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Her Mission

POV: Lucien

I was upset with the Queen competition council’s decision to pick Rayla over Alexandra. I even tried to run after her when she was leaving. I got up to the carriage my brother had brought for her but he stopped me. He held me back, “It does you no good to talk to her right now, brother. She’s escaping everyone. She needs time. Besides, would you really want to wake her now?”

He turned to show me that she had fallen asleep in the carriage. I sighed, “What should I do, brother? I cannot just accept this.” He smiled and nodded, “Yes I know that, brother. Mother warned me this would happen. She must’ve known that I would set some things in motion. Not to mention Grand Pretre approached me about this as well not long ago.

She said I would have to assist in getting her back where she belongs. I only assumed she meant the throne. I am going to send spies out to investigate. I don’t believe this vote was entirely legitimate.” I was confused why my brother would go so far as getting her to marry someone other than him. I asked, “Why would you do this for me?”

He looked back at her, “I’m not doing it for you, make no mistake about that. I still love her, and I probably always will. I’m not delusional though, she loves you and that will not ever change. It’s because she loves you that I will assist her in getting back to you. Understand that anything done for the two of you from me will always be for her.

I will ask for your kind assistance in gathering information. Mother only told me she would not win but did not give me the reason why. She was too upset to speak on it more.” I nodded, “What do you need exactly?” He smirked, “You need to ask Elder Enzo bluntly why the council did not choose Alexandra. I know you would likely be hesitant…”

I cut into his speech, “I’ll do it. I was planning on anyhow.” I heard her stir in her seat and she looked uncomfortable, “You better get her home so she can rest.”

Blake climbed up into the carriage and turned back to me, “Unfortunately, these tasks to get her by your side will take a lot of time and effort. You probably won’t be able to contact her for a few days. Are you really okay with leaving things like that?” I nodded, “I think she will understand once she knows what I have been doing for her.”

Blake urged his driver to move on and I turned back to the ball since I had to go dance with Rayla. I sighed at the thought of having to have the last dance with Rayla when it should have been Alexandra. I walked into the ballroom where the whispers were still going and most of them were not favorable to Alexandra. She had done her best to show Vellum her genuine self and that kindness was repaid with trash-talking whispers. I clenched my fist as I walked through the crowd up to the dais. I called out, “I am aware that some of you may not like Lady Alexandra due to the fact that she was raised outside of Vellum.

I will not allow you to down-talk either of the women who remained in the competition. They showed up to help out in Kastilidan Glades when the earthquake hit and Lady Alexandra created the antidote to the sickness that plagued Vellum. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for speaking out against one who probably personally helped many of you.”

I looked across the crowd and saw many heads bowing in sorrow and started to hear whispers about how they would visit her in the coming days. I wished that I could be one of her visitors but I wasn’t able to since I would need to lay down the groundwork to get her back with me.

The music started up and the last dance was announced and I had to dance with Rayla. I made my way to her and she gave a graceful curtsy. I was thankful my brother took Alexandra home so she wouldn’t have to witness this last dance. I pulled Rayla into my arms and she flinched a little. I asked her, “How are you feeling about this decision?” She sighed, “I don’t think it is a secret that I’m honestly not pleased.

If I wasn’t pressured by my family to continue in the competition, I would have dropped out long ago. I am in love with Garrett Chalshin and I already know how you feel about Alexandra.” I looked around the room and leaned into her ear, “My brother thinks there is something fishy about this decision and he’s rarely ever wrong.

We are gathering evidence so we can dissent the decision.” She whispered back, “Whatever you need of me, Your Majesty, I will be at your disposal.” Having Rayla as an ally would be invaluable in gathering information from the elders who normally wouldn’t speak to me about their decisions. She would be interacting with them as part of her Queen lessons.

Every Queen had to go through them with the elders. I nodded at her, “I will definitely need your assistance. I will say I am thankful it was you and not Melody or otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to gather the information I need.

I will call you into the office tomorrow morning after I meet with Elder Enzo, we can discuss what we can do.” She smiled, “That gives me enough time to meet with Garrett.” I shook my head, “I’m not sure you can do that. All eyes will be on you and meeting your known lover would be poorly reflected on you.

You’ll be admonished as the future Queen for doing such a thing. If you meet with him, take care to meet him in private. I will try to delay the assignment of your personal guard.” She sighed, “Okay, I will try to keep that in mind. Perhaps I will just have to send him a letter.”

