Chapter 6: Crimson Tide Pack

[Moyra's POV]

I tried to steady myself as the man carrying me moved, despite my protests.

"Where are you taking me?" I hissed, slamming my fists into his back. "I need to go back and properly send off my clansmen!"

If I didn't burn the bodies, then their spirits would forever be trapped! Didn't this damn wolf know that?

"I don't know if you are a fool or just stubborn." He huffed in frustration. "Demons could still be hiding and waiting to attack!"

"I don't care!" I wailed.

I at least owed everyone this. It wasn't fair that I was allowed to live and not them. How could I possibly abandon them before they were released to Nirvana?

"Please," I begged, deflating. "I have to burn them!"

I could feel icy tears beginning to drip down my cheeks. Each one that hit the man's skin immediately sizzles away.

Confused, I tried reaching out my senses again. The Wolves were known to run hotter than most, but not that hot.

"Who are you?" I asked slowly, realizing I had given my identity, but he hadn't given his yet.

"Armon Renaldo." He announced, shaking me to my very core.

Armon… the demon of the battle field. The strongest alpha wolf to ever exist in the land of Hachia.

"I'm guessing by your reaction that you've heard of me."

Of course, I had heard of him! He was feared by most creatures, the fae included. How was it even possible that I managed to cross his path?

"Are you planning to kill me?"

That was the only explanation I could come up with given his actions. The demon of the battle field had no use for a useless fairy like me.

To my surprise, I felt Armon tense beneath me.

"Kill you?" He repeated, coldly. "What use would killing you serve me?"

I bit back my reply. He was right, my wings and one of my eyes were already gone. Those demons had truly rendered me useless.

"Then, if you don't have any intentions," I started.Please release me and allow me to properly send off my brethren. This is my only wish before I go to the woodland clan. "

I waited as Armon considered my words. When he finally let out a breath, I was sure he was going to allow me to do right by my people.

"I will have my men collect the bodies and bring them back to my compound."


That most certainly was not what I was expecting. Why would wolves want any part of something like this?

"I'm meeting you halfway." Armon huffed, beginning to move once again. "I don't think you quite understand your condition right now."

Realizing he wasn't going to budge on his determination to take me back to his pack, I slumped in defeat.

"You promise to collect them so I can send them off?" I asked quietly.


We both grew quiet after that, not bothering to speak for the rest of the journey to Armon's domain.

When we arrived, I could hear the hustle and bustle of movement all around us.

"Alpha," a deep, raspy voice called. "Where have you been?"

"I was..." Armon began. "Delayed."

I listened carefully as whoever was speaking took a sharp breath as if they were just noticing me.

"What?" The voice gasped.

"Later," Armon snapped. "For now, she needs to be treated. Where is El? "

"He is in the treatment tent caring for the injured from Frenrick's most recent attack, sir."

"Got it."

Armon didn't wait for whoever he was speaking with to continue. Before I could even brace myself, we were moving again.

"Don't forget your promise." I urged as we entered what I could only assume was the treatment tent.

"I won't." Armon huffed.

Nodding, I clamped down a yelp of shock as I was pulled from Armon's shoulder and placed on a bed.

"What is this?" A smokey voice asked from a few inches away. "Why did you bring a member of the fae here?"

I could easily tell from the disdain in the woman's voice that she wasn't a fan of my kind. Heck, I didn't blame her. We were known for being finicky and only concerned with our kind. Even I had times where I didn't like the fae either.

"She helped me." Armon responded, taking me completely by surprise. "Therefore, I owe her this much."

Tensing, I snapped my head towards Armon. What did he mean by I helped him?

"Helped you?" I repeated in confusion. "What have I done?"

Listening carefully, I waited for a response, but it never came.

"Make sure all her wounds are treated and she is given some clothes." He finally said. "I've got things to do."

"Yes, sir." The woman responded.

Trying to calm my rapidly beating heart, I listened to Armon's footsteps as they disappeared. Leaving me alone with the woman who didn't attempt to hide her dislike of the Fae.

"So," she finally sighed, drawing my attention to her. "What happened to you anyway?"

Images of my dead clansmen and the torture I endured flashed across my mind at her question.

"Pure hell." I responded slowly. "The end of my entire way of life."

"Hm," was the only response I got before the sounds of metal instruments being moved around filled the air.

Instinctively, I snapped my gaze towards where the noise was coming from. When I was met with blurred shapes and lights, I felt a pang of pain stab at me from the realization that I may never be able to see again.

"Something wrong?" The woman asked, beginning to swab the knife wounds on my arms. "You look as if you may cry."

"What's your name?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"El," she responded. "I am the delta of the Crimson Tide Pack."

"El," I repeated. "Tell me, how should someone deal with the loss of their connection to the world?"

I didn't mean to sound so morbid, but I couldn't hold in my emotions. Now that I was safe from the demons, I had to face the reality of my future. My wings were gone, and with them, my magic. My eyes were also not good. I would never again be able to see or truly feel the magic and beauty of the world.

"I would fight to find another way to connect with it." El responded earnestly. "Better than giving up."

"Find another connection," I murmured, truly considering her response. "Maybe." I continued. "Maybe."

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