

Autumn 966 MC


raedon giggled as Gerald lifted him up into the air.

"Careful," said Jane. "You don't want to drop him."

"Don't worry. I've got a good hold of him."

They sat on a blanket with Anna and Alric, in the middle of the hedge maze at Uxley.

"So many memories," said Anna. "I first met Gerald here."

"So you did," he replied. "That seems like a lifetime ago."

He passed Braedon over to Jane, who looked down fondly at the infant. "He looks just like you," she said.

"Nonsense," said the old warrior. "We're not related."

"But I thought you Anna's father?"

He looked at her and grinned. "If I were truly her father, wouldn't that make me king?"

"Oh yes. I should've realized that. I'm sorry. I've gone and embarrassed myself."

"Not at all," said Anna. "The fact is I consider it an honour to call Gerald my father, and whether or not he's related, he shall be grandfather to my children."

Prince Alric piped up from where he lay. "Children? Does that mean we're going to have some more?"

"Eventually, but let's not rush things. I still have a kingdom to run, as do you, eventually."

Gerald looked at Anna, and an understanding passed between them. "I think he'd like it here," he said. "Don't you?"

"I do."

"What are you two talking about?" asked Alric.

"Gerald and I have been talking of late."

"Oh? Anything the rest of us should know about?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. We decided to commission a statue in honour of Tempus."

Alric sat up. "That's an excellent idea. You could put it right out front of the Palace in Wincaster."

"No," Anna replied. "It shall go here, where friends and family can see it. He loved it here, in the maze, and I can't think of anything he'd like more."

The sound of voices echoed off in the distance.

"It appears we are about to have company," said Jane.

"Sounds like Beverly and Aldwin," said Gerald. "I wonder what they're doing here." He tried to maintain a serious expression, but Anna saw right through it.

"What are you hiding?" she said.

"What makes you assume I'm hiding something?"

"Come now. How long have we known each other?"

He laughed. "Far too long, it seems. Very well. I'll come clean. I arranged a little surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Beverly's voice drew closer, then she appeared at the edge of the clearing. "Hello. I trust everyone is well?"

Anna's eyes danced with excitement. "Never mind all that. What have you brought me?"

The knight stepped aside to allow Aldwin entry. In his arms, he cradled a pup. He moved up to the queen and set the tiny creature down. "This is for you, Your Majesty. Of course, you must name him, but we felt it only fitting that you have him. After all, Tempus was his sire."

Tears came to Anna's eyes as she lifted the wee thing, cradling him in her arms.

"There," said Gerald. "Finally, a gift suitable for our queen."


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