As the ironclad sailed into Yalon it was obvious that something was badly wrong. Most of the buildings in the harbour were on fire.
“We are too late! Yalon has fallen!” cried Madeleine.
“The All-Seeing Eye has gone!” said Roubar, pointing up to where it used to be.
“There don’t seem to be any Dark Elves, thankfully,” said Princess Candera, “we should dock and see if we can help anyone.”
“Yes, I’d like to find out what happened here,” said Roubar.
Docking in the harbour, the party saw a scene of devastation. Warehouses were burned out, and there were bodies of priests and crusaders strewn everywhere.
Roubar found a dazed and badly injured priest sitting by the side of a burnt-out building.
“What happened here?” asked Roubar.
“A dark wizard came here with an army of Dark Elves,” gasped the dying priest.
“Not a giant bird?” said Roubar.
“No. It was an evil wizard who did this! He took the All-Seeing Eye,” cried the priest.
As the party re-boarded the ironclad, Klinto’s toil was showing more symptoms, namely vomiting and shivering.
Despite Klinto’s best efforts, Madeleine, Princess Candera and Hilary cornered him.
“You are not well!” stated Hilary sternly.
“It will go away,” said Klinto, turning to vomit over the side of the ironclad.
“What can we do to help you?” said Princess Candera.
“I just need some rest, that’s all,” said Klinto, shivering frantically.
“You are clearly ill. Why won’t you admit it!” said Madeleine.
“It’s private,” blurted out Klinto.
“Private? So, you know what it is then?” said Hilary.
“Yes,” mumbled Klinto, feebly.
“You are too ill to come with us. Where can we take you?” said Hilary.
“Take me home. My people know how to care for me,” said Klinto, realising that he was a liability in his current state.
“The Isle of Deadly Souls is near here; we can get to the Dwarven Kingdom from there,” said Princess Candera.
Princess Candera arranged for the ship to drop them off at the Isle of Deadly Souls in the morning so they could take Klinto to the Dwarven Kingdom.