Chapter 7
The sky above was a mix of burnt orange and reds with the sun’s setting. Any other day, I’d be thrilled to stare in awe.
Now, I beelined for Linea’s door and knocked, leaving the pretty sky behind.
“I’m coming,” she grumbled.
Once the door cracked open, I pushed past her.
"Oh, Ava, come right in." She sidestepped out of the way. "Make yourself at home. Or whatever. It’s not like I was falling asleep or anything important.”
I ignored her sarcastic tone, shrugging off my jacket. The stupid thing caught on my hair. I wrestled with it, tangling myself even more.
“Um, Ava?” My friend drew close, her voice softer. “Are you okay?” “I am not okay!” I spun on her.
Linea’s eyes widened. “Oh, dear. Ava.”
“I am not okay,” I repeated, my body shaking.
“What happened at the doctor’s? Is the baby alright?”
"I don't know." I let go of the jacket. It pulled at my hair, but I couldn't bring myself to care.
Everything was falling apart.
Linea drew closer and turned me, so my back faced her. "Let me get that for you while you tell me how it went."
I sighed. “It didn’t go, Linea. The doctor didn’t see me.” "I'm confused. Why not?"
"Well, he saw me, but—" She tugged at my hair. "Ow.” I pressed a hand on the spot.
“Sorry. Your hair got tangled in a button. Tell me, what happened?”
The deep breath I took did nothing to calm me. “Linea, I feel like I’m in a freaking movie.”
“A romance?”
“Romance? No! A freaking horror film.” “Wow. Was the doctor a monster?”
The jacket came loose, and I spun to face my friend. "Worse."
Her brows furrowed. “How?” “It’s Liam.”
Her eyes widened, mouth agape. “You’re kidding.” “I wish.”
“But I don’t understand. I thought you were going to Dr. Rogers.”
"I was, but his clinic is closed for some reason, and someone told me there was a new clinic. I wasn't thinking. I was so distracted, I just walked in and spoke to the nurse. Only for me to find out it’s Liam who’s the doctor— after I was already in the exam room.”
She covered her mouth, eyes anxious. “Does he know?” My gaze fell. “No. I didn’t tell the nurse why I was there.” “Oh, dear. This sounds—”
“Like a shitshow, I know.” I closed my eyes, wishing I could erase the past day. I should have been more careful. Should have been paying attention.
“Do you think he suspects?”
“I don’t know.” I thought for a second. “He might, right? Some people can tell when someone’s pregnant just by looking at them. What if he realizes? Or worse, tells my dad?”
“Calm down, Ava.” Linea tossed the jacket on the couch and grabbed my arms. “Look at me.”
Sympathetic hazel eyes held mine. “It’s okay. We’ll get through this.” “But how?” I broke away to pace around the space. “Not only is Liam my
baby’s father and my dad’s best friend, but he also replaced the town’s doctor. What am I to do? Who do I turn to?”
The pacing only amplified my worry, but I couldn’t stop. “I’ll be all alone. No one to help with the baby’s delivery. What if something goes wrong? I can’t do it, Linea.”
I spun to my friend. “I can’t go the natural route and do this by myself. Some women may be that strong. They never see a doctor through the pregnancy and push the baby out on all fours in their living room.”
Linea’s brow went up.
"Hell, they may even have someone playing drums and another standing with a delivery basket to catch the baby, but that is not my style. At all.” My heart was racing, breath heaving from my lungs.
“Are you done?”
I planted my feet, my shoulders slumping. “Linea, I don’t know what to
do. I don’t—”
“Hey, first, shh. You’re not going to be pushing out your baby on all fours.” She winced. “Thanks for the imagery, by the way.”
“Come on.” She took my hand and lead me to the couch.
I plopped down, feeling the tension slip out of me slowly. But not completely. I still had the matter of…everything to figure out.
“Liam’s not the only doctor in Hannibal. You can go see another one.
Hannibal isn’t that small.”
“No, I can’t.” I scooted closer until our knees brushed. “What if word gets out?”
“Doctors have to keep their patients’ details to themselves, Ava.” I gave her a look.
“But yeah, this is Hannibal. Somehow, shit always gets out.”
"Yeah, and Dr. Rogers kept a tight lid on everything. I hoped a new doctor wouldn't be roped into the nonsense, but then the new doctor turns out to be Liam. The last person I want to see at the moment."
“Ah, your worry makes more sense now.”
“And even if I wanted to brave it, what would I do if Dad finds out, or Liam?”
“But, Ava,” Linea chewed on her lip, “Aren’t you telling them at some point?”
“Well, yes.” My heart rate sped up. Just the thought of it…how would I break it to them? I shut off the thought before I resumed pacing again.
“Not yet. Definitely not now.” I carried on, “I need to know the baby’s fine and healthy. I want to get a handle on things before bringing Dad and Liam into it. But I don’t want them hearing it secondhand from a gossip.”
“Okay.” Linea paused for a second. “I have an idea.”
She left swiftly, returning with her laptop. “What if—” she popped it open and typed “—we find you a doctor in a town close by?”
The anxiety fisting my chest loosened. “That’s a great idea.” “I know. I’m full of them.”
I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen. “Not too close!”
“Fine.” She canceled her search keywords and retyped. “What about three towns away?”
I calmed. “Yeah, that’ll do.”
