Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

And with that, we leaped into the abyss, our bodies tumbling through the darkness, our fate uncertain and unknown. My heart was pounding in my chest as I clung to Jake, feeling the wind whip through my hair and the cold air biting at my skin. I had no idea where we were headed, but I knew one thing for certain: we had to get as far away from the pack as possible.

As we landed with a thud on the ground, Jake helped me to my feet, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. "We need to keep moving," he said, his voice low and urgent. "We can't stay in one place for too long."

I nodded, feeling the weight of my unborn child pressing against my stomach. "I know," I said, my voice shaking. "But where can we go? We don't know anyone in the city."

Jake gave me a reassuring smile. "We'll figure something out," he said. "We just need to keep our wits about us and stay one step ahead of the pack."

We started walking, our footsteps echoing through the deserted streets. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as we made our way through the city, our eyes darting back and forth, searching for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, I saw him. The Alpha. I knew he was dead, I had stabbed him with the silver shadow. But there he was, lurking in the shadows, his eyes fixed on me.

"Jake," I whispered, my voice shaking. "Do you see him?"

Jake followed my gaze, his expression darkening. "Yeah," he said. "I see him."

"How is this possible?" I asked, feeling a sense of dread creeping over me.

"I don't know," Jake said. "But we need to keep moving. We can't let him catch up to us."

We quickened our pace, but I could feel the Alpha's presence following us, his shadow looming over us like a dark cloud.

"Olivia," he called out, his voice echoing through the empty streets. "Come back to me. You belong to me."

I felt a surge of anger and fear rising within me. "I don't belong to you," I shouted back. "I never did."

Jake put his arm around me, pulling me close. "We need to stay focused," he said. "We can't let him get to us."

But I could feel the Alpha's presence growing stronger, his voice taunting us from the shadows.

"You can run, but you can't hide," he said. "I'll find you, Olivia. And when I do, you'll regret ever leaving me."

I felt a chill run down my spine, but I refused to let him get the better of me. "We'll see about that," I muttered under my breath.

As we turned a corner, I caught a glimpse of something in the distance. A glimmer of hope. "Jake," I said, pointing. "Look."

We ran towards the building, our hearts pounding with anticipation. And as we reached the door, I knew that we had found our sanctuary.

The building was a run-down apartment complex, but it was a sight for sore eyes. We rushed in and quickly made our way up the stairs, our footsteps echoing through the empty hallway.

As we settled into one of the rooms, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being watched. I peered out of the window, scanning the streets below, but there was no sign of the Alpha.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, sensing my unease.

"I don't know," I replied, my eyes still scanning the streets. "I just can't shake off the feeling that he's still out there."

Jake placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll be okay," he said. "We just need to stay alert and keep our guard up."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. I knew that I could trust Jake, that he would do everything in his power to protect me and our unborn child.

As we settled into the room, we started to discuss our next move. "We need to find a way to get some supplies," Jake said. "Food, water, and some basic necessities."

"But how?" I asked, feeling a sense of despair creeping over me. "We don't have any money, and we can't exactly walk into a store and start shopping."

Jake gave me a wry smile. "We'll figure something out," he said. "We just need to be creative."

As we continued to discuss our plan, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not right. And then, it hit me. The Alpha. He was still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

"Jake," I said, my voice trembling. "We need to get out of here. Now."

"What's wrong?" Jake asked, looking at me with concern.

"It's the Alpha," I said. "He's still out there. I can feel it."

Jake's expression darkened. "We can't let him get to us," he said. "We need to stay one step ahead of him."

As we made our way out of the apartment complex, our hearts pounding with fear, I knew that our fate was uncertain and unknown. But I also knew that we had each other, and that was enough to give me hope.

We stepped out onto the empty street, our eyes darting back and forth, searching for any sign of danger. The Alpha's presence was still lingering, like a dark cloud hanging over us.

"We need to keep moving," Jake said, his voice low and urgent. "We can't stay in one place for too long."

I nodded, feeling a sense of urgency rising within me. "But where can we go?" I asked, my voice shaking. "We can't keep running forever."

Jake gave me a reassuring smile. "We'll figure something out," he said. "But right now, we need to focus on staying alive."

As we walked through the deserted streets, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being followed. Every sound, every movement, made my heart skip a beat.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was the Alpha.

"You can't keep running forever, Olivia," he said, his voice low and menacing. "I'll find you, no matter where you go."

I felt a surge of anger rising within me. "You won't find me," I said, my voice firm. "I won't let you."

The Alpha gave me a cold, hard stare. "You have no choice," he said. "You belong to me, and you always will."

Jake stepped forward, placing himself between me and the Alpha. "She doesn't belong to anyone," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "She's with me now."

The Alpha gave Jake a disdainful look. "You're nothing but a mutt," he said. "You have no place in this world."

Jake's eyes flashed with anger. "I may be a mutt, but at least I have a heart," he said. "Something you clearly lack."

The Alpha bared his teeth, his eyes flashing with fury. "You'll regret crossing me," he said, before disappearing back into the shadows.

As we continued to walk, our hearts pounding with fear and uncertainty, I knew that our journey was far from over. The Alpha was still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

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