Chapter eight: I want to se him so much


Andrew and Connor took me to a private home of Connor's, the house was one of several of the man's properties scattered throughout Chicago, as well as probably Andrew also had several. It was a huge place, the living room alone could fit my entire apartment, it was sophisticated and well-equipped, the bedroom was breathtaking.

"You can start living in houses like these from now on." Andrew was talking behind me. "You just need to accept our proposal." He was talking about the proposal they had given Cassie and me of us becoming their luxury escorts. The man had his hands lightly squeezing my waist in a sexy way, pulling me by the waist to press my body to his, I smiled mischievously enjoying feeling the man's rigid body behind me.

"We'll make sure nothing is missing for you or your friend." Connor also got into the act, approaching me and handing me a glass of wine that I took and took a sip, he had taken off his coat and undone his tie, these men were so sexy. Couldn't be better served.

"You two are quite persuasive, and I like to be spoiled, if you know what I mean." I commented with a silly smile. "Where are Spencer and Joshua? Aren't they here?" I asked, looking around the room for two others. Andrew laughed out loud as he threw himself onto the couch with his arms outstretched, with Connor laughing along with him.

"You want all four of us at once? Would you take it?" Connor spoke maliciously, touching my face.

"It's just that I ended up thinking they would be here too." I explained myself by going to sit on the couch in the living room, I confess that I wasn't that smart.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Andrew said, "But Spencer is in a meeting in Japan and Joshua is only interested in your friend." I widened my eyes slightly.

"Serious?" Was it serious that Joshua was only interested in Cassie? Cassie was also interested in him, very much so. I had put up with her talking about Joshua all week, and now hearing that Joshua wanted her too was good news.

"Yes. He was the first to support us making this deal with you because he wants to see your friend soon." Connor told as he kissed my shoulder lightly. Could it be that Cassie and Joshua had formed a connection the night they met.

"Now that you mention him, he asked you to give us your friend's contact details. Can you do that?" Andrew asked.

"Of course yes!" I almost screamed, I was so loud. If Joshua got in touch with Cassie, that would make my friend very happy. "I gladly give my friend's contact details. Where's the cell phone?" The boys handed me the cell phone and I kept my friend's number there. Cassie would thank me so much after that.

"Perfect." Connor said when I finished using the cell phone, he took the device from my hand and handed it to Andrew, he lifted me in his arms soon after, scaring me a little, I tied my arms around his neck to hold me. "Since we don't have anything else to talk about, let's get down to business." So he was taking me to the bedroom of the house while I laughed at that attitude, Andrew was behind us with a mischievous air too. We were going to have a lot of fun tonight.


"Joshua asked for my contact?" I asked in a daze after my friend told me what Andrew and Connor told her. I was still stunned by what she'd said, so did that mean Joshua was thinking about me too? After that, I even had to sit down.

"I knew you would be so happy!" Beckie cheered along with me.

"Do you really think he's going to call me…?" I was afraid, apparently he was an important and rich guy. How would he remember to call me, a simple commoner?

"Look, from what Andrew and Connor told me, he's really interested in you." Beckie told. "And let's face it, what man with your cell phone number wouldn't call you? Look at you, you're a hottie. Joshua is the one who loses if he doesn't look for you, if he doesn't know, you have a lot of men on your tail." Beckie defended me to raise my spirits, I liked that about her, Beckie didn't like to see me sad. She did everything to get a smile out of me, like now. I smiled at her jokes.

"Yeah, there is. But I still want Joshua." I threw myself on the couch. "I wish I could meet him one more time."

"And you will, my friend. But wait, I didn't know you really had several men on your tail." She eyed me suspiciously. "What are you up to, Cassandra Millans?" I smile covering my face.

"So, I'm not so lucky that a limousine pulls up in front of me, okay? I wanted to relax, and so Mark helped me do it in the bathroom at college." I told, with a smirk, my friend was amazed with her mouth open in a perfect O.

"I can't believe this… You gave it to Mark? And was it in the college bathroom?" Minimum accent.

"It wasn't my fault, Mark is really hot, you know…" But Beckie got up and squealed with happiness so loud I thought my neighbors would come knocking on my door and complain about the noise she was making, I threw her a pillow. "Silence if you don't want to see me evicted from this building, you damn!"

"Sorry, I'm just surprised. Mark was always there flirting with you, and you never necessarily looked at him, but today you're telling me it happened, and apparently it was good, huh." She laughed at me. How was I going to explain to her that I practically used Mark to ease the hard-on I got from thinking about Joshua? No, it would be better not to say that, it didn't sound like the right thing to do.

"And then Mark asked me on a date this weekend…" I told her.

"Of course he would, I told you he's into you." Beckie reminded me, it was so obvious to Mark that he wanted me to be more special to him, I kept thinking about that. "But what then, friend? What if Joshua calls you wanting to see you this weekend? Wouldn't you go since you already have an appointment with Mark, or would you cancel with Mark to go see Joshua?" She asked me, and at that moment I couldn't answer that. That question had taken me by surprise, I really liked Mark and I didn't want to see him disappointed in me, but on the other hand, I really wanted to see Joshua... Holy shit, it had been a whole week since I'd seen him...

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