Casper felt terrible. He had clearly been drugged and he could barely open his eyes. He could feel that he was underground. There was cold water dripping on his beak. It also smelt like he was underground. As his vision improved he noticed that he was not alone. Opposite was the frightening figure of Isomere, from the Pentagram Council.
“So you are behind this!” shouted Casper.
“No, sadly not,” said Isomere, rattling some chains which were holding him against the cavern wall.
“What?” said Casper.
“We underestimated the power of Stephanie, or Diablo as she now seems to be calling herself,” said Isomere.
“It’s not Stephanie…” said Casper, suddenly realising he probably didn’t want to give secrets away to Isomere.
“Well, whatever it is, it has won,” said Isomere.
“Why hasn’t it killed us?”
“It gains power from suffering. It doesn’t like death. It is keeping me alive with just the minimum amount of magical power, so I suffer all the pain of old age but have no magical power of my own.”
“Where are all the rest of the Pentagram Council?” said Casper.
“Mostly imprisoned. All of us except Talomere were captured at the Dark Pool.”
A Dark Elf entered the room and poked a spear in Isomere’s side. For the first time in his life, Casper felt sorry for Isomere.
Asperios Castle was quiet for the first time in days. The victory didn’t feel as great as it should have done as it was clear another attack would come soon.
Toluk remonstrated with the troops from Ridon, imploring them to stay. However their orders strictly said that they should defend the city and then return to ask for more instructions. As they boarded their ships the mood of the whole city turned more gloomy.
Hilary continued for a while to help the sick, but as things calmed down she sought out the people who had become her friends over the last year. She found a very worried-looking Roubar running up a stairwell in the castle.
“What is wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” said Hilary.
“It’s gone,” cried Roubar.
“What’s gone?”
“The key!”
“You said the key wasn’t here!” shouted Hilary.
“We lied to ensure as few people as possible knew. But now it’s gone from the Vault,” said Roubar, crying.
Hilary was annoyed by the fact that Roubar and Malcolm had lied to them, but saw how sad Roubar had become. She put her arm around him and comforted him.
“Have you told Malcolm?” said Hilary.
“No. With all the keys, Diablo can now discard Stephanie’s body,” said Roubar.
“You have to tell him, and everyone else!” said Hilary.
“I know,” wept Roubar.
“I’ll get everyone together,” said Hilary.