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"Fuck." Daniel cursed as more as he spent the time here waiting for Kinder to come out with his girl.

"It isn't yet five minutes since she entered the house," William whispered

"Take a seat and wait for your wife to make the job." William trying to appease him proposed.

"It isn't necessary, I will wait for her here." he blurted, crossing his trembling arms with determination.

"Okay," he conceded with mercy in his glance as he looked through at the anxiety in which his boss was agonizing.

He didn't move a foot from the position where Kinder had left him, he was deadpan, and the only way to restore his abilities was by seeing his little daughter.

"Mom?" The little girl asked as her mom's presence surprised her in the room while she played the PlayStation with her uncle, Rune Houston.

"Mum...." she repeated, forgetting about the play and running for a hug, with her mom waiting for her with arms widely open.

"You didn't tell us you were coming today." Standing from his seat Rune said enjoying the view of this warm hug between his little sister and her baby.

"I wanted to take you in a surprise," Kinder responded laughing, taking delight in every kiss her daughter planted on her cheeks.

She was craving it during all this time spent away from her.

"How is my little girl feeling?" Kinder inquired after a long kiss planted on her kids' cheeks.

"Mom, Mom, you won't believe what is happening."

"I was giving a scrape to Uncle Rune on the FIFA Game," she said with too much enthusiasm and with such speed of her tongue.

"I didn't want to see you with tears on your cheeks, it is the only reason I left you to win," Rune responded hiding a chuckle behind a fake serious look.

"Mom, Mom, Uncle Rune is just a bad loser," she replied laughing, and they laughed together.

They have missed this feeling.

"Tell me everything, Mom."

"How was your trip? which kind of adventure did you get this time? Who were you spying on?" She was too much talk active, but Kinder liked it, it proved her child had missed her.

"You won't believe it if I tell you," she replied taking a seat to sigh before whistling about what had happened during this mission.

"Tell me everything Mom." they all sat, both Rune and Daniella waiting for her tales they knew were hot as always.

Daniella Houston was the name of her little girl, Not difficult to understand the motive, it was the only way she found to not move her mind from him, she gave her little girl something that would remind her about him every time she would hear it.

Adding his prename to her little girl's existence would make his presence always palpable, and it worked, the proof, she didn't allow anyone else to have a touch on her during all this time.

He was always in her mind.

"I don't even know where to start."

"Start from the beginning." Her girl uttered, with her two hands on her cheeks to support her head while she was pinning her mom with an enthusiastic glance.

"If it could be so easy," she whispered loud enough to be heard only by herself.

"Mom? What is wrong?" The Little girl reading her mom's appearance, understood there was something different.

She succeeded to smell a rat, it wasn't how her mom used to be after a mission, after succeeding to come back home with every risk her work evolved.

"Mommy?" Daniella called up after she noticed her mum was very far in thought.

"We are here waiting for you" she added.

"Sorry." Kinder puffed

"What...what do you think of your dad, baby?" she hesitated, unaware of how to start, it was a very sensitive subject.

"Why are you asking this? Are you aware of something about him?" Immediately, Rune stood eager to know the response.

He wasn't angry though like she thought he would react to this question.

"No, it isn't that, I just wanted to know what she was feeling about him." She responded looking at the faded way in which her girl's countenance plummeted.

"There is something I am craving for." her little girl halted her uncle who wasn't satisfied with Kinder's responses and was ready to continue the discussion.

She got everyone's interest and they were waiting for the moves of her lips to even anticipate and discern what would come out of her lips.

"I...I want just one thing, take him in a hug."

"I don't want to know why he left, I...I just want him even for a twinkle. Being able to scent his fragrance." She struggled powerless with the moan escaping her restraint, it was a question too difficult for her little nerves and heart to support.

Her mum wordlessly looked at her little girl and appreciated the way she behaved, how tender-hearted her girl was.

She wiped off at the same time her tears and the one on her girl's cheeks with her thumbs.

"Mom. Stop talking about that, please. Just continue your tale. How was your mission?" she said, feigning a smile, however, her mom could imagine how hurt her baby was.

"He is there, in the yard." Kinder blurted, unable to gather, this emotion, this rage burning inside her veins as she thought of how her girl was suffering right at this moment.

Her girl's eyes popped out as she heard this whistle, she didn't need too much, she didn't want to hear something else.

She immediately ran downstairs as fast as her little girl could carry her, caring less about the shout her mom was creating behind her, telling her to wait, before going out together.

Rune was following them behind, thinking about what Kinder said like a utopia.

With less than a couple of minutes, Daniella was in front of the door, arranging her little skirt on her hips with one hand and the other one was cleaning the trace of tears on her cheeks.

As Daniel saw her, he immediately recognized his child, he could see him when he was this age in his girl.

His heart thundered as he peered at this creature in front of him, separated by just some footsteps, the best gift he could dream from life, from his belove Kinder.

William at his side also wiped the tears dropping down his cheeks, tears of joy as he witnessed how overwhelmed his Boss was.

Instinctively, Daniella rushed toward her dad and she plunged on him for the most tender hug she had ever shared with no one.

He responded as lovingly as his corpse could react, caressing her long and black strand with tears cascading down his cheeks while crashing his lips on her forehead, on every part of her bewitching face.

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