"Jack? Marie?" I said I was not quite convinced. I just couldn't believe after all these years they were standing in front of me. I thought they had died.
"Luca?" They both said at the same time.
"Is that really you?" Marie asked with a look of disbelief that mirrored mine.
"Yeah it's me," I said to her walking over to the guards.
"Release then now," I ordered him.
He did as I said and Marie ran to embrace me. Jack growled slightly but embraced me in a bro hug. I truly missed them but, I had to talk to them and see why they were being held. I knew they were loyal, but I needed to know the full story.
We went back to my office to sort things out.
"So tell me everything. Start with after I left. Leave nothing out," I ordered.
They were friends once but a lot of time had passed and they were being held prisoner. I had to make sure that they were not a threat. I had to protect my pack.
"Well when you left, things got crazy. We thought you had died along with the others. We became rogues as I'm sure you've guessed. We did good for a while, enjoying just being together. But the rogues we came across were vicious. They came after Marie many times and too often I had to kill to keep her safe. We didn't stay anywhere long. We knew rogue life wasn't for us but we didn't have much choice. We wandered into this territory hoping they would let us join. That ass of an alpha hit on Marie and I attacked him which is how we ended up in the cells. He wanted to teach me a lesson. Marie refused to leave me here so he locked her up as well. I was tortured some but, nothing I couldn't stand. I just had to protect Marie at all cost," Jack explained.
I was shocked to hear their story. I knew how hard life as a rogue could be. I agreed with the fact that life didn't suit him, especially with Marie.
I had ordered him to tell the whole story, so I knew he wasn't lying. However, I decided to wait awhile and let him prove that he would make a good Beta.
"Enough about us. What about you? What happened to you and how did you end up alpha?" he asked with amazement. I chuckled and said it was a long story.
I told them both that I would see them later and that I would save the story for another time. It had been a long day and I wanted nothing more than to retire for the night. Tomorrow there was work to be done and I needed my strength.
I wandered up to the third floor of the pack house. The kid who had shown me around had mentioned the master bedroom was on this level and said it couldn't be missed. He was right.
There was a huge door at the end of the hallway with the word alpha written on it in gold letters. I walked into the room and I could tell it had been cleaned spotless. The smell of cleaning supplies still lingered in the air.
I looked around and noticed the bed was larger than king size. There was a huge TV and the bathroom was incredible. But what I found the most fascinating was the view from the balcony.
I could see everything from it. I had a view of just about every house in the territory. In the distance was the most beautiful waterfall I had ever seen. I felt the presence of my ancestors standing here.
I somehow knew that I was standing in the exact spot that my father and his father had stood. To say that I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders would be an understatement. But I shouldered the burden willingly. This was all mine now. I would protect it with my life.
I walked back into the room and I spotted a desk. I noticed for the first time there was a note sitting on it. I picked it up and opened it curiously. It read:
"Dear alpha, my name is Rosa Lynn Franklin. I have worked here for the past century as a servant. I had the honor of caring for your father when he was young. I also was fortunate enough to get to know your mother.They were incredible people and I see so much of your father in you already. I was there when you were born. Even then I knew you had all the makings of a great alpha. I want you to know that if there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask. I have changed all the sheets for you and had everything cleaned. I hope you sleep well. I will have breakfast ready in the morning."
I didn't know who this woman was but I had to meet her. She had cared for my father, was there when I was born, and I had no clue who she was. I decided I would figure that out tomorrow and went to take a shower before I passed out on the bed.
The next morning I woke up determined to get this show on the road. I would start training my pack today. I went down stairs after throwing on some shorts and a t- shirt. There was no need for formal dress today. Today was about blood, sweat, and tears. All of which I expected to see.
The smell of bacon caught my attention as I made my way down stairs. I saw an elderly woman standing over the stove making a large breakfast.
"Are you Rosa?" I asked her curiously.
"Yes I am. I must say you have turned into a handsome young man. Now eat up. I know you have big plans today and you're going to need your strength," she replied.
She slid a plate toward me with four slices of bacon, six pancakes, some eggs, three biscuits, four sausages, a couple slices of ham and some grits. I supposed it would last me for a while. What can I say? I had a good appetite.
I ate and was amazed at how good the food was. It had been a while since I had someone cook for me. I had the feeling that Rosa was wise and she would be great at giving advice. Just call it intuition. I had questions for her but that would have to wait until later.