The heart was beating wildly. Crysta held her breath because of the tense atmosphere out there. Monic and Crysta stared at each other in fear.
If there was no one standing guard nearby, it meant the enemy was either too many or too strong to deal with.
Crysta swallowed. She was shocked when a soldier with a bloody mouth appeared at the window clutching an iron sling.
''Lock it from the inside, Your Highness. Don't open the door to anyone.'' Then collapsed, falling to the ground followed by Crysta and Monic's screams.
''Aaaaaaarrgghhh!'' The two of them panicked.
''Do what he says. Lock the door. Quickly!''
Click. Click. Click. Click. Lock up and down on both sides of the door. Including the window. That wasn't enough, Crysta put a long metal rod to hold it in place.
The throat swallowed saliva up and down. The two women hugged each other out of fear. Every time the sound of swords clashing was followed by a scream, someone must have suffered pain or death.
''Royal entourage apparently.'' The man with red hair, a tall body like a mountain and a terrifying face like a monster, made a quick guess. He was facing Christian with dozens of dashing soldiers. While he was with hundreds of men dressed in plain gray and shabby clothes. They were rebel troops.
''Who are you?'' Christian shouted. His sword was drawn forward. He and the troops were barricading a circle to contain the rebels, with Crysta's carriage at the center.
''Soldiers with rose symbols.'' The rebel leader's laughter echoed. Followed by the rest of his men. Seeing that insignia, they thought they had found a perfect target to rob.
''They're from the kingdom of Orva, Zorgax.'' chirped one.
''It doesn't matter who we are. Clearly, why would rebels like you be in the kingdom of Lucard?'' With a high level of vigilance, Christian did not take his eyes off the person called Zorgax.
Christian was sure he was not mistaken. Based on the last information he had heard, the rebels had only attacked the kingdom of Valliant, but why were they now in the kingdom of Lucard?
''Ah, for that... I guess I have to give you some explanation.'' Zorgak observed the carriage briefly then refocused on Christian and the rest of the soldiers. Orva's forces were outnumbered.
''I took my men across Lucard because there was nothing to expect from Valliant. That tyrant prince really guards his kingdom with care. Honestly, I had a hard time dealing with him.''
''Prince Pascal has given you bad memories apparently.'' Christian scoffed.
''Yes, bad enough so that I can't forget the armored tiger he rode.''
Lastly, before Zorgax and his troops wanted to return to make their fortune by attacking the Valliant border, they were surprised by the presence of Pascal riding a Titan. Waiting for them at the border without fear. A sword was drawn on Pascal's right side. Along with hundreds of Andromeda who immediately gave a shower of arrows when they were a hundred meters away from Pascal's forces.
Zorgax even still remembered Pascal who expressionlessly gave him a sharp look. Making him pull back all his men because he realized that Pascal was ready to finish them all with one swing of the sword.
And the sky seemed to be on Zorgax's side. Where when they wanted to try their luck in Lucard, they were instead rewarded with the arrival of a royal procession carrying many chests made of gold.
''You think I can't teach you a lesson like Prince Valliant did? I can even finish all of you in just a few minutes.'' Christian's threat was heard by Crysta, but laughed at by the enemy.
''You want to teach me a lesson?'' Zorgax laughed out loud.
''Don't underestimate the captain of the kingdom of Orva, you bastard. I can slash you with my sword just like Prince Pascal did.''
Crysta in her carriage was also annoyed to hear the rogue Zorgax laughing again.
''If I dare to stand in front of you from a distance of less than fifty meters, it means you can't equate yourself with him,'' said Zorgax who immediately pulled the sword from its sheath. ''Because after the first and last time I saw him, my courage disappeared just by looking at him from afar.''
Before he could fully interpret Zorgax's meaning, Christian immediately set up his stance to be ready for the rebel's attack.
Zorgax ran to attack Christian. The delayed battle continues again.
Two rebels arrived first. They drove their swords into Christian's neck and abdomen, but were repelled with one swing of the sword. Counterattacking, Christian managed to slash through both stomachs of the two rebels.
Zorgax cried out in rage. Two of his men lay on the ground with their intestines coming out.
''That's what I meant when I wanted to teach you a lesson.'' He boasted with a faint smile.
Zorgax took out a dagger. Two weapons were used. In a deadly exchange of blows, Zorgax received a wound to the arm. It was enough to cause him pain to take a pause and withdraw from the one-on-one duel.
''How did it go? Giving up already?'' Christian walked a little, circling around Zorgax who was stopping the bleeding.
''It's not over yet!" he shouted.
Orva's warriors had the upper hand. They managed to equalize their numbers. Many of Zorgax's men were killed.
Crysta, who was peeping, prayed endlessly. This was the first time she saw the blood of many lives lying on the ground covered in blood. It was a terrible thing for a princess who was used to living in a palace with all the beauty in it.
