Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Hang out together

Chapter 3

Emma POV

The sound of my ringing phone pulled me out of my deep slumber, and I rolled tiredly on the bed before I reached out for it, and swiped the answer button without bothering to check who the caller was.

"Mate!" Hearing Miguel's voice sound from the other end, I snapped my eyes open before I sat up quickly on the bed.

"Al... Alpha?" I stuttered as I blinked my eyes rapidly, convincing myself that he was not the one.

"Hmm? I'm waiting in front of your apartment. Your door is still locked, are you not going to work?" He asked, and I scoffed silently as I rolled my eyes. Well, I guess he sorted things out with my boss after the incident three days ago, so, thankfully, I wasn't sacked from there.

"I went out yesterday and couldn't make it back. And I won't be coming back anytime soon," I lied to him, and I heard him scoff.

"I didn't see you leaving your apartment last night," Hearing that from him, my eyes narrowed in shock and confusion, wondering what he meant by that. Wait! Is he leaving close by, or did he spend the night here? I asked myself, but quickly dismissed the thoughts because there was no way in hell that was ever going to happen.

"I'll be waiting for you. Don't keep me waiting," The call finally ended, and I sighed frustratingly as I tossed my phone on the bed before I stood up to get ready. I wasn't going to the cafe today, since I'll be going to the school instead to get my admission sealed. I wrote an entrance exam in one of the best high schools in town, and I got an email last week that I got accepted, and I needed to go to the school today to finalize everything.

By the time I was done bathing, I got ready and left through the backdoor as it was the only way I could avoid him. I thought telling him off that day was going to keep him away from me, but it turned out that I just wasted my time because he never listened to me.

I managed to get to the driveway where I hauled down a cab that took me to the school. The drive to the school took about fifteen minutes before we arrived, and I headed to the admin's office after then.

Soon, the admission was sealed, and I was said to resume school by tomorrow since everything I would be needing was already provided. I couldn't be happier, because my dream was finally coming true. This was like a stepping stone for me.

As I walked toward the gate, ready to leave the school compound, a car drove past me and stopped right in front of me once I was out of the compound, and standing in the roadway, waiting for a cab to take me back home. I took the day off from work so I could get ready for school. The black car that just pulled over in front of me finally wined down its tinted glass, and the person I saw left my mouth hanging open in shock. It was Miguel. Wait! Did he follow me here again?

"Why did you do that, Emma? You had me waiting for you, and you left me just like that. Don't you think it's not fair?" He asked me calmly, and I sighed briefly because this was already driving me nuts.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked him, and he scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"No, I didn't. I also came to the school for something, so, far from it. Well, I'm heading your way, do you mind if I drop you?" He asked me.

"No, don't worry. I'll take a cab," I replied to him, and he sighed as he rested his head on the headrest.

"Come on, Emma. You are my mate, so get used to it and stop being like this. Get inside the car and let me drop you off," He said with his domineering voice, and I scoffed. I just hope he wasn't thinking of scaring me with that voice, because it's really not going to work on me.

"I'll be fine, Al..."

"Get inside the car, Emma," He cuts me off, and this time, I was left with the only choice of going into the car, knowing he was going to keep following me if I didn't do what he wanted. Also, it didn't seem like I was going to get a cab anytime soon, so I thought it would be fine to go in his car.

"Why were you in the school?" I wanted to ask him, but on second thought, I thought it wasn't my business, so I thought it wise to mind my business and stop meddling in his.

"Do you want to go anywhere? Are you hungry? We could go get something to eat, or maybe hang out together. Like, let's get to know each other. What do you think?" He asked me, and I bit my bottom lip, because I didn't sign up for this.

"I'm not hungry," I replied to him, but that was when my stomach decided to betray me as it made a grumbling sound, and I sighed briefly. Fuck it!

"Is that your stomach?" He asked as he glanced at me. I knew he was teasing me, so I just threw my gaze away and ignored him.

He drove us to a restaurant where he ordered food for me, and I ate to my satisfaction.

"Do you want to go to the Park?" He asked as soon as we stepped out of the restaurant, and although I wanted to say no, the excitement there couldn't stop getting into my head. It has always been my dream to go to the Park, but sadly, I didn't have time, and since I'll be starting school soon and won't have time in the future, I thought it wise to go today or never again.

He drove us to the park, and I was glad I made the decision in the first place. The place was full of fun, and I had it to the fullest before he finally drove me back home.

"I'm glad to hang out with you today," He said to me before I walked into my apartment, but I ignored him. Well, I'm glad there was no way I was going to see him often again. I plan to go to work after I leave school on a daily basis, so it'll be difficult for us to meet often in the future...

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