
Letty's feet begrudgingly dragged themselves over the concrete pavement as she walked further and further away from the car, not exactly too excited for her first day of school.

She knew what was coming next.

Awkward stares, whispers, maybe even a little bit of high-school drama as people her age were so damn predictable.

Aaand there are the popular girls, she thought as she took a subtle glance around the school's campus, noticing a group of good-looking and well-dressed girls, casually talking and giggling before her gaze moved on to a group of equally good-looking and well-dressed guys, making her realize that those were the ever-so-stereotypical jocks before her gaze averted again, looking around at various types of people as she made her way towards the school's entrance.

She sighed and looked at her canvas shoes, already thinking that it was going to be another one of those long-ass days when her entire body suddenly collided with another, making her lose balance and almost on the verge of falling before a strong arm suddenly shot out of nowhere and caught her at the very last moment, her body slamming back against the stranger with an audible oof.

Dark blue eyes met hers as she timidly raised her gaze, finding herself staring at the face of a rather boyishly handsome male, his somewhat innocent features expressing a cute grin.

"Sorry. I didn't see you before it was too late," His head tilted, trailing that incredibly blue gaze over her quickly heating face as she could only stand there in his arms and stare, stunned into silence.

Oh my god. Did I fucking die and landed in a heaven filled with good-looking guys?

"Are you okay?"

"Huh, what?" She lightly shook her head and blinked, only now realizing that he'd actually addressed her a question.

"I said, are you okay?" He repeated with another smile, making her notice the faint lines of two sexy dimples in his cheeks.

Holy shit.

She could feel her face grow even hotter -if that was even possible- her heart threatening to beat out of her chest as she rapidly nodded and lowered her gaze, too embarrassed by her own actions to even dare look him in the eye again. And as if sensing her discomfort he let go of her waist and took a step back, thankfully creating some space between them, awkwardly clearing out his throat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to umm..." Her gaze rose back up to look at him, noticing him rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided to look at her for a moment.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before today," He suddenly asked as he found her gaze again, making her slightly blush for a second time in the span of only a few minutes.

"Y-yeah, I'm new," She stuttered out and nodded, mildly wincing at the sound of her own weak and unsure tone.

Gaaah! I've been through moments like this one tons of times before! Why can't I just get over it already and act at least a little bolder? She mentally scolded herself, casing her gaze downwards again.

"Oh, hey, I could uhm, show you around if you'd like. You know, make it up for bumping into you like that," Her attention darted back to him again as she listened to his wavering voice, noticing that uneasy smile plastered over his face as he looked at her.

"S-sure," She finally answered back after a moment or two of hesitance, noticing the way his cute smile immediately broadened.


"Bye! See you tomorrow!" She waved and smiled at her new friend, Parker, purposely slowing down her gait as she waited for him to reach his car first and get inside before she could go to her own ride.

She'd noticed Luke sitting there in his black SUV as he'd been waiting for her for a few good minutes now but she didn't want to climb inside his car just yet. She wanted to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible as she wasn't ready to be seen with him yet. She just didn't want to have to deal with the odd stares and possible questions for the time being.

Not yet, she said to herself, thinking about the wonderful time she'd had at school today with Parker and all the new cool people she'd met, those fresh memories shadowed by the presence of the annoying police officer as their gazes finally met, the girl noticing the way he stared at her so intensely as she lingered on that pathway for a few moments longer, stealthily looking around for any trace of wandering gazes before she made a quick run straight to the car and climbed inside, slamming the door behind her with a little too much force.

"I'd like to keep this car in one piece for a little while longer if you may, miss Martinez,"

She winced at the sound of his calm yet stern voice, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I'm s-sorry," She meekly stuttered out, avoiding to look at him altogether as she fiddled with the sleeves of her shirt.

"Are you ashamed to be seen with me, Letty?"

Her eyes widened, taken by surprise by that question that suddenly came out of nowhere.


"It's okay. I understand. I wouldn't want to be seen escorted by the police everyday either if I were you,"

Her lips parted open, turning her head to stare at him as he'd obviously left her speechless.

"It would raise too many questions now, wouldn't it?" He added with a smirk, that simple smirk however making her dryly swallow as her heart fluttered, completely unprepared for the torrent of emotions that followed.

Why does he have to be so fucking hot? She thought with annoyance, hating the way her body reacted at the sight of him.

It kinda made her tingle all over, every time he looked at her or threw her one of those absolutely gorgeous smiles.

"I could ditch the uniform, if you'd like,"

Her heart fluttered again at the sound of his words, feeling her cheeks heating up as an unexpected image of him completely naked popped at the front of her mind, suddenly making her feel so embarrassed by her own naughty thoughts.

"You know, wear something casual instead, for less attention," His brows furrowed as he'd obviously noticed her state of unrest, the girl quickly nodding as she averted her gaze towards the window instead, awkwardly clearing out her throat.

"Y-yeah, I-I guess t-that could work,"

Lukas smirked to himself as he could already feel her desire through the bond, pretty much aware that she must've imagined him in a certain way the moment he said those words, the thought of her thinking about him like that making him feel a some sort of satisfaction and victory as he turned on the car and drove away, constantly throwing her subtle glances.

Maybe I can't make you mine but at least I could take a small piece of your heart and mind.

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