Chapter 4: Risk Ones Life

[Moyra's POV]

"Did you just say you couldn't see?" The man asked, sending a pang of pain through me.

I felt a strange familiarity with the voice, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

"That's right."

There was no point in trying to hide anything. As I was now, I was useless and dying would be the most logical option. As the man had said before, this world was becoming ridden with war. What was a blind and magicless fairy supposed to do in it?

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself."

His words were almost like a slap in the face. Who was he to tell me what to do?

"And if I don't want to listen?" I challenged, wincing from the pain of unconsciously trying to flare my wings, which were no longer there.

I listened carefully as the man began to move. Confused as to what he could be doing, I stumbled backwards. The sound of metal screeching soon reached my ears, and then there were arms around me, lifting me gently.

"Put me down!" I growled, lifting my palm in an attempt to call forth my magic. However, it didn't come and I was only met with an overwhelming sense of loss.

"Quit squirming." The man warned, tightening his hold.

"Then put me down!"

My body was beginning to scream with pain from his touch and being jostled. How was I supposed to relax while having to endure such torment?

I felt a rumble from the man's chest that almost resembled a laugh as we began to move.

"Stop fighting and just relax before you make your injuries worse." He snapped. "Thomilson, let's head back." He continued, speaking to the subordinate I had heard earlier.

"Yes, alpha."

Alpha? Did that mean this man was a wolf? If he was, then why was he helping me? The fae and wolves were natural enemies. Just as we were with the demons.

"What do you have planned?" I hissed as an overwhelming sense of fear raced through me.

"Planned?" The man repeated.

"It seems she doesn't trust you, alpha." Thomilson laughed. "Haven't I told you before to be gentle with women?"

I bit back the laugh that wanted to escape. Now wasn't the time. I was in possible danger and needed to figure out a way to escape.

Trying to calm my racing heart, I tried to summon power. If I could just create enough to shock my captor, I could make a run for it.

"Don't even try it." The man warned, seeming to sense my thoughts. "We are already in my territory, and you wouldn't get very far."


How was it possible that we had already arrived? Was he in league with the demons that killed my clan?

"Alpha, she looks like she is about to be sick."


My head was spinning as the fear I tried so desperately to ignore began to boil over. Here I thought maybe I was out of danger, but now I was being taken by another enemy.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I shrieked, beginning to struggle for all I was worth. "LET GO!"

"Hey! Calm down."

Ignoring the man's command, I began to pull harder and harder for my powers. Even if I could find the smallest bit, I could use it.

Finally, tapping into a small source, I let icy needles explode from my skin, causing my captor to loosen his hold in shock.

Taking advantage, I wiggled free and fell to the ground. Scrambling, I managed to get to my feet and begin running.

I wasn't sure where I was going as I couldn't see, but I let what was left of my sense of energy guide me.

"Catch her!" The man's voice boomed from behind, spurring my steps to grow quicker. "Quickly before..."

He didn't get the chance to finish his words as I found the ground disappearing from under my feet entirely.

Letting a gasp escape me. I began to free fall from what could have only been a cliff. Below, I could hear a rushing river and found myself wondering just how deep it was and whether or not it would break me or save me.

Feeling a sense of peace no matter what happened, I let myself relax as I prepared for what was to come. However, what I didn't expect was to feel something large and furry grab me and throw me onto its back before crashing into the river.

'Hold on,' my captors voice boomed in my head.

Unable to stop myself, I wrapped my arms around what I now knew was a wolf's neck and hung on for dear life as he fought against the current that was dragging us away.

'Why did you run?' He growled despite his struggle to get to dry land. 'Are you trying to die?'

I didn't bother responding to his question. Of course I wanted to die! My entire clan was gone, and I was blind and powerless. There was nothing left for me in the world of the living. Only suffering and loneliness.

'Quite the morbid outlook.' The man huffed. 'Weren't you fighting to live earlier?'

Earlier? Was he referring to my escape? Sure, then I wanted to live, but the more my new reality crashed down on me, the more my will to survive decreased.

'Don't make me regret saving you. '

Snapping out of my self pity, I shivered. While I was moping, we had managed to get out of the river and now the cold air was whipping against my bare skin.

"Thanks." I sighed, feeling my strength beginning to wane. "But you really shouldn't have saved me."

'What did I say about not making me regret?'

Letting out a sigh, I didn't bother responding. Instead, I let myself get lost in the warmth of the large wolf beneath me.

'Don't get comfortable.' The man barked, snapping me out of my calm cocoon. 'We have company.'

By instinct, I attempted to send out my senses in search of the enemy's energy, but I was met with nothing more than a wall.

"Forget about me." I hissed, realizing that I truly was useless. "I'll only hinder you in this fight."

I wasn't sure if he was going to listen, but I hoped he would.

'Not gonna happen.' He finally snapped, letting a growl escape him. 'I can handle these men on my own.'

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