The music finished up and the dance ended. Everyone left the castle and I was left to my own thoughts. This was not how I had thought the night was going to end. I had hoped that Alexandra’s exhaustion carried her through the night and that she would be able to sleep.

I had also hoped that my silence wouldn’t be perceived as a slight to her. Not only would I have to keep my distance to investigate the skewing of the vote but I had to keep my distance to keep her away from any scandal. I could use the secret passage but I wouldn’t really have time the first few days. I promised myself that I would take the time in a few days to go see her.

Hopefully, I would have some news before then so I could assure her that I was doing everything in my power to place her by my side. I walked over to the staircase to get up to my room and I felt like I had aged twenty years in a matter of hours.

My body was slumped over but I was called out to by a woman. The voice was small but loud enough that I could hear her. It could have only ever been one woman and it wasn’t someone I could just brush off. I turned to see Grand Pretre walking toward me. I let out a soft sigh, “Your Eminence, what can I do for you?” She smiled, “I understand you may be exhausted but I have something I would like to discuss with you. Would you be willing to meet me in the early morning? I will come around before Elder Enzo as long as you can meet at dawn.” I nodded at her, “I couldn’t deny you, you know that Your Eminence.”

She pulled her hand up to my face, it felt like cold water brushing across my face, “I know that you are tired and emotionally drained but your destiny is moving the way it should. We can discuss more tomorrow. Go get some rest.” In a most Grand Pretre thing to do, she turned and walked away without saying goodbye or excusing herself.

I pulled myself up the stairs to my room and plopped myself on my bed only shedding my shoes. It was an exercise in futility as I tried to sleep but it really only came in small spurts. I kept having nightmares about Alexandra running out of the room into darkness and a voice from the darkness telling me that she would never be mine again.

Alexandra belonged to no one, it was something I had learned from Aries and I agreed. She belonged to herself but it seemed such an ominous warning that she would never be married to me and our sunny days were behind us. I would wake up in a cold sweat and grab a glass of water. This would repeat several times that night and I was utterly miserable.

I felt like I needed her Healing Heart at this very moment but I fought myself to go and visit her in the middle of the night. I didn’t want her to be startled and that would just be creepy to sneak into her home and climb up the stairs to her bedroom. Finally, the morning sun broke through my window almost as if the Gods were telling me this business of misery would not do today.

I slumped out of bed as Malinus walked into the room. He furrowed his brows at my state of dress. I was wearing the white slacks and white shirt I had worn the night before but they were rather disheveled. He straightened his face out and cleared his throat, “Your Majesty, Grand Pretre is here to see you. Let’s get you a little more presentable.”

He went about his work quickly to place me in a dark blue suit, light blue shirt, and dark blue tie. The upside to having shorter hair was that it was easily fixable but I rather enjoyed the long hair. I stepped out of my room and asked Malinus as we went to my office, “Did she indicate what this was about?” Malinus cleared his throat, “No, Your Majesty.

She merely told me something about my future and I was sworn to secrecy. As you know, Her Eminence is not one to cross.” I sighed and figured his future likely had something to do with his cousin. I stepped into my office where she was sitting in my chair. She breezily got out of my chair smiling, but I didn’t return her smile.

She plopped herself in a chair on the other side of the desk as I took mine. I straightened myself out and asked, “Your Eminence, what was it that you wished to speak to me about?” Her smile didn’t leave her face as she confessed, “First, I wanted to let you know that I voted against Alexandra.” My jaw clenched and I asked through my teeth, “Why?” She smirked wider, “She has a destiny to fulfill, to be by your side, it would be a hindrance to what she needs to do.

I acted in her best interest as well as those that would be affected if she were not to fulfill it. Trust me when I say, this would affect a whole lot more people than you realize.” I leaned back in my chair in frustration, “How many?”

I wanted to see if I thought it was worth the heartbreak of four people. She looked down sadly as she said, “The devastation would span across several realms.” She looked up at me, straight into my eyes. She rarely did that with people because it affected people.

Another of her abilities was to make you feel the weight behind her words, “This would include Vellum, Your Majesty. Do not underestimate the power that the Dark Heart has. Only she can stop it.” True to her ability, I felt a strong weight on my back and a squeeze of my heart.

I started to sweat and started to loosen my tie, “What did you do to me?” She sighed, “It is but a fraction of what the Dark Heart’s power can do to someone. She affects the balance of Vellum, Terre, all the others, and even the Heavenly Realm. This is not just a whim of mine. It was the will of the Gods. Let her do her mission. Do not interfere, it will not be good for you either. They will strike you down where you stand if you so much as affect her ability to save everyone.”

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