Christian elbowed Zorgax in the face, managing to knock the sword out of the scoundrel. Kicking out his artificial wound and Zorgax backed away from the battle. He struggled to catch his breath. Along with the sight of his men lying on the ground.
Zorgax was cunning. He who had been targeting the train shouted to his men. ''Attack the train!''
Christian, who was not expecting it, immediately turned around. Scattered soldiers ran towards the boxy thing on wheels. Fending off the attacks of Zorgax's men from all sides. Seeing Christian's inattention, Zorgax used the opportunity to...
''Akh!'' Christian was stabbed.
The captain turned around. Finding a satisfied grin on Zorgax's face. But it didn't stop there, with his remaining strength, Christian drove his sword into Zorgax's stomach. Fresh blood poured out of the rebel leader's mouth. The stab succeeded in taking Zorgax's life. Including Christian who in the split second could see the Crysta train had been taken over by the rebels before he closed his eyes.
Orva's armies were defeated. There were fifteen rebels left alive and they clamored to open Crysta's carriage in various ways.
''Open the door!''
The banging door accompanied by the order brought tears to the eyes of the two women inside. But Crysta was silent. So was Monic. They smothered their own mouths to keep from making a sound. Fear overcame both of them.
''Leave the carriage. Let's take care of the crates back there first.'' One person's suggestion was approved by the others.
''Alright. Take it from the far end. And don't forget to take the weapons of the dead soldiers.''
Crysta heard that. A hand lowered from her mouth brought a sense of relief to her heart. She slowly brought her earlobe to the wall of the carriage. The group's footsteps were actually moving away.
''We should get out of here before they return.''
But, Crysta did not agree with Monic's plan. She felt that the rebel was giving up too easily. Even someone who was born stupid would definitely reach the golden chest after successfully finding out what was inside the carriage. Especially since the soldiers were desperate to protect the object Crysta was riding on rather than the treasure they were carrying.
''I'm afraid this is a trap, Monic.'' She spoke softly.
''But this is the only chance we have, Princess. Let's get out. Seek help. If we're lucky, we'll run into Lucard soldiers on patrol.'' Monic replied in an even quieter voice.
''Trap or not, we must make the most of this opportunity, Princess. They're focusing on the treasures. We should also focus on escaping.''
Thinking for a moment, Crysta agreed to Monic's idea. This might be the only opening for the two of them to escape. So she divided the tasks for Monic to remove the items blocking the door. Crysta on the right and Monic on the left.
All they had to do was open the latch and push it. Then they would get out of the carriage immediately.
''On the count of three.'' Get ready at their respective posts.
Monic nodded, understanding.
''One.'' Crysta started counting.
BRAK! The doors opened on both sides of the carriage. Crysta ran as hard as she could and looked back. There was not a single rebel. Maybe they were being lucky. But they had to accept the harsh reality because...
Gotcha! BUGH! Both of them crashed into two men. Crysta's worries were well-founded and her prediction came true.
''Let go!'' They were caught.
The other thirteen rebels came out of hiding. They laughed with satisfaction.
''How was my idea? Brilliant wasn't it?'' The one who captured Cryta said.
''I must admit that you're smart like Zorgax. But it's a shame the leader is dead.''
They saw Zorgax's corpse next to Christian. Monic was hysterical. Screaming at the captain's pale face. Her beloved. Crysta looked sad. At Christian and also Monic who felt lost.
''Shut up!'' One of them didn't like hearing that shout. Then his eyes looked at Crysta's face. Taking in the girl from toe to head.
''She's so beautiful.''
''Isn't she the princess of the Orva kingdom? I've heard that kingdom has a beautiful princess.''
''Is she the one?''
The rebel's babbling was ignored by Crysta. She was more focused on finding a way to escape.
''Today we are very lucky. Abundant booty, plenty of food, as well as horses for us to ride. And we also got two beautiful women. One of them is even a princess.''
Laughter echoed through the wilderness again. One of them approached Crysta, looking at the girl closely. ''I've never fucked a princess. How about we rape her in turn?''
"Bloody bastard!" Monic shouted meaninglessly. Because just now, the rebel slapped her into silence.
''You have no right to speak, lowly maid!'' She exclaimed angrily. ''Your turn will come.''
Crysta cried. One because she saw Monic fall down after being slapped, two because the fifteen people gathered in front of her like hungry lions who had found their prey.
''Alright, who will start first?''
Silence. Crysta put on a pitiable face to be pitied. But it seemed that expression didn't decrease their interest in raping Crysta.
After a few seconds, a rebel finally stepped forward. ''I'll do it for starters.'' It was the one who captured Crysta. From the start, the rogue had already taken an interest with that innocent girl.