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"Yes. And you haven't yet seen what I own," he whispered, sending a tsunami of joy into his daughter's heart.

Immediately, they entered the machine and witnessed it raising in altitude, they were gone.

"What is going on?" Rune asked, hiding his amazement toward Daniel's possession.

A lot of question was cruising his mind making him unable to focus on something else.

Why were they in such a hurry?

Why Kinder had inquired about him?

What was he doing in life to possess a helicopter?

That wasn't the way he was seeing his day, he wasn't used to this kind of adrenaline cruising from his head to his tiptoes.

"We are going somewhere safe for you, for all of us," Kinder explained but it didn't fill his craving.

He needed more, more explanations, and more details about what was occurring.

"I will tell you everything when we will reach home" Daniel drilled him with a pleading look, which told Rune, he didn't want to share it in front of the girl.

Understanding what Daniel communicated he agreed but there was a point that appeared very blurred to him.

"Home?" his husky voice sounded like he wanted to be sure he had fairly well understood what Daniel said.

"Yes," Daniel said back taking tightly his girl to his side.

"You'll be at your ease there trust me," he added.

"There is something you don't understand." he barked, with a laugh devoid of humor.

"I have a life there, a job, something that pays me. Don't you understand? this." he spelled every word, unable to grasp the speed events were taking.

An hour before he was playing the PlayStation with her niece, and a twinkle after, he was out of his house with his friend who disappeared ten years ago and they were flying away, without any worthy motive.

Fuck, no one knows what the next day hold.

"Trust me when I tell you what you'll get there is ten times what you can fancy."

"There is just one thing I am begging you for, is to wait for every detail, you will get them."

"Certainly after it, you'll understand why we act like we are doing," he whispered, calming his friend, with her girl lying on his thighs finding slumber.

The emotions she felt were too much for her little heart, she was exhausted.

Kinder looked at the scene and was glad to always witness this chemistry among them, since they were younger Daniel had always been the one to appease his friend when he was ready to make some bullshit.

He was the balm for his nerves and always succeeded in making him toe the line.

After appeasing his friend, the helicopter landed, and William had already ordered a vehicle to come and take them home.

Rune was going from amazement to amazement as he witnessed a Rolls Royce waiting for them.

What was he doing in life to earn so much? His patience had boundaries and it was just a matter of minutes to reach them, he wasn't sure to succeed to gather the same calm after witnessing something that would excite his curiosity again.

They drove toward an alley and he was astonished to enter a dark way only illuminated by the light the vehicle generated, he was certain to witness some shadow of men hidden in the dark.

The only comfort he had was to know Kinder was at his side.

After some minutes which appeared like an eternity for him, they reached the castle, as he climbed out of the vehicle, his curiosity reached its peak.

"What does it mean?" he yelled, in total consternation toward the fabulous building in front of him.

It was just breathtaking, he pinned Daniel with a questioning look and a mind waiting for explanations.

"Follow me please," he uttered, giving the girl back to Kinder with a sign of his head, he told her to enter the building with her.

Understanding his Boss needed to handle it alone with his friend, William took his path, understanding he had done enough, and was proud to see how things were changing in his Boss's life.

He would no more be a composition of intrepidness and rage.

They were humanizing him.

"Why was Kinder spying on you?"

"What are you doing in life to attire the Police attention?" He asked without moving his glance away from the stunning home.

Willing to be direct with him, and blurted what he wanted to say, he led him to his secret room.

Climbing down the stairs, they entered the empty area, reluctantly, he followed him to the other room before meeting the heap of narcotics.

"What is that?" he trembled and asked to be sure what he was witnessing was matching the conception his mind had from that.

"It is a heap of cocaine." Daniel blurted it, knowing what was cruising his friend's mind.

Some step back he looked at Daniel with an alarming glance "What the fuck."

"Calm down." He retorted and immediately started to narrate his story from what happened when he left them to what was happening at that moment.

He started being appeased after every explanation he let his friend murmur into his ear.

As he was already coll-headed, Kinder joined them and they shared with him every little secret.

"If I am getting what you are saying, you are a kind of Bruce Wayne. Isn't it?" he sneered feeling his heart relatively appease.

"Yes... something like that." he chuckled feeling, Rune's approval.

"Now the dilemma is to start living together, we should end up Kinder's career and the easiest way will be to show them her murder."

"They will discover your destroyed home and would speculate I took my revenge on you for your sister spying on me."

"Don't be scared, I take it all on my shoulder," he explained his plans step after step, knowing Rune's common sense would agree with that.

Rune was silent, and after a moment analyzing everything, he agreed, looking to every advantage he would get at his side.

"It is wonderful, I accept." he blurted out and took his friend into a hug.

"You don't know how much I prayed for you to come back for your little daughter."

"And I can understand why you left,"

"I am not sure I would have reacted like I am doing now those years ago. I share your feeling," he explained taking him tighter.

"Thank you for coming back for your girl," he added wiping the drop of tears on his cheeks.

"I came immediately after I heard about her existence," he responded.

"She loves and needs you"

Squeezing Kinder's hand he responded, "We will always be there for her."

She was no more reluctant, she didn't open her mug to agree but her silence and the flush on her cheeks were telling more than her words would have conveyed.

Stupefaction was splayed on her features as she witnessed how this man had succeeded in a matter of no time to get everyone's heart.

'There is no more reason to struggle.' she whispered to herself.

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