Chapter 2: Injured Stranger
[Moyra's POV]
I remained in place, watching the man. I still couldn't make sense of how he was here or why he was injured. Nor did I know if he was a friend or foe.
"Are you just going to stare?"
Tensing, I found myself staring into blood-red eyes.
"I…" snapping my mouth shut, I tried to process my thoughts. "Why are you here?"
This lake was a well kept secret by my clan.
"Who are you?"
Taking a tentative step forward, I found myself once again getting lost in his scent. It truly was too alluring.
"Just a wandering mercenary." He sighed, wincing ever so slightly as a chuckle escaped his lips.
A mercenary? Why would a mercenary be in the territory of the fae? We were peaceful creatures. There was no reason for a head hunter to venture here.
Narrowing my gaze, I tried to ignore his pull as my guard began to fall into place.
Moving forward, I allowed a dagger made of ice to escape my palm.
I knew that killing another would put me one step closer to being a dark fae, but after finding everyone I loved dead, I had to be prepared.
"Kill me if you must." The man coughed, closing his eyes.
"That sounds like a good idea."
Surging forward, I attempted to place my blade against the man's throat. However, I didn't expect him to move so quickly that I was pinned beneath him before I could even process what was going on.
Feeling my heart begin to race from his touch, I stared up into his eyes.
"Are you going to kill me?" I asked breathlessly.
He didn't speak as we continued to stare each other down. I wasn't sure if he felt it, but where our bodies pressed together, warmth radiated, along with an electric pulse.
When it was starting to become too much, he leaned in and did the last thing I would have expected. His lips pressed urgently against mine, sending shocks of pleasure rushing through me. Even though I knew this was wrong and that I needed to make it stop, I couldn't.
Everything in me screamed for this man, and from the soft groans that escaped him, I knew that he felt the same.
When he finally pulled away, it was like a wall of ice slammed into place. I was left feeling empty and craving more.
Letting out a chuckle, the man began to stand up. His face, which had been filled with pain only moments prior, was now relaxed, and the wound on his chest was beginning to heal.
"What did you do?" I gasped, feeling waves of dizziness begin to crash into me.
"Thanks for your medicine." The man rasped, giving a broad, seductive smile. "For your good deed, I will let you live... for now."
Unable to stay conscious, I tried to process what this was. However, my world soon turned to darkness.
Images of my dead comrades swirled around me, begging for help. Their hollow eyes dripped blood, while their mouths hung open in slack moans of pain.
I was surrounded and they were closing in fast.
Fear clutched at my heart, sending waves of cold sweat pouring from my skin and bile rising in my throat.
"P-please," I begged. "It wasn't my fault!"
Despite my words, their skeletal hands rose and reached for me, scratching at my skin.
Jerking awake, I found myself laying on the ground, mere inches from Crystal Lake. Above, the sun was beginning to rise, causing fog to rise from the quickly shifting temperature.
Gasping for breath, I slowly sat up, trying to get my wits about me.
"What happened?"
My mind was whirling and the confusion stopped most coherent thoughts. Flashes of my clan's faces contorted and terrifying continued to haunt me.
Curling into a ball, I let sobs escape me as the realization that I was alone settled in. No one was left, no one. It's just me now. What was I going to do?
I don't know how long I stayed there crying before heavy footsteps crashed along the ground. I didn't bother getting up, nor did I think of even fighting. What was the point anyway? I was nothing more than a nomad now.
Lifting my head, I watched as many demons surrounded me, their weapons at the ready. Letting a slow smile play across my lips, I accepted my fate right then and there.
"Take me away." I whispered as my abductors closed in. "Please."
[Armon's POV]
I moved quietly through the forest, looking for any sign of the enemy. Even though they had caught me by surprise once, it wouldn't happen again.
Once I reunited with my troops, I would make sure to send out a few to find the bastards and take care of them.
Feeling my anger rise, I quickened my pace.
It didn't take long for me to find my men hiding inside a cave, waiting for me to arrive.
"Master!" Thomilson yelped, once his black eyes found me. "It is about time!"
About time... He made it sound as if they were actually worried. However, if they had been, why didn't they come find me?
Wincing, I looked down at the remnants of the injury. For the most part, it had closed, but a small hole that dripped blood remained.
I guess I could count myself lucky that woman had arrived when she did. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't be standing here now.
Images of the beautiful fairy that arrived like an angel flashed across my mind. With her porcelain skin, black-blue hair, and piercing silver eyes, she looked ethereal. Not to mention those curves… Just thinking about her made me want to go back to that lake and claim her for myself.
Snapping out of my daze, I turned my attention back to my men. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of some woman... No matter her allure, there were enemy soldiers to be killed.
"I was attacked near Crystal Lake." I announced. "It was Frenrick's men."
"Frenrick?" Thomilson repeated. "Why would he be in this area?"
"I'm not sure, but for now we need to find his men and kill each and every one of them."
We were currently here in search of the Eternal Fountain. I could only guess they were here for the same reason. That meant they couldn't stay alive. Otherwise, they may find it before us.
"Then shall we move?" Thomilson asked.
Nodding, I watched as my men's need for blood became evident. It was time to hunt.