New Friends

"I love you, Mom, I miss you. Kiss Dad for me." I said goodbye to my mother and put my cell phone away to go into the cafeteria, but I ended up bumping into someone who was leaving just in time.

"Ouch!" I felt my body bump into someone.

"Watch where you're going blind!" said a boy turning around, kind of cute. He looked me up and down.

"You're blind!" I said.

"Are you swearing at my mother?" he said seriously.

"Hmm. No, but if you want me to, just ask!" I said.

"Hey, weirdo, shut up, will you?" he said.

"Look who's talking, an idiot head!" I said.

"You know what, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you!" he said.

"I don't even care about you or the person who put you in this world in good conscience," I retorted.

"Boring girl!" he says.

"Headcase," I replied.

"Ridiculous!" he says.

"Person with cognitive disabilities!" I said again. We looked like two children fighting.

"Injured!" he says.

"You ignoramus!" I shouted back at him and he approached me.

"Shut up, get a grip girl, and put yourself in your place," he says coldly "I think your little group should be over there, oh!" he says, pointing to a group of nerds sitting at a table just outside the entrance.

"Better there than with an idiot who thinks he's hot, but is actually a person with cognitive disabilities, intellectually challenged, and not even close to those nerds over there." I said.

"They're all gay to me, I want them to screw U!" he said.

"How can you say they're gay? Have any of them ever..." I hinted at him with a smile, and he kept quiet. "That's what I thought, and I think they're more of a man than you are! And they can make any woman fall in love. And I'm sure that pose of yours is just to hide a slacker inside." I said and pointed at him, who smiled mischievously.

"I'm sure that if I throw you on my bed, I'll drive you up the walls with all the pleasure I'm going to give you, and you can be sure that I'll hear you moaning my name very softly in my ear." he said next to me, and I can swear that I turned red after that.

"No, thanks, I've already got someone to make me soar!" I said.

"And where is he? Here? Because I can't see him." I laughed.

"It's none of your business where my boyfriend is!" I told him.

We stared at each other for a while without saying anything. That guy, apart from being handsome, is such an idiot and thinks so much of himself that it irritates me the way he acts. Irritating, that's what he was.

"Love, who's that?" a blonde girl came over and hugged him.

"Hi, babe!" he said and gave her a super kiss.

"Wow, what a hot kiss!" she said, full of fire, making me roll my eyes at the scene.

"I'm sure I do more delicious things than a simple kiss." he said to her while flashing that mischievous smile of his. Disgusting.

"That part I agree with," she said, smiling, and then looked at me "But who's that?" she asked as she looked me up and down.

"Nobody important, come on." he says and pulls her by the arm, ignoring my existence.

"Idiot," I said and turned to go back into the place, but again I bumped into someone else. "Ouch, that's angry!" I really wasn't in luck.

"Hey, look where you're going!" said a girl looking at me.

"Sorry, some asshole took my attention," I said to the medium-sized girl in front of me.

"It's okay," she smiles and holds out her hand to me. "Let's start from the beginning. Nice to meet you, my name is Eleonor," she said, smiling.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cassidy, but you can call me Cassy." I shook her hand.

"So, who was the asshole?" she asks, heading towards the bathroom, and I follow her.

"It was a guy with blonde hair and a redhead from the chemist's." She grimaced when I gave her a summary of the people's faces.

"Zac and Penelope," she says, laughing, and I look at her shocked.

"You know them." I end up stating the obvious.

"Zac is part of my little club of friends, the redhead is just passing through," she says and enters the booth. I leaned on the sink while I checked my cell phone for a message from Austin.

"Nice friend of yours, a complete idiot, that asshole." I say as I remember my argument with this Zac guy, and I take the opportunity to reply to my cousin's message with one.

"Zac, you know, he wasn't like that before. His ex left and broke his heart," he says, and then leaves the booth.

"Lucky for her, he's insufferable!" I say and she laughs quietly.

"I'm serious Cassy, he used to be a nice guy who cared about his friends. After the girl he loved evaporated, he became this bitter, Zac, even more, so after he got mixed up with Penelope," she said in a sad tone.

"Well, I'm sorry but..." she interrupts me.

"But you've already drawn your conclusions about him," she says as she dries her hands and we leave.

"That's right," I said.

"Well, shall we change the subject? Who are you with?" she asks.

"With my cousin, and by the way, I need to know which table Austin is at..." I said, looking around, as the place was quite big and full.

"Wait, are you Austin's cousin? The one who came from Brazil?" she said, smiling.

"Yes, I am, do you know my cousin?" I got a little more excited about the possibility of already having a friend in Austin's circle.

"Who doesn't know him? He's the captain of the English soccer team," she said, and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"That's why he's such a prick," I said, and we laughed. "Can you take me to him?" I asked Eleanor.

"Sure, come with me," she says and pulls me into the Starbucks.

I followed Eleanor to the middle of the hall, where I found my cousin surrounded by friends. I greeted each one of them and that night was unique because I hadn't felt that good in a long time.

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