We ran through five doctors and came to a woman with gentle eyes.
“Dr. Cynthia Morris,” Linea read. “She looks nice. And her name is like yours. Morellis and Morris. She could be your aunt.”
The deep blue eyes and rounded cheeks looked nothing like me. But her face didn’t make me want to jump out of my skin.
“No, she couldn’t. But I think I’m okay with her.” “Terrific. Let’s book an appointment with Dr. Morris.”
I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I leaned my head against Linea’s shoulder. She paused typing to run a hand through my hair.
“It’ll be all right.”
Her quiet assurance warmed me. “I hope so.”
DR. MORRIS WELCOMED me with a smile that deepened the lines around her eyes. She looked older in person, but no less kind.
“How are you, Ava? I’m Dr. Morris. Can you tell me what brought you in today?”
Dr. Morris took the news of my pregnancy smoothly.
Besides Linea, the doctor was the only person I’d told. I’d hyperventilated as my life flashed before my eyes. My friend, on the other hand, was thrilled.
She would be an aunt.
Now, narrating my situation to a person who accepted it so calmly settled my insides. Her eyes said everything would be all right. And it reassured me.
"Okay, Ava. You did the right thing coming to see me. I'll run some tests to ensure everything is fine with you and the baby."
I smiled, tearing up. “Thank you.”
Her demeanor softened even more. “You’re welcome.” She flipped open my file and read. “What about the baby’s father? Is he in the picture?”
“Not at the moment,” I choked out.
She didn’t miss a stride. “Anyone you can trust to support you?”
“Linea, my best friend.” That may have come out too strong, but she'd been my rock this past week.
“Great friends are a treasure. It’s good you have one. You may go to the lab for your tests now.”
My results came in quickly, and I was called back to the exam room. "Hi." I crossed the room to sit on the exam table, feeling at ease.
“Hi, Ava. I just got your results back from the lab.” I nodded.
“Everything checks out. The baby is great. You’re fine, aside from one detail.”
“You mean, minor detail?” I chuckled, nerves wrapping a cord around my belly.
Dr. Morris allowed a small smile. “Not so minor. Your blood pressure is a little high.”
“It is?” My hand flew to my throat.
The doctor frowned. “Yes. I need you to manage your stress better. It’s important for you and the baby.”
I swallowed. “I understand.”
“More sleep. More rest. Kick back and relax.” “Okay.”
“If you’re worried, talk to Linea. Or if it’s medical, call the clinic, okay?” I smiled. “Thank you, Doctor.”
She returned my smile. "You’re doing great, Ava. You'll be given some vitamins, and you should take them as recommended to boost your and your baby's health, okay?"
I nodded.
“Good. We’re all done here.”
The wind blew leaves across the streets on my drive back to Hannibal. For once, since I discovered I was pregnant, I felt at peace. Like I was headed in the right direction.
Even if the right direction was a couple of hours away from Hannibal and increased my gas bill. I was still okay.
The baby was fine. I was fine. I’ve got this.
A local station was on, and a pop song filled the car. I hummed along, not thinking of anything at all. I was content.
I came to a stop by the curb next to my apartment. A heavy sigh escaped me. It’d been a long week.
Thankfully, today moved things along positively.
I couldn’t wait to take a nice warm bath, unwind, and just breathe.
Finally. Everything would be alright.
I climbed the stairs up to my apartment. Just as I turned the corner, my eyes fell on a long, lean body propped against the wall. It straightened as I resumed climbing.
I crested the last step, and my eyes fell on Liam's. He was wearing a suit, the outfit complete with a silver watch. His hair was in place, impeccable as ever.
Despite his put-together look, something that tilted toward worry danced in his eyes. Did he know something?
Swallowing, I pushed forward. He couldn’t. I went to a doctor three towns away.
“What are you doing here?” I sounded guarded, even to my own ears. “I came to see you.”
“That much is obvious. What do you want?”
He didn’t flinch at my tone. If anything, a smile ghosted across his lips. “I’ve been thinking about you.”
My heart leaped into my throat. The doctor had told me to relax and rest.
His warm, smoky voice, deep and seductive, didn’t support rest. It demanded other things that’d speed my pulse up. Make my heart tremble.
A sizzling heat traveled up my thighs. “Why—why are you thinking of me?”
“I’ve been worried since you ran out of my office the other day.” Oh.
“Are you alright?” he went on, stepping closer. His eyes traveled over my face and body.
My nerves prickled to life, wanting those eyes to be replaced by his hands.
I shook my head firmly. No, Ava, don’t go there.
“You’re not alright?” A frown deepened the lines on his face. “No, no. I am. I’m just—” Really hot for you.
I gulped. “I’ll tell you everything.” “Everything?” His brows lifted.
I nodded. There was no time better than the present, right? And now I knew the baby was fine.
Best to let the Liam know he’d soon be a daddy.
“Um, come on in. We can talk.” I started around him toward the door. His warm scent raced up my nostrils. My lungs expanded, wanting more.
I forced myself forward and inserted the key. By the time he learned everything, I was certain another round of hot sex would be the last thing on our minds.
My body shivered at the sound of his voice.
Yep, I needed to tell him ASAP, or I'd be throwing myself at him, begging for round two.
I pushed open the door, and Liam followed me inside.