“So how do we ensure we aren’t killed immediately?” said Krolith.
“Is it really true they kill non-Orcs on sight?” said a nervous Trelio.
“Yes, they must have taken Larros prisoner or killed him and taken the key. You are better off being killed than taken prisoner by the Orcs. They are masters of torture,” said Krolith.
“But the key is in the Orc Kingdom, and it’s stopped moving,” said Trelio.
“I’ve got an idea. Could you cast a spell to make us invisible?” said Kolan.
“That’s a time-consuming spell to cast. But thinking about it, there is another spell that might work better.
“What spell?”
“Transformation. We can become Orcs, get the key and get out,” said Trelio.
“Have you ever done it before?” said Kolan.
“No, well not to an Orc. I changed myself into a rabbit. But I’m confident I can do it,” said Trelio.
“I don’t think we have much choice if we hope to get the key and stay alive,” said Krolith.
With that Trelio spent a good twenty minutes chanting and waving the wand. Slowly each of trio transformed into the form of an Orc. Once the transformation was complete, they entered the Orc Kingdom.
The journey to the Isle of Deadly Souls gave a reason for Roubar to delay returning to Asperios to tell Toluk the bad news about Yalon. Mindful of the Undead who plagued the Isle at night, an early morning arrival seemed like the only sensible option. It was agreed that given the nature of Dwarven society, only the women should escort Klinto. They would need to make their own way back to Asperia via the Dwarven Kingdom.
Roubar asked Madeleine if she could explain to the Dwarven Queen the danger to the whole world of Diablo. It made no sense to ask for support for Asperios, given the hatred of the Dwarves for Asperia, but they should be warned of the coming invasion.
Klinto was in such a poor state, that Madeleine and Hilary needed to take him on a stretcher into the fort on the Isle of Deadly Souls and then down into the Dwarven Kingdom. Princess Candera tried to be helpful in attending to Klinto on the stretcher.
Everything was fairly similar to how it was the last time they had entered the Dwarven Kingdom this way. It wasn’t long before the group encountered their first Dwarves, who recognised Klinto’s condition as the toil. They took Klinto off to receive treatment and then they escorted the party down to see the Dwarven Queen.